《中英對照讀新聞》S. Korea, Finland to collaborate on 6G network - 南韓、芬蘭將在第6代行動通訊網路上合作

On June 9, Moon Jae-in and Finnish

《中英對照讀新聞》S. Korea, Finland to collaborate on 6G network - 南韓、芬蘭將在第6代行動通訊網路上合作

On June 9, Moon Jae-in and Finnish President Sauli Niinisto agreed that the two nations will cooperate to develop next-generation telecom technologies.


"Korea, which was the first country to commercialize 5G mobile services, and Finland which is spearheading 6G research are perfect partners," Moon added.


According to the MOU, the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI)and the University of Oulu in Finland will jointly run research and development projects for 6G. The university plans to invest $25.4 million for the world’s first R&D project for 6G over eight years from March 2018.



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中英對照讀新聞》Three elephants found poisoned in Malaysia 馬來西亞發現三頭大象被毒死

Three elephants were poisoned to death near a palm oil plantation in Malaysia, officials said Friday, in the latest case of the endangered creatures being killed near human settlements.


Local police in southern Johor state found the animal carcasses and alerted wildlife officers on Tuesday, Wildlife and National Parks Department director-general Abdul Kadir Abu Hashim told AFP.


The dead animals are believed to be part of a herd of 30 elephants from the nearby forest reserve.


"We conducted a post-mortem on the three female elephants aged between 18 and 22, and it revealed they were poisoned," Abdul Kadir said.


"I am shocked and saddened by this incident. If this trend continues, all our wild elephants will be wiped out."

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中英對照讀新聞》Gyeonggi Province going all out to prevent ASF entry 韓京畿道全力防阻非洲豬瘟入侵

Gyeonggi Province, some of whose towns border North Korea, is endeavoring to guard against the possible influx of African swine fever as the animal epidemic recently broke out in the North.


Last week, the North reported the outbreak of the disease at a farm in its northern Jagang Province bordering China to the World Organization for Animal Health. "We’ve beefed up monitoring of three border towns - Gimpo, Paju and Yeoncheon," a provincial official said Monday.


Chances are low the infection spreads via wild pigs(from the North)to the towns as a double row of barbed-wire fences are installed between the two Koreas, and yet infected carcasses may drift to the areas via the Imjin and Han rivers or the West Sea, the official said.

Although African swine fever is not harmful to people, its fatality rate is 100 percent to pigs, with no cure currently available.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Toxic air ’tears apart’ families in Mongolia 毒空氣「拆散」蒙古人家庭

In the world’s coldest capital, Ulaanbaatar of Mongolia, many burn coal and plastic just to survive temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees - but warmth comes at a price.



The levels of PM2.5 in Ulaanbaatar reached 3,320 in January, 133 times than what the WHO considers safe. Gers, which are warmed by coal, or any other flammable material available, are blamed for the pollution.


The air pollution are chiefly terrible for children, in part because they breathe faster, taking in more air and pollutants. As they are smaller, children are also closer to the ground, where some pollutants concentrate, and their still-developing lungs, brains, and other key organs are more vulnerable to damage.


Buyan-Ulzii Badamkhand and her husband have decided to send their two-year-old son Temuulen to his grandparents in the countryside. "I tell myself that it doesn’t matter that I miss him and who raises him, as long as he is healthy, I am content."(AFP)

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《中英對照讀新聞》People who use dating apps more likely to use ’dangerous’ weight-loss tactics, Harvard study shows 哈佛研究顯示,約會應用程式使用者較可能使用「危險的」減重手段

People who use dating apps such as Tinder are more likely to use drastic or unhealthy tactics to keep themselves thin, according to a new study.


Researchers at Harvard University studied 1,726 adult men and women to look for links between using dating apps and body image. Results showed, men and women using dating apps are more likely to use unhealthy ways to control their weight than those who didn’t use the apps.


They found that dating app users had higher odds of engaging in six unhealthy weight control behaviors - self-induced vomiting, using laxatives, fasting, using diet pills, using muscle-building supplements, and using anabolic steroids.


Researchers said social media and TV shows reinforce ’ideal’ body images which may drive people to drastic weight loss measures.



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