

[[前副總統 呂秀蓮]]


[[律師 顧立雄]]


[[前副總統 呂秀蓮]]


Another likely front-runner in the mayoral race is the independent Ko Wen-je, who is head of trauma at National Taiwan University Hospital. Ko held back when asked about Sean Lien announcing his candidacy. DPP members who intend to seek the party’s nomination were not so reserved. 

Ko Wen-je did not comment upon Sean Lien’s announcement that he will run to become Taipei mayor. But former Vice President Annette Lu had plenty to say.

Annette Lu 
Former Vice President 
Taiwanese people say that before Matsu goes on a pilgrimage, incense must be offered. I think that Lien Chan first went to Beijing to make a similar offering to Xi Jinping. After Xi accepted it, Lien’s son Sean Lien could publicly announce his candidacy.

Lu asked Sean Lien to come clean about his relationship with China. Lawyer Wellington Koo took to Facebook, criticizing Lien as being false for declaring himself a self-started entrepreneur.

Wellington Koo
In the past, how has he contributed to Taiwan?

Pan-green criticism was not only reserved for Lien. Lu made remarks critical of independent candidate Ko Wen-je. She is upset that the DPP is catering to Ko’s potential candidacy, despite him not being a member of the party.

Annette Lu 
Former Vice President 
There has been no integration. Each side is pursuing its own interests. They shouldn’t tangle matters up like this. I suggest the DPP directly invite Sean Lien to join the party so we don’t need an election. We will simply give it to him. 

Lu’s criticism comes as the DPP struggles to determine how to select its nominee and debates whether it should even put one forward. Waiting are Lien and the other KMT candidates.

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連勝文這場參選記者會, 有許多台北市議員及立委包括謝國樑、林郁方等都到場祝賀。



[[國民黨台北市長初選參選人 連勝文]]


More than half of the KMT’s Taipei City councilors were present today for Sean Lien’s announcement. The 44-year-old Lien also introduced members of his election team, to be led by Ou Chin-der, the head of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation. 

Many Taipei City councilors and legislators were present at Sean Lien’s press conference. Among them were KMT legislators Hsieh Kuo-liang and Lin Yu-fang.

During the press conference, Lien announced members of his election team.

Leading the eight-person team, but not present today, is Ou Chin-der, the head of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation. Shih Hsin University Professor Jack Yu will serve as a media consultant. Other members include a former chief financial officer of MediaTek along with Aaron Wu, an NTUH cardiologist who helped Lien after he was shot at an election campaign event in 2010.

Sean Lien
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
Today, of course, there is another doctor who was present that night and provided me with a lot of assistance.

Lien’s election office is near the corner of Linsen North Road and Minzu East Road. By selecting this area of western Taipei, Lien hopes to show his commitment to older sections of the city.

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國民黨中央委員連勝文今天在台北圓環舉行記者會,宣布投入台北市長選戰 連勝文宣示,他當選後,每月薪水入帳後,將全數捐出,做公益使用,對於外界質疑的「權貴說」,連勝文也以,人無法選擇自己出身,如果要換掉爸爸才能選,他做不到來回應. 


[[國民黨台北市長初選參選人 連勝文]]


[[國民黨台北市長初選參選人 連勝文]]


[[國民黨台北市長初選參選人 連勝文]]


One of the leading contenders to become the next mayor of Taipei formally entered the race today. Sean Lien is best known as the son of former Vice President Lien Chan. When announcing his candidacy today, the KMT Central Committee member addressed concerns about his lack of experience and upbringing, and sought to turn the discussion toward how he plans to help the city’s underprivileged. 

Lien’s official entry into the Taipei mayoral race was coupled with a generous gesture.

Sean Lien
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
I hope that I can serve as a mayor who works for the public good. Therefore, I will now announce that if I am elected as mayor of Taipei, I will donate 100 percent of the salary I earn each month to charity.

One of the biggest knocks on Lien is a lack of experience. He attempted to brush off this concern by mentioning his success in turning Taipei’s popular transportation and payment smart card into a money-making venture.

Sean Lien
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
The experience I gained at the EasyCard Corporation led to an important revelation for me. If we can put new ideas and innovations into a traditional area, even a slow-moving, classic car can turn into a mighty Transformer.

Lien also addressed criticism that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Sean Lien
Taipei Mayoral Candidate
I could not choose the family I was born into. If people feel that I need to have a different father in order to run for office, then sorry, it’s not something that I can do. But I can choose to spend my life in public service.

Lien’s entry into Taiwan’s highest-profile local election will lead to greater scrutiny of this election novice.

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[[民進黨主席 蘇貞昌]]


[[教育部長 蔣偉寧]]
“我們這次課綱的微調,主要的思考當然是要合憲,在有些疏漏的地方把它補正 ,社會變遷的地方能夠把它強化,能夠提進去,課綱公告以後,其實書商就會邀請人來寫,審定以後,其實由各個學校自己來做選擇,這個跟縣市政府之間所謂的抵抗 對抗應該沒有什麼直接的關係”


[[輔大歷史系老師 陳啟鵬]]
“馬政府想把這樣的一個課綱,改為大中國化的話,第一個會失去台灣的主體性 ,那二來也會讓孩子在課程上的銜接,產生問題”


DPP, government battle over changes made to history textbooks (2014/02/06)

The DPP decided to have the six cities and counties under its control boycott changes made to high school textbooks. They charge that the changes were made without following the proper procedures, but Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling insisted today that its moves were legal. 

A three-page section in this 10th grade social studies textbook introduces how people identify with Taiwan as a country. But the Education Ministry has proposed cutting more than half of it, leading DPP Chairman Su Tseng-chang to accuse it of violating rules and belittling Taiwan. 

Su Tseng-chang
DPP Chairman
It was not a small change but rather a big adjustment because it changed as much as 32 percent. The content is a Taiwan version of Great China thought. This is really wrong. 

Afraid that Taiwan’s children would be brainwashed, the DPP decided to boycott the changed textbooks. Education Minister Chiang Wei-ling responded later Thursday. 

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[[樹醫生 李碧峰]]
“現在用的是殺菌劑, 加上石灰,再加上墨汁,都是比較天然的配方,所以對人體 對樹沒有傷害”


[[新北市農業局局長 廖榮清]]
“宣導民眾如何保護樹木,把樹木照顧得更好,新北市政府希望,利用宣導的機會 讓所有市民知道,如果遇到這種類似的困難,市政府可以幫助各位”


New Taipei City works to protect old trees (2014/02/07)

New Taipei City is actively working to save old trees. At the request of residents it will make environmental modifications and even call in a tree doctor to protect these precious resources. 

This tree doctor is chipping away infected rotten bark and wood. The area is then fire-treated.

Carbonization of the blackened bark prevents it from forming another bacterial infection. To heal the wound, a protective barrier is painted on.

Li Pi-feng
Tree Doctor
I’m using a fungicide with lime and some ink. These ingredients are generally natural and won’t harm the tree.

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