Peter Rabbit lives with his mother, Mrs. Josephine Rabbit, and his three sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail. Their home is a comfortable rabbit hole,which has a kitchen and lots of furniture. The rabbit hole is located under the root of a huge tree. It is also a shop where his mother sells many different items.
One morning, Mrs. Rabbit told the children to go outside to play. She said that they were not to go into their neighbor's vegetable garden, because it was very dangerous. To find out what happened next,read The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter.



●be located  ... 位於⋯⋯
Tom's new house is located on the side of a cliff.
●root  n. 根源╱本
●take root  生根,深植人心
Democracy is taking root in that country. 


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