


“Your circumstances may be uncongenial, but they will not long remain so if you perceive an ideal and strive to reach it.”

– James Allen, Author

「你周圍的環境可能欠佳,但它不會持續太久,若你看見一個理想的願景並奮力去爭取它。」詹姆士‧艾倫 (作家)

uncongenial (adj.) 不討喜的,不適當的。例:a dank and uncongenial hotel (一個潮濕不舒服的旅社)perceive (v.) 意識,感知。例:School children who do badly in tests often perceive themselves as failures. (在校考試成績差的孩童通常視自己為失敗者。)strive (v.) 努力,奮鬥。例:That is the goal he is striving toward. (那是他正在努力達成的目標。)

詹姆士‧艾倫 (1864-1912) 是英國籍的勵志作家,他最有名的作品《人如其所思》(As a Man Thinketh) 1903 年已發行無數,為許多 20 21 世紀心靈勵志作家提供啟蒙。

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Standing as one of the tallest buildings in America and named one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, the Empire State Building first opened this month in 1931. Towering at an impressive 443 meters high, the Empire State Building stood as the tallest building in the world for nearly 40 years.Since then, many new taller buildings have been constructed around the world.Nevertheless, the Empire State Building stands as one of America’s most important cultural icons. The 103-story skyscraper was constructed in classic Art Deco style, which was popular at the time. In 2010, the entire building went through a US$550 million renovation.

矗立的帝國大廈是美國最高的建築物之一,它被稱為世界七大工程奇蹟之一,於 1931 年五月首度對外開放。帝國大廈的高度令人嘆為觀止--它有四百四十三公尺高,將近四十年的時間,它都是世界上最高的建築物。自從那時候起,世界上有許多更高的新大樓也不斷地被建造出來。然而,帝國大廈是美國最重要的文化象徵之一。 
這棟一百零三層高的摩天大樓,是以古典的裝飾藝術風格建造而成,這是當時流行的建築風格。2010 年,整棟帝國大廈經歷了一番整修,斥資美金五億五千萬元。 

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《中英對照讀新聞》Candidate died in 2012, but his name might be on 2015 ballot 候選人已於2012年死亡,但大名可能現身2015年選票


Perennial candidate Gatewood Galbraith died in 2012, but that might not stop his name from appearing on the 2015 ballot for Kentucky governor.


No, he’s not running from beyond the grave.


Terrill Wayne Newman, 68, of Pulaski County legally changed his name on Tuesday to Gatewood Galbraith before filing paperwork Wednesday to run as an independent for the state’s highest office.


The Secretary of State’s office says independent candidates must obtain 5,000 signatures from registered voters by Aug. 11 to get their names on the general election ballot.


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商業週刊-《5月必學的多益單字》「報稅」的英文別說成report tax,正確說法是...

富蘭克林曾說了一句名言:Nothing is certain but tax and death.,意思是說:「繳稅與死亡是世上兩件無可避免的事」。趁著五月報稅的時節,學一些國際職場中,與「稅」有關的英文用法。


五月要「報」稅,這個報的動作可不是reportreport是「報導」或「報告」;「報」稅的動作在國際職場與多益測驗要用動詞filefile在一般人的印象裡是名詞的「文件、檔案」,但是它亦可當動詞,指「提出(申請)」或「送交(備案)」,例如申請破產是file for bankruptcy。報稅的動作除了file,另外有一個比較正式的動詞是declare,用於「申報」之意。

例句:Today is the deadline for local residents to file their tax returns.(今天是本國居民申報稅單的最後一天。)




「退稅」基本上是指將多繳的稅金退還給納稅人,所以「退稅」的簡單說法是tax refund,英文裡的fund有「資金、基金、專款」,而字首re-back之意,意思是錢回到納稅人身上,所以政府退回你多繳的稅款是refund of overpaid taxoverpaid在此是「多付的」。在多益測驗裡,有一個常見的字是reimburse,它是「償還、歸還、補償」,所以我們也會看到「退稅」用get reimbursed for the tax的說法。

例句:Mr. Smith is asking if he could get reimbursed for the taxes.Smith先生在問他能否拿到退稅。)

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              ------------------------ 金克拉,激勵人心的演說






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