Lucille Ball (演員)


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“One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.”

– Lucille Ball, actress

「我其中一樣透過教訓而學來的事情是氣餒對人毫無幫助,保持忙碌且讓樂觀成為你的生活方式可以恢復你對自己的信心。」露西爾‧鮑爾 (演員)

“the hard way” 是「透過挫折、教訓」的意思,”it doesn’t pay” 是「沒有益處」,”making … a way of life” 是「使成為生活方式」。”optimism” 是「樂觀」,衍生字 “optimist” 是「樂觀的人」,”optimistic” 則是「樂觀的」。”restore” 是「復原、恢復」,”faith” 是「信念、信心」。

露西爾‧鮑爾 (1911-1989) 為美國著名喜劇演員,其演藝生涯歷時 1930 年代到 1970 年代,她於電視情境喜劇中演出,曾獲得 13 項美國電視界最高獎項艾美獎 (Emmy Award) 提名,並贏得 4 項獎項。

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Elbert Hubbard (雜誌發行人)


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“Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal.”

– Elbert Hubbard, Publisher

「了解你想要做什麼,緊緊抓著這個想法且每一天做該做的事情,每個黃昏你將看到自己更接近目標。」阿爾伯特‧哈伯德 (雜誌發行人)

這句話比較文言一點,因為 “every day” “every sunset” 這種副詞片語通常不會放在句中,但說話者這麼做卻是可以「加強語氣」。”what you want to do” “what should be done” 都是名詞子句 (裡面皆有動詞)”thought” 是「想法」的意思,為常用字。”that much nearer” 這種用法也不算少見,表示「再靠近一點」的意思,用 “much” 是因為這個距離是不可數。

阿爾伯特‧哈伯德 (1856-1915) 為美國作家及雜誌出版人,因 A Message to Garcia(致加西亞的信) 而聞名於世。美西戰爭 (Spanish-American War) 期間,美國麥金萊總統派遣一名上尉至古巴,與反叛軍將領加西亞建立關係以共同抵抗西班牙,哈伯德得知後引發靈感而在雜誌發表 A Message to Garcia,此文後來被譯為 37 種語言,銷售超過 4,000 萬冊。

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Can Solar Power Be Cheap? 太陽能發電能變便宜嗎?


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New technologies will be needed for photovoltaics to become cheap.


Fact 1The primary ingredient of most solar panels is purified sand. Fact 2Enough sunlight hits the Earth in an hour to provide all of humanity’s energy needs for a year. So why isn’t solar power cheap and abundant?


For starters, building a device capable of turning incoming photons into electricity isn’t cheap. Add in installation and the cost of a solar system can still be more than $10 per watt of electricity produced. That’s much higher than the cost per watt from burning coal or natural gas.


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Kenneth Blanchard (作家)


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“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”

– Kenneth Blanchard, Writer

「今日成功領導的關鍵是影響力,而非權力。」肯‧布蘭查 (作家)

 “today” 這裡指的是「今日、現今」,”influence” 是「影響」,”authority” 是「權力、權威」。有同樣字根的 “authorize” “authorization” 皆是「授權、批淮」的意思,但前者為動詞,後者為名詞。

肯‧布蘭查 (1939- ) 是美國著名的作家及管理學家,已合著了超過 30 本暢銷書籍,他的 The One Minute Manager (一分鐘經理) 在全球已銷售超過 1300 萬冊,翻譯成 37 種語言。


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Elon Musk: Inventor, Investor, and More



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Elon Musk’s first company was a web software company called Zip2 that he started with his brother. The company was so successful that it was bought by Compaq in 1999, and Musk’s share was US$22 million. Musk then invested his time and money in a new project, a company that would later become PayPal. PayPal would completely change how people buy things on the Internet and open a whole new way of doing business online.
He went on to found the company SpaceX, the first private company in the world capable of space travel. During SpaceX’s success, Musk was also working on the third part of his plan----- renewable energy. He helped two of his cousins to open the company SolarCity, which is now the largest solar provider in the United States. He also founded the company, Tesla Motors, a car company building only high-end electric cars.

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