台灣出現首起狂犬病鼬獾咬人事件,農委會還發現, 其實這九個月來, 全台死亡的鼬獾竟高達74隻,加上苗栗今天傳出雪貂咬傷人, 各地陸續傳出動物死亡和咬傷人案例,不免讓人擔心狂犬病是否有擴散危機。
照片中死亡的鼬獾,是民眾在台南市歸仁區的產業道路發現的,動保處人員到達現場後,小心穿上防護衣, 在林野間噴藥消毒。
[[台南市歸仁區民眾 沈先生]]
[[農委會防檢局長 張淑賢]]
Dozens of dead ferret-badger sightings heat up rabies fears (2013/07/25)
After confirmation was received that at least three Formosan ferret-badgers were infected with rabies, reports have been pouring in of dead animal sightings. On Thursday the Council of Agriculture said that more than 70 dead ferret-badgers had been reported over the past nine months. Taiwan has already been removed from the list of rabies free countries. It now seems possible that rather than being isolated, the disease has spread across the island.
The ferret-badger in this photo was found by a member of the general public on an industrial road in Guiren District, Tainan. An animal protection official wearing protective gear sprayed the surrounding area.
Guiren District Resident
I’m scared, says this Guiren resident. There are a lot of wild dogs, especially in front.
According to the Endemic Species Research Institute, 74 dead ferret-badgers have been found over the past nine months. They were spread over 16 localities. In Luchih Township, Nantou County, a resident reported seeing a dead dog. In Miaoli, there was a report of a ferret biting a person. Each new incident sparks greater fear.
Chang Su-san
Bureau of Animal Quarantine
We need to investigate again to find the source and have not ruled out that it came from outside Taiwan, says Chang Su-san, head of the Bureau of Animal Quarantine. It could have originated with a smuggled animal. Also Gukeng Township, Yunlin, and the Nantou region all the way to Donghe, are separated by the Central Mountain Range, so (the disease) could not have spread in this manner.
Rabies in Taiwan seems to be increasing faster than the Centers for Disease Control can obtain vaccination. Faced with stiff criticism from DPP lawmakers, Director-General Chang Feng-yee has promised to quickly solve the vaccine shortage.