《中英對照讀新聞》About 1 in 4 Japanese adults in their 20s and 30s is a virgin 約4分之1日本人20及30歲時仍在室

Japanese adults have their first heterosexual sexual experiences later than their counterparts in the United States and the UK, according to a new study.


The study found that sexual inexperience was on the rise in Japan, with the percentage of women aged 18 to 39 who’d never had sex rising to 24.6% in 2015 from 21.7% in 1992. The change was greater for men of the same age, with 25.8% virgins in 2015, up from 20% in 1992.


By comparison, surveys from the UK, the United States and Australia suggest that rates of heterosexual inexperience are between 1% to 5% of adults in or around their 30s. The study said Japan appears to be an outlier.


The results are likely to be cause for concern given Japan’s ongoing battle with population decline and a low fertility rate. The issue is important in Japan because it is considered a "super-aged" nation, meaning more than 20% of its population is over 65 years old.


英倫翻譯社 轉自https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1281775

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《中英對照讀新聞》S. Korea pledges to spend W30tr for 5G ecosystem by 2022-南韓矢言2022年前斥資30兆韓元發展5G生態系統

The South Korean government pledged Monday to invest more than 30 trillion won to establish a full-fledged 5G environment by 2022, as the country beat its competitor by a hair to begin commercial services of the hyperspeed network on April 4.


During an event to mark the achievement at the Olympic Park in Seoul, President Moon Jae-in vowed to create $73 billion worth of exports and 600,000 jobs by 2026. To achieve the goal, the government pledged to promote industries such as autonomous driving and digital medical care.


According to the president, the global 5G industry will become a 1,161 trillion won market by 2026, about twice as large as that of semiconductors. To encourage prompt construction of nationwide 5G networks, the government vowed to lower taxes for network construction by up to 3 percent.



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“He who fixes his mistakes and constantly moves forward will reach his goals.”

– Ernst Thalmann, Political Leader
「能改正自己的錯誤並持續前進的人,將可以達到他的目標。」– 恩斯特·台爾曼 (政治家)

恩斯特·台爾曼 (1886-1944) 是德國共產黨主席,參加德國總統大選,但輸給了希特勒,他之後在柏林被捕,並被監禁 11 年半,為著名的反法西斯戰士,東德很多機構皆以他的名字命名。


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《中英對照讀新聞》Transmongolian: the beauty queen breaking barriers-蒙古變性人:打破藩籬的選美皇后

Make-up artist Solongo Batsukh braves Mongolia’s below-freezing temperatures in just a skimpy black dress and light pastel pink coat.


It’s with this typical bluntness, confidence and attitude that taboo-breaking Batsukh strutted into the country’s Miss Universe Mongolia competition.


Batsukh is among the few LGBT people who have dared to come out in Mongolia. She wants to dispel the image that transgender women can only be sex workers or strippers living on the fringes of society.


"I had to reveal myself (as transgender) so I could correct the misunderstandings in society. If we keep hidden, society will keep on hating us. They don’t know us," she said.


She has tough words for Mongolia’s transgender community, too, complaining that they should focus on working rather than just talking about human rights. "Instead of saying ’we’re human like everyone else’, we need to prove ourselves through our actions. Just show others that we’re making a living like ordinary people."(AFP)

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《中英對照讀新聞》Mushrooms may ’reduce the risk of mild brain decline’ 香菇或能「降低輕度腦衰退的風險」

Eating mushrooms more than twice a week could prevent memory and language problems occurring in the over-60s, research from Singapore suggests.


A unique antioxidant present in mushrooms could have a protective effect on the brain, the study found. The more mushrooms people ate, the better they performed in tests of thinking and processing speed.


The National University of Singapore study’s findings were based on 663 Chinese adults, aged over 60, whose diet and lifestyle were tracked from 2011 to 2017.


Over the six-year study, the researchers found that eating mushrooms lowered the chances of mild cognitive impairment, so that roughly nine out of 100 people who ate more than two portions(300g)a week were diagnosed, compared with 19 out of 100 among those who ate fewer than one portion.


Mild cognitive impairment can make people forgetful, affect their memory and cause problems with language, attention and locating objects in spaces - but the changes can be subtle. It is not serious enough to be defined as dementia.

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