台北市士林區凌晨12點半發生規模4的地震,讓不少人擔心自己的住家是不是禁得起搖晃!國研院國家地震工程研究中心就設計出全球第一款「街屋耐震資訊網」,只要輸入家中數據, 系統會自動計算台灣33條斷層,對你家的房子會不會造成影響。



[[國震中心助理研究員 邱聰智]]

921大地震後, 國研院國家地震工程研究中心,開始協助校舍耐震能力評估,把數據應用在住家,設計出全球第一個街屋耐震資訊網,適用於5層樓以下的建物。

Wednesday’s earthquake led many people to consider the structural safety of their home. The National Earthquake Engineering Research Center has a website that makes it easy to predict what would happen to your building in a quake. 

How will your home respond to an earthquake? All you need is a tape measure and an internet connection to quickly determine your building’s ability to resist an earthquake. 

First, measure the length of walls, and next the length and width of columns. Enter all this information into a special website and choose the type of residence, the floor and other data. A calculation is made in seconds.

Chiu Tsung-chih
Earthquake Researcher
If the structure falls into this red area, it may be vulnerable to seismic shocks. If you fall into the green area, there are no safety concerns. 

After the 921 earthquake, the National Earthquake Engineering Research Center began conducting seismic assessments for schools and dormitories. It hopes to make its research and expertise available to people living in Taiwan’s older, five-floor residences so they can understand the structural safety of their homes.

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[[台大地質系教授 陳宏宇]]


[[氣象局地震中心主任 郭鎧紋]]
“我在這邊跟大家保證,大屯火山目前完全沒有要噴發的這種跡象,主要是岩漿在冷卻的過程中,會產生一些空隙,(地殼)就稍微往下掉,那其實這樣一個岩漿冷卻過程 應力調整 每天都在進行”


Experts say fears of a destructive seismic or volcanic event occurring in northern Taiwan are overblown. Area residents were rattled shortly after midnight Wednesday when a magnitude 4 earthquake struck the Taipei area. 

From this monitor you can clearly see a quake take place Wednesday at half past midnight. It was the largest tremor to shake Taipei’s Shilin District in 26 years.

Although the earthquake was only magnitude 4.0, the epicenter was Mt. Datun, which is very near Taipei. It was the third largest tremor recorded in the Shilin area, leading some residents to worry that Mt. Datun may become active again.

Chen Hong-yu
National Taiwan University
This mini-earthquake is probably just a general release of stress. I think it’s quite a positive phenomenon and doesn’t indicate there is any volcanic activity.

According to the Central Weather Bureau’s Seismology Center, over the past 50 years, Mt. Datun saw a magnitude 3 earthquake every one to three years. However, there have only been two magnitude 4 or higher earthquakes. Despite this, local seismologists are not concerned. 

Kuo Kai-wen
CWB Seismology Center
I guarantee that Mt. Datun will not experience a volcanic eruption. It is undergoing magma cooling, which has produced some gaps, causing the (earth’s crust) to fall. This magma cooling results in daily stress adjustment.

Hsinchu has also recently experienced seismic activity, leading some to worry northern Taiwan may soon face a geological disaster. The Seismology Center says that the Hsinchu and Datun events are unrelated and there is no reason for concern.

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[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]


[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]


[[前行政院長 謝長廷]]
這樣講起來好像有刻板印象,我們聯手在對付一個人,我想這也不是事實啦。我們有崇高的理想,但是必須透過混濁的現實去實現,不要把每個人都拖下來 要去分工,分工成大事。


A comment today from Su Tseng-chang suggests that he will seek another term as DPP chairman. Su would join former Premier Frank Hsieh in the race. Former Chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen has not stated whether she will run. 

Visitors to the Yunlin Agriculture Expo were delighted to see Su Tseng-chang, and Su was happy to see them. Comments he made about his commitment to serving as DPP chairman were interpreted as Su revealing that he will seek another term leading the party.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
I am the party chairman now. I am doing this job, and everyone can see that I am focused on it, without any distractions. My approach is not half-hearted. It is resolute.

Su said he would shoulder the blame if the DPP performs poorly in year-end elections.

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
As party leader and chairman, of course I am responsible for success or failure. As DPP chairman, I nominate candidates and assist with their campaigns. So I am responsible for the results.

The next chairperson will be selected in May. Besides Su, former Premier Frank Hsieh has said he will run, and former Chairwoman Tsai Ying-wen says she is considering entering the race. There are also reports that Hsieh plans to support Tsai in the race for chairperson and president in 2016, as a way of checking Su’s power. Hsieh had this to say about the apparent rift.

Frank Hsieh
Former Premier
This kind of comment sounds like a stereotype, as if we are joining to confront a single person. I don’t believe this is the reality. We hold ourselves to a higher ideal, but to achieve it, still must confront the messiness of reality. We can’t just drag people down. We must distribute tasks to achieve great things.

Hsieh insists that races and elections will not lead to a split within the party. He and the other contenders for chairperson hope that the DPP can win local elections later this year and return to power in 2016.

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[[陸委會主委 王郁琦]]



For the first time since the Republic of China government came to Taiwan, a Cabinet-level official has paid respects to Sun Yat-sen at his Nanjing mausoleum. During the visit, Mainland Affairs Council Minister Wang Yu-chi used his official title and Taiwan’s official name, in spite of apparent requests from Beijing that he refrain from these sensitive topics. 

In the past while in Taipei, Wang Yu-chi accompanied President Ma Ying-jeou in paying tribute to Sun Yat-sen. This time, Wang was able to get much closer to the ROC founder.

Wang is the first sitting Cabinet-level official of Taiwan to visit Nanjing since the ROC left its former capital.

Wang Yu-chi
Mainland Affairs Council Minister
The ROC is already 103 years old. In the past, we could only pay tribute to the tomb of our nation’s father from afar in Taipei. Today, I can personally visit to offer my respects, using the title of Mainland Affairs Council minister. I am delighted. From today onward, what’s most important is that the two sides of the (Taiwan) Strait directly face the reality of the cross-strait situation. We must pragmatically handle and solve problems. Only then can we build a cross-strait relationship with long-term stability.

Before leaving Taiwan, there were rumors that Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office insisted that Wang refrain from using Taiwan’s official name. By doing so, Wang stands apart from other figures who visited the mausoleum in their capacity as KMT honorary chairmen, including Lien Chan and Wu Poh-hsiung.

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One of Taiwan’s great folk celebrations is the Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival, where the brave are able to stand in front of walls stocked with thousands of firecrackers. This year’s festival began today in the southern city of Tainan. 

A remote control helicopter flew into the air carrying a long string of firecrackers. It was meant to help start the Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival with a bang, but the wet weather made it hard to light. After four tries, the attempt had to be abandoned.

Visitors dressed in full protective gear stand in front of walls of firecrackers. They put up with the pain to join in the celebration. Fortunately for them, the rain that soaked their clothes eased some of the force of the firecrackers.

As the firecrackers are lit, religious followers carry replicas of gods through the streets. An acrobatic team from Guangxi took part. Four of its members who are just 5 years of age waved to the crowd from atop a large golden dragon. Despite the height, they showed no fear.

Because Lantern Festival this year happens to fall on Valentine’s Day, a temple made a mobile firecracker wall into the shape of the word “love.”

The Sinying Bus Company is taking visitors to Yanshui free of charge. This bus driver dressed as the God of Wealth gave away free masks that tourists can use to protect themselves from the firecracker smoke. Everyone in this normally sleepy Tainan District is getting into the spirit of the occasion.

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