


U.S. security experts have discovered a major flaw in the design of the Internet’s address system that affects virtually every corporate computer network.






The flaw in the Domain Name System could allow hackers to steer most people using corporate networks to malicious Web sites, The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.

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假如你講英文總是見骨不見肉,只夠表達出你心裡想法的梗概,不豐富、不精確,當然也說不上優雅精緻。我們來談談怎麼讓你的語言表達從AA+,英文表達裡出現Advanced Structure

說英文的時候,我們的大腦運作其實和搜尋引擎很像,要表達一個訊息時,它會用最短的時間,去"match"一個或一群最接近的元素。例如:He understood immediately. (他立刻就懂了)句子這麼講也沒錯,但反反覆覆都是這類表達,I'll be there immediately. We'll finish it soon. 句子單調到不行,怎麼可能優雅豐富呢?

現在如果你把它改成 He understood the very first time. 意思一樣,但表達的多樣性就出現了。英文從AA+,大部份都不是處理「對不對」,而是「好不好」。也因此"Paraphrase"(改寫、重寫)的練習是少不了的。現在看看怎麼paraphrase


1. I haven't seen her for ages.
 The _____ was 10 years ago. 

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有一句好的英文口頭禪(pet phrase),對你的溝通幫助,可能會超乎你的想像。口頭禪原本禪宗用語,指未經心靈證悟就把一些現成的經言和公案掛在嘴邊,裝得一付得道的樣子。演變到現在,口頭禪成了個人習慣用語的代名詞,無意識脫口而出。因為無意識,才真正看到後面深藏的潛意識。

你知道吧是北京人的口頭禪。廣東人是有沒有搞錯。臺灣人是不好意思拜託則折射出內在的某種不安優雅交錯的矛盾心境……美國總統歐巴馬最常用的一句話是”let me be clear ”。他每一次演講內容,一定有這句話,有時甚至不只用一次。於是,大家開始解析,這個口頭禪究竟有什麼特殊意思?我們來看看口頭禪背後有哪些可能的隱涵的意義:

1. To be honest, to tell you the truth, certainly, definitely etc. 
People who speak these phrases very often usually worry that others might misunderstand what they say. They are impetuous. 

2. Be supposed to, should, must, ought to etc. 

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J: Jeff R: Rose C: Clerk
J: This supermarket is pretty nice.
R: It's too massive for my taste. I can never find what I'm looking for.
J: What are you trying to find?
R: I'm looking for some canned pineapples.
J: I'm not sure, but I think they are near the pasta sauce.
R: Why would they be over there?
J: I don't know. It's just a wild guess. Why don't you ask someone?
(Rose walks up to a clerk.)
C: May I help you?
R: Yes, I'm looking for canned pineapples.
C: All the canned goods are in aisle seven, and the pineapples are on the top shelf.
R: Thanks. I would have been searching for them for ages.



傑 夫︰這間超市還挺不錯的。
蘿 絲︰它對我來說太大了。我老是找不到我要的東西。
傑 夫︰妳要找什麼?
蘿 絲︰我要找鳳梨罐頭。
傑 夫︰我沒有說很確定,但我想它們應該放在義大利麵醬附近吧。
蘿 絲︰為什麼鳳梨罐頭會擺在那裡啊?
傑 夫︰我不知道。我只是瞎猜的。你何不找人問問看呢?

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Work occupies most of Allen's life. He works for a major import and export company that deals in car parts. Every day, he has to handle orders from around the globe, not to mention answering countless phone calls and emails. Rarely is there ever a day that he leaves his office on time.
One day, however, Allen needed to get off work a bit early to help celebrate his daughter's birthday. Just the day before, he had promised that he would take her to her favorite restaurant. Trying to keep his word to his daughter, Allen worked as fast as he could and got everything done at the last minute. Just as he was about to leave, his supervisor handed him a pile of work that was marked urgent. At that moment, Allen realized he would have to break his promise to his daughter.






countless a. 數不盡的
get off work 下班
Fred and a couple of his co-workers went for drinks after they got off work.
at the last minute 在最後一刻

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