Joe Torre (職棒教練)

英倫翻譯 圖文摘自


“We can learn from past failures and mistakes, but we shouldn’t get stuck there. We can keep future goals in mind, but we shouldn’t get stuck there, either. The only way to reach our potential is to focus on what we must do now – this moment, this day – to perform effectively and win.”

– Joe Torre, Baseball Manager

「我們可以從過去的失敗和錯誤中學習,但我們不應該停留在那裡。我們可以把未來的目標放在心裡,但我們也不應該停留在那裡。唯一發揮我們潛力的方法是集中注意力在現在此時此刻,這一天需要做的事情,有效的執行且獲得勝利。」喬‧托瑞 (職棒教練)

“get stuck” 原意是「卡住、困住」的意思,”potential” 是「潛能、潛力」,”focus on…” 是「集中注意力於」,”perform” 是代表一個動作,是「演出、執行」的意思。”this moment, this day” 的前後有 “-” 這個符號,是英文的「掛號」,裡面的字是在「補充說明」,也就是如果不看裡面的字,意思還是通的:The only way to reach our potential is to focus on what we must do now to perform effectively and win.

喬‧托瑞 (1940- ) 是前美國職棒大聯盟明星球員,退休後則任大聯盟球隊教練,1996-2007 年擔任紐約洋基隊總教練,奪得 4 次總冠軍,他也是將王建民帶進世界舞台的重大推手。


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Alpacas are rather adorable looking animals with soft, silky fleece. They are similar in appearance to llamas but too small to be used to carry large objects. Alpacas have been raised for thousands of years in South America for their wool and meat. Raised mainly in the Andes Mountains of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Chile, alpacas are also now seen in North America and other parts of the world.
Alpaca fleece is used similarly to sheep wool, with the material made into sweaters, scarves, as well as other types of clothing and bedding. One of the benefits of alpaca fleece is that it does not contain lanolin. For some people, lanolin, which is found in sheep wool, causes allergic reactions. Alpaca fleece comes in numerous colors as well. The ancient Incas considered alpaca fleece fit for royalty.

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Oliver Wendell Holmes (醫生)

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“A man may fulfill the object of his existence by asking a question he cannot answer and attempting a task he cannot achieve.”

– Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Physician
「藉由問一個自己無法回答的問題,試圖完成一個自己無法達到的任務,一個人可以實現他存在的目的。」– 奧利佛‧溫德爾‧霍姆斯 (醫生)

•“fulfill” 的意思是「實現、完成」,為動詞。”object” 這裡的意思是「目的」,”existence” 是「存在」的意思,為名詞。”attempt” 是「企圖、試圖」的意思,為動詞。”task” 是「任務、工作」,為名詞。”achieve” 是「達到」,為動詞。
•老奧利佛‧溫德爾‧霍姆斯 (1809-1894) 畢業於哈佛大學,是美國著名的醫生、教授、作家、及演說家,被譽為美國 19 世紀的最佳詩人之一。


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Ebola could reach France and UK by end-October, scientists calculate

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Scientists have used Ebola disease spread patterns and airline traffic data to predict a 75 percent chance the virus could be imported to France by October 24, and a 50 percent chance it could hit Britain by that date.


Those numbers are based on air traffic remaining at full capacity. Assuming an 80 percent reduction in travel to reflect that many airlines are halting flights to affected regions, France’s risk is still 25 percent, and Britain’s is 15 percent.


"It’s really a lottery," said Derek Gatherer of Britain’s Lancaster University, an expert in viruses who has been tracking the epidemic - the worst Ebola outbreak in history.


The deadly epidemic has killed more than 3,400 people since it began in West Africa in March and has now started to spread faster, infecting almost 7,200 people so far.

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Mother Teresa (慈善工作者)

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“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

– Mother Teresa, Charity Worker
「體貼的話語或許很短且容易說,但是它們的迴響真的是無窮止盡。」– 德蕾莎修女 (慈善工作者)

•“their echoes” 裡的 “their” 所有格代名詞指的是前面的 “kind words”,而 “echo” 是「回音、迴響」的意思,這裡當名詞用。”truly endless” 裡的 “truly” 是副詞,修飾形容詞 “endless”。
•德蕾莎修女 (1910-1997) 為阿爾巴尼亞裔的天主教修女,成立了 Missionaries of Charity (仁愛傳教會,又稱博濟會),她起初在印度加爾各答幫助貧困人家,而 Missionaries of Charity 於她生前的帶領下已在全世界 123 個國家完成 610 項任務。

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