


[[中華民國紅十字會會長 王清峰]]


[[中華民國紅十字會會長 王清峰]]
“你為了救人去實施CPR AED,是可以免負刑事責任,或民事賠償責任”



Devices to save people suffering from life-threatening heart arrhythmia will soon become common in public areas such as train and metro stations. Health experts say the new automated external defibrillators are simple to use and will reduce mortality rates. 

In this demonstration of a person who has gone into shock, electrodes are placed on the chest. The machine gives an electric shock. The blinking red light shows that it is working.

The automated external defibrillator, or AED, is about the size of a book. It is a lifesaver for people who have gone into cardiac arrest.

Wang Ching-feng
Taiwan Red Cross
Lifesaving opportunities will increase 10 times if we can install AEDs in public locations, says Taiwan Red Cross director Wang Ching-feng.

The effectiveness of these machines led the legislature to pass an amendment requiring public facilities to install AEDs. They are easy to use and designed for people without any previous training.

Wang Ching-feng
Taiwan Red Cross
If you use CPR or an AED to try to save someone, you are freed from criminal liability or paying civil compensation, says Wang.

Passage of the amendment makes educating the public even more important. The Red Cross has long been a proponent of AED. It holds classes on using the machines so people can reduce mortality rates to a minimum.





文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[立委 吳育仁]]

[[駐美代表 金溥聰]]
“蜜雪兒 蜜雪兒“


[[駐美代表 金溥聰]]


[[立委 廖正井]]


[[立委 蔡煌瑯]]

[[立委 邱議瑩]]



Taiwan's de facto ambassador to the United States appeared at the legislature for his first question-and-answer session today. More than two dozen members of the ruling party signed up to ask King Pu-tsung mostly easy questions. The unusual scene led to accusations that the KMT was trying to make proceedings easy for the former Ma Ying-jeou aide. 

Before King Pu-tsung appeared at the legislature for his first question-and-answer session, more than 10 KMT lawmakers had signed up to ask questions.

Wu Yu-jen
KMT Legislator
What’s the name of Barack Obama’s wife? asked Legislator Wu Yu-jen.

King Pu-tsung
Taiwan Rep. to the US

Wu’s interest in the first family continued. He asked the names of Obama’s two daughters.

King Pu-tsung
Taiwan Rep. to the US
I am sorry. I don’t remember their names, said King. But please give me some time. Since I now know you are interested in America’s first family, I will definitely get more information before I return for the next session.

The lawmakers touched on King’s relationship with President Ma Ying-jeou, an issue the opposition DPP cares about deeply.

Liao Cheng-ching
KMT Legislator
A lot of people said that you were a close aide of President Ma and they even asked me if you were having a homosexual relationship with him, said Legislator Liao Cheng-ching.

Many questions were easy. Even Legislator Hsieh Kuo-liang, who’s not a member of the Foreign and National Defense Committee, took a turn. DPP lawmakers believed he was there to make it easier for King. 

Tsai Huang-liang
DPP Legislator 
This committee really does treat you with presidential courtesy, said Legislator Tsai Huang-liang. You are given exceptional privileges here at the legislature. I am usually the first one to ask questions. But today I’m eighth on the list.

Chiu Yi-ying 
DPP Legislator 
KMT legislators are still sitting here and not leaving yet, says Legislator Chiu Yi-ying. It’s a very rare occasion. 

Twenty-six out of 64 KMT legislators signed up to ask questions. The rare phenomenon led to much speculation.





文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[國衛院醫療保健組主任 潘文涵]]


[[國衛院醫療保健組主任 潘文涵]]
“蔬果呢 包含一些很普通蔬菜,像紅蘿蔔 花菜 或是波菜,這些東西 水果是各種漿果纇,魚的話 深海魚會比較有幫助,像是鮪魚 秋刀魚 或鮭魚”



Many children in Taiwan struggle with asthma, and a lot of it has to do with what they eat. The country’s National Health Research Institutes has developed a supplement with some interesting ingredients that it says can limit the amount of asthma medicine children need to take. 

Many young children love fried chicken, but for kids with asthma, it’s about the worst thing they can eat.

Pan Wen-harn
NHRI Official
Fried chicken has excessive amounts of fat. One effect of fried foods is they can cause inflammation.

The National Health Research Institutes, or NHRI for short, has developed a dietary supplement to help children with asthma. Its main ingredients are concentrated fruit and vegetable juices, fish oil, and probiotic bacteria. Pan, who heads the agency’s preventive health division, said children can eat yogurt, fish, and fresh fruit and vegetables to get the same benefit. 

Pan Wen-harn
NHRI Official
For fruit and vegetables, it can be some regular vegetables, like carrots, broccoli or spinach. The fruits can be berries. As for fish, deep-sea fish, like tuna, Pacific saury and salmon offer bigger benefits. 

An estimated 10 percent of Taiwan’s children are asthmatic, and another 30 to 40 percent feel the effect of asthma to some degree in their daily lives. The agency hopes its new formula can give them some relief.




文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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Psy’s Gangnam Style video is so popular, that some of the singer’s sidekicks are making names of their own. A brash young 7-year-old in the video who has been dubbed “Little Psy” was in Taiwan today for the first time. 

Hwang Min Woo, who began dancing at the age of 3, performed a few numbers and immediately caught the local media’s eye. Hwang has already been to the U.S. to shoot commercials and he said he hopes to be even bigger than Psy one day.






文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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[[影印店老闆 張志嘉]]


[[影印店老闆 張志嘉]]



A worker in Taipei was killed at a printing and copying shop after her scarf became entangled in an electric paper cutter. She was alone when the accident happened and wasn’t discovered until 90 minutes later when a customer entered the store. 

Early Wednesday morning a woman surnamed Tseng used a paper cutter while wearing a scarf. She was strangled when the scarf became tangled with the rotating shaft.

We asked the owner of another printing and copying shop how such an accident could have happened.

Chang Jhih-chia
Printing Shop Owner
When she went to push the start button to the right, her scarf could have become caught. As the machine started, she didn’t have time to react. Older machines have a hole here. If the scarf is thin it could roll up and become caught in the hole.

Newer machines have more safety features. The start button has to be pushed with both hands for the machine to work. Also the rotating shaft that is thought to have killed this woman doesn’t turn on newer models when the machine is started. Despite being safer, users should still be cautious of the clothes they wear. 

Chang Jhih-chia
Printing Shop Owner
I usually wear short sleeves. Also it’s best to tie up long hair and you shouldn’t wear a tie.

Many people wear scarves in winter. They help keep you warm, but beware of using them around heavy machinery, including escalators.



文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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