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Monet picture found in German collector’s suitcase





A landscape by Claude Monet has been found in a suitcase the late German collector Cornelius Gurlitt had with him during a hospital stay, the latest piece to emerge from his long-hidden art trove.


The suitcase was left at the hospital for unknown reasons, and was handed over earlier this week to the court-appointed administrator of Gurlitt’s estate, the task force investigating the pieces’ origin said Friday.


The latest find comes after officials in July reported finding a few more works at Gurlitt’s Munich apartment, including a sculpture apparently by Edgar Degas.

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Larry Bird (NBA 球員)


英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/


“I don’t think that once you get to one level, you can relax. You’ve got to keep pushing.”

– Larry Bird, NBA Player

「我不覺得當你到達某一個層次後,你就可以休息放鬆。你必須持續進步。」大鳥‧柏德 (NBA 球員)

這裡的 “once” 是指「當,一旦」,”relax” 的原意是「放鬆」,為動詞。”you’ve got to…” 就是 “you have to…”,「你必須」的意思。「keep + 動名詞」為常用句型,”keep” 這裡是「保持、持續」的意思。”push” 的原意是「推」,這裡引申為「推自己,督促自己」的意思。

大鳥‧柏德 (1956-) NBA 1978-1992 年的明星球員,也是 1997-2000 NBA 印第安那溜馬隊 (Indiana Pacers) 的總教練,目前為溜馬隊籃球營運總裁 (Pacers’ President of Basketball Operations)

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The Record-Breaking Book of World Records

世界之最 《金氏世界紀錄大全》




In 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, the owner of Guinness Brewery, was hunting in the Irish countryside. A fast bird flew by and he confidently took aim, fired his trusty rifle, and missed. He then started to argue with his companions about which are the fastest game birds in Europe. After arguing for several hours, he realized there was no reference book to settle the argument. It was at that moment that the seeds of the Guinness Book of World Records were planted. Sir Beaver believed that his customers drinking his beer in the pubs around Europe were probably spending a lot of time arguing about similar questions. Sir Beaver then employed some London-based researchers to bring his dream to life.

1951 年,健力士酒廠董事休比佛爵士在愛爾蘭鄉間打獵。一隻鳥很快地飛過去,休比佛爵士信心滿滿地瞄準了那隻鳥、用他可靠的步槍射向鳥兒,結果沒打中。然後他開始和他同行的友人們爭論,哪一種才是歐洲飛行速度最快的獵鳥。爭論了數小時後,他瞭解到並沒有可供參考的書籍來平息這場爭辯。正是此刻為《金氏世界紀錄大全》一書灑下了種子。休比佛爵士認為在歐洲各地酒吧喝他廠牌啤酒的顧客們,也有可能會花許多時間爭論類似的問題。於是休比佛爵士雇用了一些在倫敦的研究人員來實現他的夢想。


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Julia Morgan (建築師)


英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.dailyenglishquote.com/


“Never turn down a job because you think it’s too small. You don’t know where it can lead.”

– Julia Morgan, Architect

「絕不要因為一個工作微不足道而拒絕它,你不知道它可以引領你去哪裡。」茱麗亞.摩根 (建築師)

“turn down” 就是「拒絕 (請求)」的意思,”small” 的本意是「小」,這裡是指「不重要,微不足道」,”lead” 是「帶領」的意思,為動詞。

茱麗亞.摩根 (1872-1957) 是美國加州第一位女建築師。

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“Everybody talks about wanting to change things and help and fix, but ultimately all you can do is fix yourself. And that’s a lot. Because if you can fix yourself, it has a ripple effect.”


Rob Reiner, Director

「每個人都說他想改變事情,想幫忙,想改造什麼,但到最後你唯一能做的就是改造你自己。而這就已經很多了,因為如果你可以改變自己,它將產生漣漪效應。」– 羅勃‧萊納 (導演)


•“fix 本身是「修理」的意思,這裡把它翻成「改造」,”ultimately 是「最終」,為副詞,字根是 ultimate”,為形容詞。”ultimatum 「最後通牒 」即為它的衍生字。“ripple 是「波紋、漣漪」的意思,”effect 是「影響」,所以 ripple effect 就是「漣漪效應、連鎖效應」。

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Jackie Collins (小說家)



“If you want to achieve your dreams, you must follow them, and the best way to follow them is not to think about wanting to be very rich, but to think about doing something that you really want to do.”

