
[[前民進黨主席 林義雄]]


[[前民進黨主席 林義雄]]


[[前民進黨主席 林義雄]]


Former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung has begun a fast to demand the government scrap work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Supporters and anti-nuclear activists are rallying around Lin, who has long been opposed to nuclear power. 

Lin Yi-hsiung 
Former DPP Chairman
I believe that I am doing something very meaningful which may be beneficial to Taiwan. I feel very calm.

Lin appeared wearing a bamboo hat. He chose to start his fast at the Gikong Church, a location that 20 years ago saw his mother and twin daughters murdered by unknown assailants. Lin hopes his fast will convince people to not only scrap nuclear power but also take a closer look at those in power.

Lin Yi-hsiung 
Former DPP Chairman
I did not choose to harm my own body. It was the choice of those in power who want to complete the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. If I don’t survive, I would like my friends and family to understand that it was those in power who killed me.

Lin says his sacrifice represents his continued opposition to nuclear power. He rejects the government’s position that without safety assurances, the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant won’t be completed. 

Lin Yi-hsiung 
Former DPP Chairman
Nuclear safety is a gimmick so they can complete construction. If there is a natural disaster, a sudden change of the ground or even human negligence then irreparable harm could occur. 

Today many of the faithful from Gikong Church turned out to encourage Lin. A small space was sectioned off for Lin to maintain some privacy during his ordeal.

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Cleveland Indians reliever C. C. Lee set a new major league career mark by pitching two full innings on Tuesday. 

Down 5-1 to the Kansas City Royals with two outs in the sixth, the Indians called on Taiwanese pitcher C. C. Lee. Following just one pitch, Lee sat after Norichika Aoki was caught stealing.

The seventh inning didn’t go as smoothly for Lee. Consecutive base hits gave the Royals another run on the board.

But Lee got the next three batters on groundouts. In the eighth, Lee retired two more.

Lee pitched two innings, the highest single-game total of his major league career. The Indians lost 8-2.

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[[交通部長 葉匡時]]


[[台灣漂書協會理事長 賴鼎銘]]


For World Book Day, the Ministry of Transportation and a local literacy group encouraged people to donate used books. The donations support secondhand book services available at train stations, airports and other areas. 

Transportation Minister Yeh Kuang-shih donated books that were part of his personal collection. The ministry is working with the Taiwan Fun Reading Association to encourage book donations and borrowing services at transport hubs around Taiwan.

Yeh Kuang-shih
Transportation Minister 
The mission of the Ministry of Transportation is to help people connect to a better life. These book stations encourage people to donate books they have already read so they can reach others.

A sticker is applied to the cover of donated books. Secondhand book services are already available at 56 locations, including train stations and airports. By the end of June, another 52 locations will be added.

Lai Ting-ming 
Taiwan Fun Reading Association
If everyone donates books, then at any time when you travel you can read. These books can spread everywhere, from north to south, from the railways office to depots, to every place, rural area, and the whole world. We can demonstrate the power of Taiwanese culture.

The transportation minister’s announcement came on World Book Day. He hopes to spark book donations and greater literacy throughout Taiwan.

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[[交通部長 葉匡時]]



[[地球公民基金會主任 蔡中岳]]


After years of planning, the government has approved a new direct train route between Taipei and Yilan. It will cut travel time between the cities by as much as 38 minutes, but groundbreaking will have to wait until environmental review is completed. 

Currently it takes over an hour to travel from Taipei to Yilan by train. A proposal to construct a direct train route between these locations will substantially cut time off this trip.

Yeh Kuang-shih
Transportation Minister
From the perspective of the entire Taiwan area, especially the eastern region, and from the concept of a one-day living circle around Yilan and Hualien, we believe spending NT$50 billion in (construction costs) to save half an hour of time for travelers is an efficient use of resources.

At the moment, the Northern Link Line is routed through Keelung.

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[[廣大興案死者洪石成女兒 洪慈綪]] 


A Philippines court has issued arrest warrants for eight Philippine Coast Guard officials suspected of homicide in the death of a Taiwanese fisherman. If found guilty, the suspects would face 12 to 20 years in prison. 

In the morning of May 9, 2013, the Philippine Coast Guard sprayed the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28 fishing vessel with gunfire, killing fisherman Hung Shih-cheng. Philippine prosecutors charged eight officers with homicide.

The defendants submitted a motion for reconsideration, but the court rejected it, citing sufficient evidence. It has issued arrest warrants for the suspects.

Hung Tzu-chien
Daughter of Killed Fisherman
It seems like the maximum sentence is 20 years. I’m pleased to see these arrests and believe (the suspects) should face justice.

Due to the tragic death of her father, Hung Tzu-chien wants the suspects punished in accordance with the law. As part of her father’s legacy, she hopes a mechanism can be created to protect the rights of Taiwanese fishermen if similar cases occur in the future.

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