
[[中央氣象局預報員 吳依帆]]
“因為強烈大陸冷氣團逐漸南下,加上華南雲雨區,水氣逐漸東移到台灣附近,因此下雨情況,會越來越明顯,而且氣溫會逐日下降,預計最冷的時間 ,出現在下周二 ,中部以北出現10到11度低溫”


Cold Weather Coming (2014/02/07)

A strong continental air mass will lead temperatures lower tomorrow with the the Central Weather Bureau potentially issuing a cold weather warning. 

Wu Yi-fan
Central Weather Bureau Forecaster 
"Because a strong continental cold air mass is gradually moving southward and the influence of rains from southern China moving eastward will bring more moisture closer to Taiwan, increasing the chance of rain. And with temperatures dropping each day, we expect the coldest day to be next Tuesday, and central and northern Taiwan could see lows of 10-11 degrees. 

The Central Weather Bureau believes this current continental air mass could affect weather until next Wednesday. Unfortunately, it may be followed by another cold air mass next Thursday, as cold, wet weather may last for a whole week. 

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[[銀行副總 高榮成]]

“很多家餐廳跟這間銀行合作的話,那我覺得持這張卡,就可以有優惠的話,我覺得還不錯 ,就不用去申辦某一張特定的卡,到某個餐廳交易才可以有折扣”


OTC to offer first ever co-branded credit card providing lots of tantalizing benefits (2014/02/07)

Taiwan’s Gretai Securities Market, the operator of Taiwan’s over-the-counter stock market, will soon issue a co-branded credit card. It hopes to parlay its relationship with some 900 companies on OTC into offering special discounts and other benefits.

In addition to providing OTC market listing and securities trading services for local companies, GTSM is also pioneering other consumer services.

At the moment, nearly 900 companies are listed on the OTC exchange which is now seeking more inroads into consumer businesses. It currently has a partnership with more than a dozen companies including Thai Town, Taiwan High Speed Rail, and Janfusan Fancy World offering discount and even two types of cash back programs.

Kao Jung-cheng
Hua Nan Commercial Bank VP
We will provide 6 to 12 percent cash back, but of course, there will be a limit to this each month, and we will set aside a certain percentage for charity. 

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[[教育部長 蔣偉寧]]


[[高雄市教育局長 鄭新輝]]


[[教育部長 蔣偉寧]]


DPP-led municipalities continue to oppose changes to history textbooks (2014/02/07)

Controversy continues over proposed adjustments to the high school curriculum guidelines. Six DPP led municipal governments believe there is a deliberate attempt to de-emphasize Taiwan in the new curriculum as they advocate a temporary suspension of the changes. 

Education Minister, Chiang Wei-ling said changing high school curriculum guidelines to use the term “mainland China " instead of "China" is in line with the constitution. However, Tainan City Bureau of Education Chief didn’t agree, setting off a heated debate, though Chiang was unwilling to engage in the vocal battle. 

Chiang Wei-ling 
Education Minister 
By constitutional, I mean it is based upon Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area. This is what we follow, so why do you think it is unconstitutional?

On the second day of a national meeting of education bureaus, Tainan, Kaohsiung and a total of 6 DPP-led municipalities initiated an interim proposal to temporarily suspend the new guidelines, and reconsider their changes.

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[[行政院發言人 鄭麗文]]


[[新任行政院發言人 孫立群]]


New Cabinet spokesperson, Sun Li-chyun, is formally announced to the public (2014/02/07)

The first Cabinet reshuffle of the Lunar New Year has been announced. The most important change includes the resignation of Cabinet spokesperson, Cheng Li-wun, who will be replaced by Sun Li-chyun, the current Vice Chairman of the Fair Trade Commission. 

After a brief thank you, Cabinet spokesperson Cheng Li-wun announced she had found another job and needed to resign from her past duties.

Cheng Li-wun
Cabinet Spokesperson 
I am very sad to leave the Cabinet as many ministers looked after me and I got along very well with my colleagues, but because others were sincere in recruiting me, I officially submitted my resignation to the president yesterday.

Cheng is leaving the political arena to work as a TV host, and replacing her will be Sun Li-chyun, Vice Chairman of the Fair Trade Commission.

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New Taiwan US Representative (2014/02/07)

The Presidential Office confirmed that King Pu-tsung, Taiwan’s representative to the US, will return to Taiwan to become the Secretary General of the National Security Council in March. His vacancy will be replaced by Shen Lyu-shun, Taiwan’s representative to the UK. 

King Pu-tsung was the Executive Director of President Ma’s 2012 presidential campaign. King has a long track record of serving Ma, and is considered one of his top aides. Many within the pan-green camp believe King will be returning to Taiwan to help advise end of year seven-in-one elections.

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