


The Taichung Health Bureau has slapped fines of NT$15 million on the Formosa Oilseed Processing Company, another manufacturer tainted by the oil scandal. Six of its olive oils were found to not meet standards, including olive oil labeled as pure but containing only one-fifth olive oil. 

Taichung Mayor Jason Hu feels that the fine is insufficient. He plans to seek an agreement from the Ministry of Health and Welfare to try and recover illegal profits.







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[[暗黑白領階級主唱 黃子軒]]

[[暗黑白領階級吉他手 周岳澄]]



[[暗黑白領階級主唱 黃子軒]]
我們在講一些故事的時候,譬如說講青春的一些蠢事,那如果不是跟我們一起在新竹長大的人,他不會理解你這個蠢事,到底好笑在哪裡,或是到底哪裡感動人,那我跟阿ken講 阿ken是可以理解的。

子軒 阿ke用客語、閩南語來創作,雖然在音樂市場上,都被歸類為非主流,不過他們還是堅持自己的獨特性,要用客家及閩南的文化,創造嶄新的火花。

[[暗黑白領階級主唱 黃子軒]]





[[子軒父親 黃連勝]]
在當兵的時候,他曾經拿了一張唱片公司的合約,叫我們幫他收起來,我說什麼 ?你還會寫歌?我就覺得滿訝異,一直到一百年的時候,一個客家的現場表演獎,一個首獎發布是他的時候,我們真的太興奮了。





[[暗黑白領階級主唱 黃子軒]]



An exciting new musical group to emerge in recent years is Dark White-collar Workers. One group member grew up with a mother who is of Hakka ancestry and a father who is Taiwanese. Both of these languages found their way into the band’s lyrics, which together with captivating melodies produce a folksy feel. Tonight, follow our report as we take a closer look at this award-winning band. 

Going onstage at the Golden Melody Awards is the Hakka musical group Dark White-collar Workers. The first time it joined this prestigious awards ceremony it was shortlisted for three major awards. The band won in the Best Hakka Album category for an album with a strong hometown feel.

Huang Tse-hsuan
Band Member
“The Way Home” is about being away from home and struggling to work. I believe that this is something that we all experience, especially young people who have this feeling in their hearts.

Ken Chou
Band Member
This (tempo) creates a sensation of speed, like a train going faster and faster. It makes you think of how the road you take when leaving home is the same road you will take when returning. The music has a little rock and roll feeling and a little folksy feeling.

The band’s songs range from topics such as homesickness to memories of growing up and the pursuit of dreams. Each is tinged with a hint of sadness, though the band ultimately wants to uplift its audience.

Huang Tse-hsuan sings and plays guitar in the band, and he is accompanied by guitarist Ken Chou. Both are from the Hsinchu area and attended the same high school. They have shared memories from their childhood which led them to form the band.

Huang Tse-hsuan
Band Member
When we tell a few stories about fooling around in our youth, people who didn’t grow up with us in Hsinchu may not understand. But Ken understands all of these stories and knows why they’re funny.

The band uses both the Hakka language as well as Taiwanese or Minnan language in many of its songs. In the broader music market, this means it is frequently labeled as non-mainstream, a classification that reflects its desire to create a wholly new sound.

Huang Tse-hsuan
Band Member
Sometimes I think the Hoklo accent is particularly strong, especially when discussing certain topics. The Hakka language, however, can be relatively subtle and full of rhythm. 

The band is known for creating urban ballads sung by white-collar workers who long for their hometowns. The songs convey the dreams of this group of people and emotion is expressed through lyrics and music. Much of the inspiration for these songs comes from Huang’s unique upbringing.

Huang has a soldier father and grew up in a military community. In his youth, he was influenced by the New Formosa Band and was particularly fond of blending Taiwanese and Hakka language songs. He frequently created songs to bring the family closer together.

Once, Huang wrote a song that included the name of his grandmother, “Yu-tian.” She was suffering from Alzheimer's and was gradually losing her memory. This music helped her relive fond memories of her past

In elementary school, Huang asked his family if he could study music. He later began playing the guitar, though his family thought that it would only be a passing interest and not something he could make a career out of. Later, awards and other praise became a source of pride for his family.

Huang Lian-sheng 
While serving in the army, he once produced a record company contract and asked us to hold onto it. I was surprised because I didn’t know he could write songs. Then, in 2011, when he won the Best Hakka Live Performance Award, we were really excited.

