
Otago University and United Kingdom researchers developed the world-first device, which uses magnets to lock the mouth almost shut, to help fight the global obesity epidemic.


DentalSlim Diet Control is an intra-oral device fitted by a dental professional to the upper and lower back teeth.


The device was being widely ridiculed after being shared on social media, with Twitter users calling it "creepy" and "bizarre".


But Dunedin researchers who developed the device are defending the invention, saying those panning the weight loss tool have misunderstood its intention.


Lead researcher Prof Paul Brunton said it was not intended to be used for general weight loss purposes, but instead for specific cases where there was a clinical need to lose weight quickly.


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2021/07/12 05:30


A recent study done by a group of scientists at the Tel Aviv University has discovered that some plants will scream in a high frequency when they are undergoing stress.


The research was carried out on tomato plants and tobacco plants by cutting their stems and depriving them of water. A microphone is placed 10cm away from the setup.


When they started cutting the stems, they found out that the plants started ’screaming’ between 20 and 100 kilohertz and they believe that this scream is probably meant to warn other plants and organisms nearby.


When the tomato plant’s stem was cut, 25 ultrasonic distress sounds were recorded over the course of an hour, and on the other hand, 15 ultrasonic distress sounds were recorded from the tobacco plant.


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2021/07/07 05:30
The New York state assembly has passed a bill that would allow people who do not identify as either male or female to use "X" as a marker to designate their sex on drivers’ licenses.紐約州議會通過一項法案,允許認為自己既不是男性也不是女性的民眾,在駕照上標記其性別為X。

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South Africa’s government is considering allowing women to have multiple husbands, a possibility that has thrown the country’s conservatives into uproar.南非政府正在考慮允許女性擁有多名丈夫,這種可能性使該國保守派一片譁然。
The proposal to allow polyandry was included in a green paper from South Africa’s Department of Home Affairs, which hopes to make marriage more inclusive.

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2021/07/05 05:30
The UN rights chief on Monday called for concerted action to recover from the worst global deterioration of rights she had seen, highlighting the situation in China, Russia and Ethiopia among others.聯合國人權首長週一呼籲各方協力採取行動,以扭轉她所見的全球人權最惡劣情況;她特別提及中國、俄羅斯、衣索比亞等國局勢。

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