2021/03/12 05:30


High-ranking bureaucrats at the telecommunications ministry were secretly wined and dined by employees of a major visual media production company, including Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s son - a possible ethics code violation.


After Bunshun Online broke the scandal on Feb. 3, Suga told reporters, "I am not aware of the matter at all."


"I think the ministry will properly handle the case," Suga said, adding that he has "no intention" of asking his son about it.


But Suga’s aloof approach quickly changed at a Lower House Budget Committee meeting on Feb. 4, where opposition lawmakers grilled the prime minister about the scandal.


Suga said he has talked with his son over the phone about the Bunshin report.

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2021/03/11 05:30


An 81-year-old former Marine from Niles used his grandfather’s antique Irish walking stick to chase off three burglars and deliver one a thump in the head.


Dan and Barbara Donovan said that a man in a reflective vest and mask knocked on their door and said he needed to check their fuse box due to a recent fire in the area.


While they were in the basement with the man, Barbara heard squeaking upstairs and realized something wasn’t right. "I yelled, ’Danny! Somebody’s in our bedroom!"


When the couple reached the main floor, they found two other men inside. Dan grabbed his grandfather’s antique walking stick propped in the corner of the couple’s dining room, and struck one of the men in the back of the head.


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2021/03/10 05:30


Toxic air in India and other South Asian countries could be causing large numbers of miscarriages and stillbirths, scientists said.


A study in The Lancet medical journal estimated nearly 350,000 pregnancy losses a year in South Asia were linked to high pollution levels.


"Our findings ... (provide) further justification for urgent action to tackle dangerous levels of pollution," lead author Tao Xue of Peking University said in a statement.


They calculated that 7.1% of annual pregnancy losses were attributable to pollution above India’s air quality standard of 40 microgrammes per cubic metre (μg/m3), and 29·7% to pollution above the World Health Organization guideline of 10 μg/m3. (Thomson Reuters Foundation)

他們計算,每年7.1%的流產案例,歸因於高於印度空氣品質標準每立方公尺40微克(μg/m3)的污染,29.7%的案例歸因於高於世界衛生組織指南訂出10 μg/m3標準的污染。(湯森路透基金會)

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2021/03/09 05:30


Clearly enjoying the play of words, Brooklyn company MSCHF, founded in 2016 by Gabriel Whaley, bought four vintage Hermes Birkin handbags, and remade them into shoes it has named Birkinstocks.


Due to the very limited number made – there are supposedly just ten pairs – any would-be buyer must submit a letter of intention to the website, with prices ranging from $34,000 to $76,000, depending on size.


MSCHF bought $122,500 worth of original Birkin bags for this project. After first experimenting on fake versions, it approached New York leather work companies to deconstruct and then cut up the Hermes original. Apparently appalled, the first tranche of companies all refused.


While the thought of destroying something so valuable will jar many, it is nothing new for MSCHF. It bought a Damien Hirst dot painting in May 2020, which it promptly cut up into the individual dots, to sell one by one.


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2021/03/08 05:30


Teeth from mammoths buried in the Siberian permafrost for more than a million years have yielded the world’s oldest DNA ever sequenced, according to a study published on Wednesday, shining the genetic searchlight into the deep past.


Researchers said the three specimens, one roughly 800,000 years old and two over a million years old, provide important insights into the giant Ice Age mammals, including the ancient heritage of the woolly mammoth.

研究人員表示,這3個樣本,一個約有80萬年歷史,另2個來自超過100萬年前,為現代人瞭解冰河時代猛獁象,包括「真長毛象」(woolly mammoth)的古老傳承,提供重要觀察角度。

The genomes far exceed the oldest previously sequenced DNA - a horse dating between 780,000 to 560,000 years ago.


The mammoths were originally discovered in the 1970s in Siberia and held at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.


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