– Jackie Collins, Novelist

「如果你想完成你的夢想,你必須去追求它們,而追求夢想最好的方式不是想變的非常有錢,而是想去做你真正想做的事。」傑克‧科林 (小說家)

“achieve” 是「達到」的意思,為動詞。”you must follow them” 句中的 “them” 是指前面提到的 “dreams”,而 “follow” 本意是「跟隨」,在這邊意指「追求」的意思。

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1、例:You are not experienced enough to handle the campaign on your own, yet.(你尚未具備獨自負責這項活動的經驗。)

2、例:You don’t yet have the connections to make this deal happen.(你的人脈還不足以達成這筆交易。)

請注意,yet 除了放在句子最後,也可放在助動詞後面。

3、例:Your presentation skills are not proficient for attending the regional workshop, yet.(你的簡報技巧還沒有熟練到能參加區域研討會。)


例:yet 也可用於肯定語氣的句子,若may/ might/ can/ could 後接yet 表示依然有可能。用於打氣的時候就這麼說:Don't give up! Our team may yet win the competition.(別放棄,我們還有機會贏。)

此外,和yet很接近的一個字是still,也是「仍然」、「還是」之意,但和yet仍有分別。Yet 表示說話者期望要發生的事情還沒有發生,而still則表示事態仍然持續,如:We are still waiting for Jason.


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英文Email錯誤率最高的一個字,其中有一個你一定沒想到,是appreciate(謝謝)! 很多人不想要一再用thank you/thanks,,,,,.,很自然地appreciate這個字就派上用場了。


(X) I appreciate you for giving us this opportunity to introduce our new product.  謝謝你給我們機會向您介紹我們的新產品。

(X)  We would appreciate if you would arrange for immediate payment.  如果能立即付款,我們會很感激。.

(X)  I will appreciate an interview with you。.  希望能有面試的機會。


仔細來看看appreciate,這個字一般字典都解釋為“欣賞、感謝”,再延伸有"升值"意思。這意思看起來沒甚麼關聯,其實它們都是源自同一個本意 “清楚某件事的價值、重要性而對其表達推崇之意”。理解、欣賞、激賞、讚賞、感激,甚至連升值都在同一條意義軸線上。

(O) I appreciate his generosity. 我讚賞他的慷慨大方。

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1. Life in the fast lane 競爭激烈、忙碌而快節奏的生活方式。

生活每天都像在高速公路上開車一樣,是不是很忙?life in the fast line就是比喻"快節奏的,競爭激烈的、馬不停蹄的生活"。
例句:Tom is a hotel manager. He works 60 hours a week, but he's always flying to Hong Kong, Tokyo or New York and enjoys life in the fast lane.

2. Go nowhere fast 毫無進展

Go nowhere意思是"哪兒都不去"。而fast這個詞的意思是"快"。Go nowhere fast是很努力做一件事,卻毫無進展。哪裡都快不了。
例句:I've been working on this problem all evening and I'm going nowhere fast! Could you help me out? 我整晚上都在絞盡腦汁地解決這問題,卻毫無進展,你幫幫我好嗎?

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這句話如果直譯,就成了:I caught a fancy of that table, so I bought it.
1) That table caught / took my fancy, so I bought it.
2) That table was to my liking, so I bought it.

NOTE:to catch / take one's fancy 和 to be one's liking / taste 的意思是"合意"或"中意",即"讓人看上",主詞是"被看上的人或物"。 如:

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Waiter︰Here's part of your order. Who's having the fried noodles?
Customer︰That's mine.
Waiter︰Be careful. The plate is very hot, and the sauce may spatter.
Customer︰Thanks for telling me.
Waiter︰I suggest you hold up your napkin so that none of it gets on your clothes.

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英語中,burn your bridges behind you,把後面的橋燒了的意思就是做了無法改變的決定,下決心為自己的決定負責,和“破釜沈舟”頗有異曲同工之妙。這個用法最初起源於凱撒大帝,為了鼓舞戰士們的士氣,表明不走回頭路、與敵人決一死戰的決心,他燒掉了部隊剛剛走過的橋,並且也不給敵人留下過橋的機會。
從此以後,就有了“不留後路”的意義,比如說:To move forward, burn your bridges behind you so you can't go backward. (要前進,你必須破釜沈舟,不留後路。)
值得一提的是,英語中表達類似含義的說法還有很多,比如還有“The die is cast ”。
the die is cast是木已成舟、大局以定的意思。牛津詞典記載,“the die is cast” ,這一成語是指骰子巳經擲出猶如覆水難收一般。這一成語在1592 年上演的莎士比亞著名歷史劇<Richard III>中就以不同的形式出現過: “I have set my life upon the cast, and I will stand the hazard of the die. ” At all events, what use was there in delaying? the die is cast (thrown) and now or tomorrow the issue must be the same. 不管怎麼樣,拖下去有什麼好處呢反正木已成舟,今天說穿和明天說穿還不是一樣。


