《中英對照讀新聞》In Mexico, those searching for missing relatives can vanish too 在墨西哥,尋找失蹤親友的人也會跟著消失

70-years-old Maria Herrera is scraping at the earth on a hill in the town of Huitzuco, in southern Mexico, looking for the mounds that indicate a decaying corpse.


Digging in the dirt with a group of 100 other activists in the violent state of Guerrero, she wants to find her four missing son.


More than 40,000 people are missing in Mexico, which has been swept by a wave of violence since the government declared war on the country’s powerful drug cartels in 2006.


At first, Herrera and her husband used the profits gained by selling household goods door to door to launch gold exchange business, which involved traveling the country to buy and sell gold.


They did not realize a bloody cartel turf war was just breaking out in the state. They believe a local cartel mistook the brothers, Jesus and Raul, for members of a rival group and were captured. Two more brothers started looking for them but disappeared too.(AFP)

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W: Waitress  L: Lee
Cam and Lee are interested in trying to eat a live baby octopus, or sannakji, in Korea.
W: Have you ever had sannakji?
L: We have not. As a matter of fact, my friend here is frightened to try it.
W: Most people are anxious when they first try eating it because it’s squishy in your mouth. Also, it feels very weird to have the tentacles on the inside of your cheeks or on your tongue. You have to chew it or you may choke.
L: We want to try!
阿凱及小李對於嘗試生吃小章魚或韓國稱為 sannakji 的韓式活章魚很有興趣。 
服務生: 兩位有吃過韓式活章魚嗎? 

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《中英對照讀新聞》Chinese people rush to buy ’Donald Trump toilet brushes’ 中國人民爭相購買「唐納‧川普馬桶刷」

People in China are cheering for Beijing in a trade war against Washington by cleaning their bathrooms with ’Donald Trump’ toilet brushes.


Chinese consumers have flocked to buy toilet cleaning tools that look like the U.S. President as a way to support their government. ’Trump’ toilet brushes come in various designs. They cost around 20 yuan and are popular on Taobao.


One shop on Taobao claims its ’Trump’ toilet brushes are ’light’ and ’stylish’, and can be used for cleaning squat toilets or normal flush toilets. The shop says the brush has powerful, ’360-degree’ cleaning effect and can reach every corner.


One seller on Taobao is giving out a free roll of toilet paper with Trump’s likeness on it for those who buy the ’Trump’ toilet brushes. Some online buyers have joked that Trump can be "so useful" when cleaning their bathroom.



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《中英對照讀新聞》Airbus to build multimission satellite for MEASAT 空中巴士將為「馬來西亞—東亞衛星」建造多工衛星

Airbus has been selected by MEASAT Global Berhad, the leading Malaysian operator, to build MEASAT-3d, a new multimission telecommunications satellite to replace capacity and augment its core business in Malaysia, Asia, Middle East and Africa.


Planned to be launched in 2021, MEASAT-3d will provide C and Ku-bands capacity for DTH, video distribution and telecommunication services. The new HTS Ka-band mission features multiple user spot beams optimized to deliver high speed broadband communications over Malaysia to bridge the digital divide in the country.


Collocated with MEASAT-3a and MEASAT-3b at 91.5E, MEASAT-3d will serve the growth requirements of 4G and 5G mobile networks in Malaysia while continuing to provide redundancy and additional distribution capacity for video in HD, 4K and ultimately 8K in the Asia-Pacific region.



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《中英對照讀新聞》A Man in Kazakhstan Held Up a Blank Sign to See if He’d Be Detained. He Was.-哈薩克男子高舉空白標語牌,想看看是否會被拘留。果然如此。

To test the limits of his right to peacefully demonstrate in Kazakhstan, Aslan Sagutdinov stood in a public square holding a blank sign, predicting he would be detained.



He was right.


Mr. Sagutdinov’s encounter with the police in the city of Uralskon Monday, which was filmed and posted on YouTube, came as the country prepares for a presidential election in June, its first transfer of power in decades.


"I want to show that the idiocy in our country has gotten so strong that the police will detain me now even though there are no inscriptions, no slogans, without my chanting or saying anything," Mr. Sagutdinov said in the video.


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