How does being left-handed affect a person's life? Not everything is known, but some interesting facts have already been uncovered. Twins have an interesting connection to left-handedness because one is usually born with the trait. Lefties tend to be good at tennis, baseball, and swimming, and oddly enough, they can see more easily underwater.
Today, the main obstacle which lefties face is that the world is made for right-handed people. However, there are some products that have been created to make life easier for them. It is a start, but what about handshakes and buttons on shirts? Any lefty can tell you that sometimes life is not always right.
uncover vt. 揭露,發現
The mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids are still waiting to be uncovered.
tend to + 原形動詞 往往會/易於……
Sally tends to sleep in on Monday mornings because she always stays up late on Sundays.
Oddly enough, 主詞 + 動詞 令人驚訝/奇怪的是……
Oddly enough, my mother didn't punish me for breaking her favorite vase.
obstacle n. 阻礙(物)
Even though the road to success is filled with obstacles, I never give up.
handshake n. 握手