Eating lots of fruit and vegetables with white flesh may help to protect against strokes, says a study in the journal Stroke. But Dutch researchers say they do not know why people with a high intake of apples, pears, bananas or cauliflower reduce their risk of stroke by 52%.
The study followed more than 20,000 adults over 10 years. Stroke experts said people should not be put off eating other colours of fruit and veg. At the start of the study, carried out in The Netherlands, participants were asked to fill in a detailed questionnaire on diet and lifestyle for the previous year.
By using this information and tracking the health of participants over the next decade, researchers were able to examine the link between the colour of fruit and vegetables consumed and stroke risk. The study found that a 25g per day increase in white fruits and vegetables was linked to a 9% lower risk of stroke.
Of the white fruit and veg eaten, over half was apples and pears. But no link was found between stroke incidence and green(dark leafy vegetables, cabbages and lettuces), orange/yellow (mostly citrus fruits) or red/purple fruits and vegetables.