
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自

小說分很多個章節,每個章節叫做Chapter。如果說:It´s time to close the chapter on this one.(是時候結束這個章節),就是比喻是時候重新開始新的一頁,或者說:Start afresh.(重新開始)/ Move on and do something new.(往前移動並做些新的東西),在生命中揭開新一頁,英文可以說:A new chapter in my life。
Katherine:How´s the new job going? 
Noel:I´ve had enough of it. It´s time to close the chapter on this one. 
Katherine:I thought you´d love working in a bookshop. You get to read for free. 
Noel:Well, I would if any of these books were in English. But this is a Chinese bookstore. 

凱思蓮問諾爾喜不喜歡他的工作,諾爾說不喜歡:It´s time to close the chapter on this one,並以「現在應結束這一章」比喻要辭職,凱思蓮當然不會不明白。不過,英文習慣說的是close the books。 
複數形式的books,可解作「帳簿」;close the books即「停止記帳」或「結帳」,例如:We closed the books when we were sold out(貨物賣光之後,我們就結帳)。引申「結帳」的意思,to close the books on something / somebody就是「終止某事 / 終止和某人有關的事」,例如:(1) It´s pointless to pursue this matter any further. Let´s close the books on it(這件事再研究也沒有意思,我們就此算了吧)。(2) Following Mr. Chen´s dismissal, the company closed the books on him(陳先生被辭退之後,他的事公司就算告一段落)。 
和「帳簿」相關的常用成語,還有to be in somebody´s bad / black books。有些公司見顧客欠債不還,會把他們的名字寫在專記壞帳(bad debts)的簿上;所以,to be in somebody´s bad books即「為某人所不喜歡」,例如:He was often late for work, and was in the boss´s bad books(他上班經常遲到,老闆對他沒有好印象)。把這成語反過來說,就是to be in somebody´s good books,例如:He is an apple-polisher. Of course he is in the teacher´s good books!(他常常討好老師,當然得到老師喜歡啦!) 從前,美國小孩子會把蘋果擦得清潔光亮請老師吃,討老師歡心,所以,俚語叫「奉承者」做apple-polisher(擦蘋果的人)。


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