





英文: with one’s tail between one’s legs (夾著尾巴)

He left the meeting with his tail between his legs after he was criticized by the president. (他遭到董事長斥責後垂頭喪氣地離席)

The salesman was forced to leave the office with his tail between his legs after he admitted telling a lie about his sales figures. (那位銷售員在承認謊報銷售數據後被迫夾著尾巴離職)

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◎ There’s been very heavy early morning fog (清晨有濃霧) the past few days.


◎ Snow has come to the eastern United States this year earlier than usual (下雪比往年早).


Thick haze (霾害) in northern Indonesia forces delays for flights (造成班機延誤).


Visibility on the highway is poor (高速公路的能見度不佳) due to rain and heavy fog.


◎ Such warm weather at this time of year is rather unseasonable (不合季節).


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◎ A boy tried to carry his bicycle through floodwaters on the east side of Des Moines on Tuesday.  Heavy rains (豪雨) have left areas of the town under water for the first time since the floods of 1993.
//flood (洪水,水災) =>這種用法時是可數名詞


Serious flooding (嚴重的水災) appears unavoidable if river levels continue to rise (河水繼續暴漲).


◎ Over a thousand people are homeless (無家可歸) following (=after) serious flooding.


◎ At least 40 people are reported drowned (淹死) in flooding triggered by record rains (破紀錄的豪大雨). 

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15日下午6時,在大邱舉行了『2011 Asia Song Festival with UNICEF』音樂盛典。

這次公演中,不僅雲集了韓國的人氣組合少女時代、Super Junior、BEAST、李昇基、G.NA等,還有來自日本Perfume、何潤東[台灣]、古巨基[香港]、Tata Young[泰國]等亞洲巨星也攜手參加。『Asia Song Festival』是與UNICEF一起舉行的亞洲唯一的國際慈善音樂節,音樂節的全部收益將用於幫助貧困兒童。

當天的盛況透過中國CCTV、韓國KBS TV、日本富士TV、香港TVB、新加坡Channel-U等亞洲14個國家媒體,還包括美國、歐洲在內的全世界音樂頻道全程直播。【TVDAILY=鄭善旭PD】

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Eating lots of fruit and vegetables with white flesh may help to protect against strokes, says a study in the journal Stroke. But Dutch researchers say they do not know why people with a high intake of apples, pears, bananas or cauliflower reduce their risk of stroke by 52%.


The study followed more than 20,000 adults over 10 years. Stroke experts said people should not be put off eating other colours of fruit and veg. At the start of the study, carried out in The Netherlands, participants were asked to fill in a detailed questionnaire on diet and lifestyle for the previous year.


By using this information and tracking the health of participants over the next decade, researchers were able to examine the link between the colour of fruit and vegetables consumed and stroke risk. The study found that a 25g per day increase in white fruits and vegetables was linked to a 9% lower risk of stroke.


Of the white fruit and veg eaten, over half was apples and pears. But no link was found between stroke incidence and green(dark leafy vegetables, cabbages and lettuces), orange/yellow (mostly citrus fruits) or red/purple fruits and vegetables.



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