


“Your success will not be determined by your gender or your ethnicity, but only on the scope of your dreams and your hard work to achieve them.”

– Zaha Hadid, Architect

你的成功不是取決於你的性別或族群,它僅取決在你夢想的規模,以及為達成所做的努力。 札哈·哈蒂 (建築師)

  • 札哈·哈蒂 (1950-2016) 出生伊拉克,後來定居英國,是首位獲得「普利茲克建築獎」的女性建築師,她的設計前衛、常融入具未來感的曲線,帶來強烈視覺效果,知名作品有倫敦水上運動中心、西班牙薩拉戈薩橋及廣州大劇院等。


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英倫翻譯社轉自 http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/ 


“When life puts you in tough situations, don’t say ‘Why Me?’ Just say ‘Try Me.’”

– Dwayne Johnson, Professional Wrestler

「當你面臨困難的處境,不要說『為何是我?』,說『來試試我。』」– 道恩‧強森 (職業摔角手)

  • 道恩‧強森 (1972- ) 為美國職業摔角手,外號 The Rock (巨石強森),是 WWE 人氣最高的選手之一,贏得冠軍頭銜達 16 次之多,他的知名度讓他轉戰電影業,處女秀為 The Scorpion King (魔蠍大帝)。

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“My parents always used to tell us not to complain about things but do something about them, so ‘Can’t is not an option’ was almost a way of life.”

– Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina

「我父母總是告訴我們,不要對事情抱怨而是對它們採取行動,所以『不能不是選擇』幾乎成為一種生活方式。」– 妮可·海利 (美國州長)

  • 妮可·海利 (1972- ) 是美國南卡羅萊納州州長,共和黨人士,她以意志力及同理心,優雅的處理黑人教堂槍擊事件、撤下美國內戰邦聯旗, 2016 年被《時代》雜誌選為百大風雲人物之一。

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“The sidelines are not where you want to live your life. The world needs you in the arena.”

– Tim Cook, Apple CEO

「場邊不是你想過日子的地方,這世界需要你在舞台中央。」– 提姆·庫克 (蘋果執行長)

  • 提姆·庫克 (1960- ) 為現任蘋果公司執行長,他於 1998 年加入蘋果,擔任營運部門總裁,接著升任營運長,在賈伯斯離職後繼任執行長,在此之前他曾在 IBM 及康柏電腦 (Compaq)。

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Bento is a traditional Japanese lunch packed in a box. Recently, some Japanese mothers have started making the food that their children take to school for lunch a little more exciting. These artistic parents arrange the items in the boxes into fun surprises. By adding seaweed and other ingredients, they can shape rice, meat, and vegetables into popular toys and cartoon characters. It is a fun and creative way to present food. However, some mothers really take it seriously because that is the only way they can get their children to eat.


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