中英對照讀新聞》What’s the lab-grown diamond? 什麼是實驗室培養鑽石

Rather than mining diamonds from the ground and contributing to negative environmental impacts like erosion and deforestation, lab-grown diamonds are created by combining carbon seeds with high pressure and high temperatures.


The lab-grown process also helps consumers avoid unethical diamonds which are mined in conflict zones that can fuel violence and unethical labor practices.


This isn’t to say they’re entirely environmentally responsible, however. The FTC has warned lab-grown diamond producers about making false claims of positive environmental impacts around their processes, as they are often energy-intensive operations.


"Lab-grown diamonds do alleviate the need for us to create giant pock marks in the earth’s surface, but that doesn’t make them a 100% clean choice." Ryan Shearman, a former product developer at designer jewelry company David Yurman said.

「實驗室培養的鑽石降低了我們在地球表面留下巨大傷痕的需求,但這並不會讓實驗室培養鑽石成為100%純潔的選擇。」珠寶設計公司「David Yurman」的前產品開發專員萊恩‧希爾曼說。


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中英對照讀新聞》Russia joins race to make quantum dreams a reality 俄羅斯加入量子戰局

Russia has launched an effort to build a working quantum computer, in a bid to catch up to other countries in the race for practical quantum technologies.


The government will inject around 50 billion roubles (US$790 million)over the next 5 years into basic and applied quantum research carried out at leading Russian laboratories, the country’s deputy prime minister, Maxim Akimov, announced on 6 December at a technology forum in Sochi.


Quantum technology already receives massive governmental support in a number of countries. The European Union’s €1-billion (US$1.1-billion) Quantum Flagship programme, first announced in 2016. Germany announced a €650-million national quantum initiative in August 2019. The Chinese and US governments are also spending billions on quantum science and technology programmes.



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中英對照讀新聞》A plumber fixed the boiler of a 91-year-old terminally ill woman. He billed her $0

"It’s totally free of charge." These are words you wouldn’t normally associate with a broken boiler.


That was until a plumber in the British town of Burnley, gained internet stardom after a receipt from one of his jobs went viral.


James Anderson, originally from Liverpool, is being lauded for his bill of £0 sent to a 91-year-old woman with leukaemia.


The bill, initially shared on Facebook by the woman’s daughter, Christine Rowlands, was accompanied by the message:’No charge for this lady under any circumstances. We will be available 24 hours to help her and keep her as comfortable as possible.’


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中英對照讀新聞》Woman offers $7K reward, hires plane in search of stolen dog 為搜尋失竊愛犬,女子懸賞7000美元,還租飛機

Emilie Talermo from San Francisco offered a $7,000 reward and has hired a plane to fly over the city to search for her blue-eyed miniature Australian Shepherd stolen from outside a grocery store.


The small plane, which cost an additional $1,200 flied a banner with the website she set up to find her 5-year-old dog, Jackson. "I am just one person and I really need to get the word out there," she said.


Talermo and her friends have distributed thousands of flyers with the photo of the 13-kilogram dog with a white, black, and gray fur and bright blue eyes.


To help finance her search, Talermo launched a GoFundMe, where she has raised more than $7,000. She plans to donate the extra money to Rocket Dog Rescue.

為了資助她的搜尋計畫,塔勒摩還透過群眾募資平台「GoFundMe」籌措資金,已募集逾7000美元。她計畫將剩餘的錢捐給動物救援組織「Rocket Dog Rescue」。

"Those people I’ve met throughout the years know my love for this dog. I’m just blown away by everyone’s support," she said.(AP)

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中英對照讀新聞》Boeing’s Starliner hits snag in orbit en route to space station 波音公司的「星際飛機」前往太空站途中在軌道上凸槌

Boeing Co. ran into trouble after launching a crew capsule on its debut test flight to the International Space Station, a critical step for NASA’s private-public effort to resume U.S. trips to the orbiting laboratory.


About 50 minutes after liftoff Friday, the CST-100 Starliner was reported out of position to begin its orbital insertion burn, the last boost into an orbit so it can rendezvous with the space station.


The capsule took off aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket at 6:36 a.m. Friday near Cape Canaveral, Florida, Boeing said. The capsule, with no crew on board, separated and began flight on its own about 15 minutes later.


NASA in 2014 awarded SpaceX and Boeing combined contracts valued at as much as $6.8 billion to fly U.S. astronauts to the ISS.


英倫翻譯社 轉自https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1341227

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