2023/07/25 05:30
Almost 140 bearded men who resemble Ernest Hemingway converged on Key West, the late author’s home during the 1930s, to compete in the Hemingway Look-Alike Contest that began on July 20 evening.
The challenge is a highlight of the island’s Hemingway Days festival that salutes the literary talent and adventurous life of the Nobel Prize-winning writer.
- Jul 25 Tue 2023 14:41
中英對照讀新聞》Annual Hemingway Look-Alike Contest begins in Florida Keys(年度海明威模仿大賽在佛羅里達礁島群拉開序幕)
- Jul 24 Mon 2023 13:52
中英對照讀新聞》Nervous Republicans turn to New Hampshire in hopes of stopping Trump 阻止川普 緊張的共和黨人轉向新罕布夏州
2023/07/24 05:30
They acknowledge Donald Trump’s dominance, but weary Republicans across New Hampshire — even inside the governor’s office — are fighting to stop the former president from winning the first-in-the-nation primary.
For now, however, they’re relying on little more than hope and prayers.
More than a dozen high-profile Republicans are looking to New Hampshire to help stop Trump’s march toward a third consecutive Republican presidential nomination. But so far, none has cracked the veneer of inevitability that has followed Trump through the early states on the presidential primary calendar despite — or perhaps because of — his mounting legal challenges.
A significant portion of the Republican electorate remains open to a new presidential nominee with less baggage than Trump. But months after many of them entered the race, there is little sign that the former president’s rivals are breaking through. (AP)
- Jul 18 Tue 2023 13:53
中英對照讀新聞》Search underway for missing pet wallaby in rural Oklahoma town(奧克拉荷馬州偏僻小鎮正在尋找失踪的寵物小袋鼠)
2023/07/18 05:30
A search is underway in the rural Oklahoma community of Blanchard for a missing pet wallaby.
The animal, which is similar to a kangaroo, but smaller, escaped its backyard enclosure on July 5 and is believed to be in some thick woods near the edge of town, said Diana Daniels, city clerk in Blanchard, which is about 48 kilometers south of Oklahoma City.
- Jul 17 Mon 2023 14:54
中英對照讀新聞》Ukraine rejects Bulgarian president’s claims that Kyiv is to be blamed for Russia’s ongoing war 保加利亞總統稱基輔應為俄羅斯持續戰爭負責 烏克蘭駁斥