

[[太陽花學運幹部 黃郁芬]]


[[義務律師 顧立雄]]


Sunflower Movement members explained their side of recent student-led protests against the cross-Taiwan Strait services trade pact to prosecutors today. The group voluntarily sought out prosecutors rather than answer a police summons. 

Members of the Sunflower Movement voluntarily visited Taipei District Prosecutors Office today to explain actions taken during the cross-strait services trade pact protests. Seven movement members, including leaders Lin Fei-fan and Chen Wei-ting, appeared with their pro bono legal team. 

Huang Yu-fen
Student Protester
When the police carry out government-sanctioned violence, we lose all trust in the impartiality of their questioning and inquiries. We therefore chose to reject police interrogation and instead directly face prosecutors.

Seven prosecutors questioned the students, primarily on the March 18 storming of the Legislature. After, all the students were able to leave.

Wellington Koo
Pro Bono Lawyer
The position of our legal team is that they’re innocent. If the prosecution feels that by actively seeking to explain the case we have fulfilled the conditions of giving ourselves up to the authorities, this will benefit the defense. The legal team would not oppose this.

Koo plans to argue that the students were exercising their right to resistance and civil disobedience and therefore are innocent of any crimes.

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[[台灣環保聯盟秘書長 董建宏]]


[[綠色公民行動聯盟秘書長 崔愫欣]]


Former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung is just one day from beginning a fast to protest continued construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Lin’s protest will be just one of many in the coming days by anti-nuclear activists. 

Lin Yi-hsiung’s fast is soon approaching. Dozens of NGOs are working to support his anti-nuclear cause with a mass demonstration on Ketagalan Boulevard.

Andy Tung
Taiwan Environmental Protection Union 
We will take turns, with individuals undergoing 24-hour fasts. Each day at least four members of our group will participate.

Dozens of NGOs are seeking one million signatures on a petition to stop work at the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant and are holding a yellow-ribbon activity for households to represent their opposition to nuclear power. They say if the government continues to ignore their demands, protests will become more intense. 

Tsui Shu-hsin
Green Citizens' Action Alliance
We give the government until April 24. If there is no positive response, we will announce occupation of Ketagalan Boulevard beginning April 26. We will surround the Presidential Office with a mass protest.

Anti-nuclear groups have also planned a road race to take place on Saturday, regardless of President Ma’s response to their demands.

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[[立委(國) 吳育昇]]

[[立委(民) 黃偉哲]]


Premier Jiang Yi-huah’s assertion that opposition parties should accept the Referendum Act because it was passed while the DPP was in office drew strong criticism today. Legislator Huang Wei-cher said the DPP was forced to accept the high thresholds contained in the act because of the KMT’s majority in the Legislature. 

On Nov. 27, 2003, the Legislature passed its third reading of the Referendum Act. Its high threshold for voter turnout along with requiring majority passage and its definition of what constitutes a referendum led it to be derided as the “bird-cage Referendum Law.” The controversy continues to be a divisive issue between pan-blue and pan-green camps.

Wu Yu-sheng 
KMT Legislator
The Referendum Law was passed when the DPP controlled the administration and President Chen Shui-bian was in office. At that time all of the basic principles, such as the definition of a referendum under the constitution, were decided.

Huang Wei-cher
DPP Legislator 
In order to pass the Referendum Act, the KMT forced us to accept these high thresholds, which led to this bird-cage referendum law. At the time, we basically had no choice but to first seek a referendum law then later seek changes.

When the Referendum Act was voted upon, there was a Cabinet version, former Legislator Chai Trong-rong’s version on “unification or independence,” and a KMT-PFP version. The ruling DPP ultimately abandoned Chai’s version and saw its version defeated. In the end, the pan blue camp used superior number to pass the KMT-PFP version, requiring two important thresholds: at least half of registered voters cast referendum ballots and more than half of those who vote say yes. 

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[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]

[[行政院長 江宜樺]]


[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]



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[[紙風車基金會董事長 柯一正]]


The Paper Windmill Theater troupe spent five years touring and performing in all 319 townships in Taiwan. Now it is planning an even more ambitious tour to give free performances in 7,000 villages across the nation. 

The sound of firecrackers announced the Paper Windmill Theater troupe’s new program to bring traditional culture to local audiences. 

This performer was standing on a mobile stage. Paper Windmill cooperated with a local logistics company to transform this 6.5-ton truck. It will travel to all of Taiwan’s villages for free performances. 

Ke Yi-cheng
Paper Windmill Foundation Chairman 
When we went into the country, in some remote locations we needed buses to bring children and other people to our performances. If we have this truck, we can travel directly to these villages.

Other groups participating in the program include Ifkids Theater Company, Ju Percussion Group and Chiou-Tian Folk Drums and Arts Troupe. A total of 11 performing arts groups will work hard to spread art and culture to every corner of Taiwan.

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