[[國衛院醫療保健組主任 潘文涵]]
[[國衛院醫療保健組主任 潘文涵]]
“蔬果呢 包含一些很普通蔬菜,像紅蘿蔔 花菜 或是波菜,這些東西 水果是各種漿果纇,魚的話 深海魚會比較有幫助,像是鮪魚 秋刀魚 或鮭魚”
Many children in Taiwan struggle with asthma, and a lot of it has to do with what they eat. The country’s National Health Research Institutes has developed a supplement with some interesting ingredients that it says can limit the amount of asthma medicine children need to take.
Many young children love fried chicken, but for kids with asthma, it’s about the worst thing they can eat.
Pan Wen-harn
NHRI Official
Fried chicken has excessive amounts of fat. One effect of fried foods is they can cause inflammation.
The National Health Research Institutes, or NHRI for short, has developed a dietary supplement to help children with asthma. Its main ingredients are concentrated fruit and vegetable juices, fish oil, and probiotic bacteria. Pan, who heads the agency’s preventive health division, said children can eat yogurt, fish, and fresh fruit and vegetables to get the same benefit.
Pan Wen-harn
NHRI Official
For fruit and vegetables, it can be some regular vegetables, like carrots, broccoli or spinach. The fruits can be berries. As for fish, deep-sea fish, like tuna, Pacific saury and salmon offer bigger benefits.
An estimated 10 percent of Taiwan’s children are asthmatic, and another 30 to 40 percent feel the effect of asthma to some degree in their daily lives. The agency hopes its new formula can give them some relief.
文章出處 :民視英語新聞