[[中華民國紅十字會會長 王清峰]]
[[中華民國紅十字會會長 王清峰]]
“你為了救人去實施CPR AED,是可以免負刑事責任,或民事賠償責任”
Devices to save people suffering from life-threatening heart arrhythmia will soon become common in public areas such as train and metro stations. Health experts say the new automated external defibrillators are simple to use and will reduce mortality rates.
In this demonstration of a person who has gone into shock, electrodes are placed on the chest. The machine gives an electric shock. The blinking red light shows that it is working.
The automated external defibrillator, or AED, is about the size of a book. It is a lifesaver for people who have gone into cardiac arrest.
Wang Ching-feng
Taiwan Red Cross
Lifesaving opportunities will increase 10 times if we can install AEDs in public locations, says Taiwan Red Cross director Wang Ching-feng.
The effectiveness of these machines led the legislature to pass an amendment requiring public facilities to install AEDs. They are easy to use and designed for people without any previous training.
Wang Ching-feng
Taiwan Red Cross
If you use CPR or an AED to try to save someone, you are freed from criminal liability or paying civil compensation, says Wang.
Passage of the amendment makes educating the public even more important. The Red Cross has long been a proponent of AED. It holds classes on using the machines so people can reduce mortality rates to a minimum.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