美式:I have to start the work a week from Monday.
英式:I have to start the work a week on Monday.
美式:I will see you at eight ten.
英式:I will see you at ten past eight.
美式:"Do you have the time" or "What time do you have? "
英式:"Have you got the time, please? " " What time do you make it? "
小孩學會看時間,美國人說they can tell time,英國人說they can tell the time.
除了語言,連文化也有不同,我在英國求學時的同學常在下課後加一句:you must pop around sometime(你有空來我家找我玩喔!)若真以為英國人和台灣人一樣愛搏感情那就大錯特錯了,要拜訪拘謹的英國人還是要明確和對方訂出造訪時間,隨興地跟著對方回家,可是會讓人家不知所措的。
文章出處 :http://blog.udn.com/corecorner/article