
Groundhog Day is a holiday with an interesting story. Legend has it that when a groundhog emerges from its hole on February 2, it can predict whether the winter has ended or will last for six more weeks. If the groundhog doesn't see its shadow, spring will be arriving soon. The star of the celebration is Punxsutawney Phil, a groundhog that lives in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. The small town hosts the largest Groundhog Day celebration in the world, with over 40,000 anxious onlookers in attendance. Phil may be famous, but he is certainly not a genius at weather prediction. He has only been right about 40 percent of the time.

土撥鼠日這個節日有段很有趣的故事。據說在二月二日這天 ,當一隻土撥鼠從牠的洞裡探出頭來時,牠可以預測得出冬天是否即將結束,或是還會再持續六個星期。如果那隻土撥鼠沒有看到自己的影子,那就表示春神就快降臨。該節慶的大明星就是普蘇塔尼的菲爾,牠是一隻位在賓州普蘇塔尼小鎮上的土撥鼠。世上最盛大的土撥鼠日節慶就是在這個小鎮舉辦的,年年都有超過四萬名殷切期盼的民眾前來圍觀。菲爾也許很出名,但是牠在預測天氣方面確實不是個專家。牠的準確度大約只有百分之四十而已。 
groundhog (n.) 土撥鼠(本文中亦作形容詞用)
legend has it + that 子句  據說……
Legend has it that a group of magical elves lives in the middle of this forest.
emerge (vi.) 出現;浮現
Did you see what emerged from behind that house?
shadow (n.) 影子
anxious (a.) 急切的;渴望的
George is anxious to finish his studies and make it on his own in the real world.
onlooker (n.) 旁觀者,觀看者
in attendance  出席,參加
A lot of Jeff's friends were in attendance at his birthday party last weekend.
genius (n.) 天才 

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