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•match one's price 價格保證
Watsons promises to match any other store that is selling at a lower price.(屈臣氏承諾,保證最低價。)

match 是「比得過」的意思,可以用match someone's price「和某人提供的價格一樣」,這是低價保證把對手客戶拉過來的行銷策略。也可以用beat someone's price 或 undercut someone's price 就是「比某人的價格更低」的意思。

•.....sector 行業
One in nine people in New York work in the financial sector.(紐約九分之一的人從事金融業。)

sector是老外很愛用、老中比較少用的一個字,常掛在嘴上,會有一種錯覺,覺得自己講的英文越來越native。IT sector, Financial sector或service sector,指的就是IT、金融產業、服務業。想到產業,直接反應是industry,不會想到sector。

•back off from 暫緩

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Thieves accused of stealing a religious relic stained with Polish pope John Paul II’s blood threw it away thinking it worthless, Italian media said on Thursday, reporting the police had detained three people.


Police recovered the object’s metal frame but could not find the cloth, believed to be part of the robe the pontiff was wearing when he was shot in an assassination attempt in St Peter’s Square in 1981.


It was stolen on Saturday along with a cross, which has also been found, from the San Pietro della Ienca church in the mountainous Abruzzo region in central Italy where the late pope loved to go on skiing holidays.


The PrimaDaNoi.it Abruzzo news website said two of those arrested are 23 and 24 years old and are drug addicts known to the police for other petty crimes.

The PrimaDaNoi.it阿布魯佐新聞網站說,當中被捕的兩名竊賊分別為23、24歲,他們是因其他小犯行,而讓警察認識的吸毒者。

The relic is a framed, tiny square of cloth.

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美式:I have to start the work a week from Monday.
I have to start the work a week on Monday.

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I am picked on all the time. =People pick on me all the time. (人們老愛找我麻煩。)
I try to be thoughtful, but he calls it manipulative. (我想表答關心,但他認為是操控。)
He is wrong, dead wrong ! (他是大錯特錯!)
He almost chewed me out ; I cannot seem to please him.(他把我罵了一頓;我無法讓他高興。)
His response to me was rude and insensitive. (他對我的回應粗魯,一點都沒人情味。)
He was so wishy-washy that drove me nuts. (他優柔寡斷,真令我難受。)
His response is fine, but his tone was belittling. (他說的沒錯,不過口氣瞧不起人。)
Sometimes he is completely overbearing. (有時他過分傲慢專橫,盛氣凌人。)

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如果對對方的觀點表示瞭解,可以說:I see what you mean. (我明白您的意思。)
如果表示贊成,可以說:That's a good idea. (是個好主意。
或者說:I agree with you. (我同意。

如果是有條件地接受,可以用on the condition that這個句型,例如:

We accept your proposal, on the condition that you order 20,000 units. (
如果您訂2萬件,我們會接受您的建議。 )

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Good news may be in store for Taiwanese citizens traveling to the US. In the near future, they might be able to stay within the US for business or pleasure for up to 90 days without having to obtain an American visa first. Thus, Taiwanese travelers would no longer have to pay the US$143 fee for the travel visa. In December of 2011, Taiwan was nominated for inclusion into the US Visa Waiver Program, and hopefully, Taiwan and its anxious travelers will be given the green light soon.




be in store  即將發生,快要出現
There's a real treat in store for all of you for Christmas.
obtain (vt.) 得到,獲得
You can obtain the information you need at the visitor center.
visa (n.) 簽證
I applied for a tourist visa for my trip to Russia.
nominate (vt.) 提名

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1、我請客:覺得我們常用pay這個詞,如Let me pay it for you。在電影裡常聽到的說法是:I am buyingThis is on meThis is all my bill

、向前看!:我們會說Look forward!而美語裡有個更貼切的說法是Eyes front!眼睛朝前,是不是很生動?

、頭等大事:你會怎麼說呢?The most important thing嗎?看這個吧“It's on the top of my list”

4、停電:No electricity?其實提到,老外更多是用power,停電就可以是There is a power failurePower goes out

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撰文者:Y.K. Tang/世界公民文化中心編輯顧問



Life is not fair; get used to it. ~ Bill Gates



Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. ~ Steve Jobs



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