Rosalynn Carter (美國前第一夫人) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 “A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” – Rosalynn Carter, Former U.S. First Lady 「普通的領導者把人們帶往他們想去的地方,偉大的領導者把人們帶往他們不一定想去的地方,但該去的地方。」– 羅莎琳‧卡特 (美國前第一夫人) ought to 應該,必須。例:I really ought to quit smoking. (我真的應該戒菸。) |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:13
Rosalynn Carter (美國前第一夫人)
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:13
Jeff Bezos (企業家)
Jeff Bezos (企業家) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 “What we need to do is always lean into the future; when the world changes around you and when it changes against you – what used to be a tail wind is now a head wind – you have to lean into that and figure out what to do because complaining isn’t a strategy.” – Jeff Bezos, Entrepreneur 「我們必須不斷的倚向未來,當你周圍的世界改變,且對你發生不利的改變 – 原本的順風變成逆風 – 你必須向它倚入,並想出應對之道,因為抱怨不是策略。」– 傑佛瑞‧貝佐斯 (企業家) lean 倚向,倚入。例:You have to lean into the wind when you walk or you will be blown over. (你走路時必須往風的方向倚入,否則你會被風吹倒。) figure out 想出。例:I can’t figure out what it means. (我想不出它的意思。) |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:12
Japanese animation master to accept honorary Oscar 日本動畫大師領取榮譽奧斯卡獎
Japanese animation master to accept honorary Oscar 日本動畫大師領取榮譽奧斯卡獎 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 Hayao Miyazaki is retiring from feature filmmaking, but the 73-year-old writer, director and animator says he’ll make movies for the rest of his life. 73歲的作家、導演與動畫師宮崎駿將不再拍攝劇情長片,但說他餘生還是會致力拍電影。 An Oscar winner for his 2002 film, "Spirited Away," Miyazaki will accept an honorary Academy Award on Saturday at the film academy’s Governors Awards. |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:12
Maya Angelou (詩人)
Maya Angelou (詩人) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” – Maya Angelou, Poet 「發生的事情可以改變我,但不能弱化我。」– 馬雅‧安哲羅 (詩人) reduce (v.) 減少,降級。 例:He was reduced from sergeant to corporal. (他的位階由中士降為下士。) |
- Nov 24 Mon 2014 19:12
Cristiano Ronaldo (足球員)
Cristiano Ronaldo (足球員) 英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 “I know I’m a good professional, I know that no one’s harder on me than myself and that’s never going to change, under any circumstances.” – Cristiano Ronaldo, Soccer Player 「我知道我是好的專業球員,沒有人比我對自己更嚴苛,這永遠都不會改變,不管在什麼情況下。」– 克里斯蒂亞諾‧羅納度 (足球員) 克里斯蒂亞諾‧羅納度 (1985- ) 是葡萄牙籍足球員,效忠於皇家馬德里球隊,世足目前排名第一,以衝刺爆發力聞名,曾獲得「歐洲足球先生」和「世界足球先生」頭銜的肯定。 |