Whether standing on stage at the Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan, being short-listed for Chinese Golden Melody Awards, or winning a Special Jury Prize at the Gongliao Hohaiyan Music Festival, these two band members are enthusiastic about their role in promoting Hakka culture.

Today, while appearing at a traditional Hakka mountain folk song class, they interact with other generations and share their love of music.

The senior citizens are delighted to see traditional Hakka melodies incorporated into modern music.

The band hopes to give these seniors a taste of innovative Hakka music. Another goal is inspiring a new generation of Hakka youth to experience a new style and form of music that is rooted in Hakka culture.

Huang Tse-hsuan
Band Member
In our music, we try to use styles that can attract young people and help them understand more about this culture. We want them to know its themes and ideas, and we hope more people will want to listen to Hakka songs.

Effortlessly mixing different cultures and bridging traditional and modern musical styles are trademarks of this band. The Dark White-collar Workers are creating new anthems for Taiwanese folk music. Future prospects are promising as the band gradually moves into the mainstream and introduces more youth to an important legacy of music.








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A Ministry of Justice committee tasked with evaluating prosecutors has begun investigating recent high-profile influence peddling and wiretapping cases. Its purpose is to find whether administrative wrongdoing occurred. 

Among those under investigation is prosecutor Lin Shiow-tao. Apparently, Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng convinced Lin to not appeal an acquittal given to a fellow lawmaker. Today Lin’s colleagues at the High Prosecutors Office and members of the Special Investigation Division questioned her. Over the next month they will also interrogate state Prosecutor-General Huang Shyh-ming and Special Investigation Division chief Yang Jung-tsung.







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[[榮總臨床毒物科醫師 吳明玲]]



The case of a small child whose development was stunted by mercury poisoning is renewing fears of tainted deep sea fish. Since age 1 the girl ate two servings of fish a day, and, by age 3, faced several speech and other developmental disabilities. Doctors who helped treat her suggest eating no more than a serving of deep sea fish each week. 

Business is brisk at this fish stand, with many consumers choosing fish for its health benefits. But a report today from Taipei Veterans General Hospital shows that hidden dangers can linger. It focuses on the case of a young child who, after regularly eating fish, developed several speech impediments.

Dr. Wu Ming-ling says that deep-sea fish such as sharks, sailfish, tuna and cod can be highly contaminated with mercury. Eating too much can be detrimental to the health.

Wu Ming-ling
Toxicologist, Taipei Veterans Hospital
Symptoms in adults are typically associated with the nervous system and can include trembling in the hands and reduced memory, says Wu. (Mercury) can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Children face an even wider range of symptoms, including reduced concentration, hyperactivity, an inability to stay quiet, and poor focus.

Wu recommends just one serving of deep sea fish a week.







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[[桃園縣政府副秘書長 蔡麗娟]]

[[桃園縣長 吳志揚]]




Visitors to Taoyuan who came to see the Rubber Duck today were in for a surprise – the duck burst and deflated. The irreparable damage is being blamed on overzealous workers who filled the duck with air too quickly. But those eager to see the duck should not despair because Kaohsiung has already sent a similar duck to Taoyuan that will go on display tomorrow. 

At 9 o'clock this morning, Taoyuan’s Rubber Duck collapsed into what seemed to be a yellow pool of egg yolk floating in the sea.

It felt like an explosion, not like air leaking out, more like a big boom.

An earthquake last night caused a brief power outage leading the Rubber Duck’s air compressor to short circuit and the Rubber Duck gradually deflated. This morning, with a group of tourists eager to see the Rubber Duck looking on, workers quickly inflated it, though strong winds hampered their efforts, and a small explosion occurred near the Rubber Duck’s butt.

Tsai Li-chuan
Deputy Secretary-General, Taoyuan County
At around 8:50, we experienced gusts averaging level 8 and above. Actually, wind levels should be no stronger than level 4 for the proper inflation of the Rubber Duck.

John Wu
Taoyuan County Commissioner 
For those who are already here waiting to see the (Rubber Duck) and for those who planned to come today whom we have inconvenienced, we offer our deepest apologies.

Taoyuan’s Rubber Duck cannot be repaired. The county commissioner made a special appeal to Kaohsiung to use the duck it previously exhibited. This duck has now been transported to Taoyuan and should begin the process of inflation early Saturday morning.




文章出處: 民視英語新聞

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