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The Witch Doctor Will See You Now 有請巫醫
by Marcus Maurice
Cow urine! Cow urine! Who wants to try some fresh cow urine?

  India has long been known as a place of magic and mystery. To Hindus, the cow is the most sacred of all animals, and anything that comes out of it is holy.Normally, milk from cows is drunk for strong teeth and bones, but in India, theelixir of life is cow urine. While that sounds disgusting, cow pee containsphosphatenitrogen, and all sorts of ingredients that many people say help their health. In India, belief in the healing power of the cow is so strong that coughmedicines, ear dropsshampoos, and soaps composed of cow urine are widelyavailable.
  Would you drink a soda if the main ingredient were cow urine? What would you do if you were extremely ill and none of the numerous Western medical treatments that you have tried worked? This is the premise of National Geographic Channel's (NGC's) The Witch Doctor Will See You Now. Author and explorer Piers Gibbon travels to exotic locations to find out if some of the world's ancient and most extreme medical practices have any merit. In each episode, he gets two volunteer patients to try these so-called cure-all remedies to see if theyalleviate their problems.
  While cow urine therapy seems outlandish, it's not the only strange practice that Gibbon and the patients try. In Hong Kong, they eat snake soup and drink field mouse wine at a very famous restaurant. In Cameroon, two patients desperateto get rid of their aches and pains cover themselves in goat's blood before eating the goat to honor it. This month, grasp unfamiliar solutions to health problems on NGC.

  1. sacred a. 神聖的

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A Cake to Remember  難忘的噁心蛋糕

  請根據右邊三張連環圖畫的內容,以"Judy had run out of food, so she went out to do some shopping."開頭,寫一篇約120-140字的文章,描述圖中主角所經歷的事件,並提供合理的解釋與結局。

  Judy had run out of food, so she went out to do some shopping. She passed by a bakery and was attracted to the heavenly1 smell coming from inside. Everything looked delicious, so she went into the bakery and bought a couple cupcakes2.

  When Judy wanted to eat something sweet the following day, the cupcakescame to mind. She excitedly took one out of the box from the fridge3. As she wasremoving the wax paper4 from the cupcake, she saw something odd. The surface of the cupcake was covered with green mold5. Immediately, Judy checked the others and found that they had all gone bad. Judy felt sick and swore never to buy anything from that bakery again. She also couldn't help but imagine what would have happened if she had taken a bite of the rotten cupcake without looking at it first. 

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green shoots 說好的春燕呢?

有讀者問,報紙常用燕子說景氣,英文有沒有相對的字眼呢? 之前在Bloomberg看過一篇文章「”Buy China" Pesticide Withers Those Green Shoots(「買中國貨」這劑殺蟲劑讓復甦的經濟枯萎)。「Green shoots」(綠芽)本來是一個園藝詞彙,90年代初經濟蕭條時期,英國財政大臣Norman Lamont在一次會議中表示「The "green shoots" of economic spring are appearing once again.」(經濟的春天就要來臨,「綠芽」又復甦了。) 因此,綠芽一詞衍生出經濟出現復甦跡象的含義,成了熱門詞彙。二十一世紀初的金融危機,綠芽又重新崛起,但這個詞卻遭到不同程度的抵制。  「The term "green shoots", which sprang into the lexicon during the recession of the early 1990s, is back like a weed. Readers agree it must be stomped out.」(紐約證券經紀公司分析師認為,green shoots的本意為植物發芽抽枝,就目前的經濟形勢而言,只微弱成長,相當於植物種子在土地之下的生長,綠芽尚未萌發。多數美國人也認為這個字太簡單,有粉飾太平的意味。) 有沒有更好的詞,把人們現在對經濟成長的渴望一語道破?美國全球經濟頻道CNBC曾經在網上發起投票活動,鼓勵網友提議並評選出最適合替代「green shoots」的表達字彙。選項以及票選結果是: debug 1220 票數最高的一個詞是"meadow muffins"(牛糞、肥料),占總票數的28%。「We could say the market has dropped meadow muffins in hopes of a strong recovery.」 經濟市場已經灑了肥料,繁榮指日可待。這樣說,還滿有創意的吧! 也有人提名"bamboo roots"(竹子的根),因為竹子的根要在地下生長3至5年之後才會破土而出,與當前的經濟形勢不謀而合。(bamboo roots grow underground for 3 to 5 years before they start breaking ground and shooting for the sky!)  還有人提議"auroral arcs"(極光弧)。極光弧特徵是,短暫增亮隨後很快衰減。同樣和「光」有關的是"a lighter shade of gray"(灰色的淡影),意味著微弱的陽光已經照射進來,投下了淡淡的陰影。  而另一個富有創意的詞是"groundhogs"(土撥鼠)。土撥鼠能夠預測春天還有多遠。人們相信,每年2月2日,土撥鼠會走出洞穴,如果天氣晴朗,它看到了自己的影子,就預示著冬天還將持續6個星期;如果烏雲密佈,它看不到自己的影子,就說明春天很快就會到來。 新的一年就快到了,盼望春燕真的很快能飛回來呢! 

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Q:Whatever book that you want to look at will be sent to your office. 這句中的 that 是否正確?

A:這句的意思是「凡是/任何你想看的書都會被送到你的辦公室」,其中的 "that" 使這個原本毫無瑕疵的句子變成不合語法,但這是許多人常犯的錯誤,甚至不少英文教師也沒有察覺其中的錯誤。當一個限定子句前的名詞片語是以關係形容詞 whatever (或 whichever) 來引導時,或者說得「白話」一點,在 whatever (或 whichever) + 名詞 (或名詞片語) + 限定子句的結構中,限定子句前不能有 that (關係代名詞),因為 whatever (或 whichever) 本身的意思就是 "all that" 或 "any that",換言之,它本身已包含了先行詞 + 關係代名詞,所以若再加上 that,就有兩個 that,而變成錯誤的句子結構。同樣地,下面第 1 句使用了 that,所以是錯誤的,必須去掉 that 才正確,如第 2 句。

1. *Whichever book that costs less is fine with us. (只要售價較低的書,我們都歡迎)
2. Whichever book costs less is fine with us.

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全球最大零售商Wal-Mart創辦人Sam Walton,曾經寫下企業成功經營的十大法則。這十條準則中的關鍵字,都是「動詞」。牢牢記住這些動詞,不只要把它們輸入你腦中的英文資料庫,還要落實在每天的經營管理上。

Commit to your business. Believe in it more than anybody else.

Share your profits with all your associates, and treat them as partners. In turn, they will treat you as a partner, and together you will all perform beyond your wildest expectations.

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表裡不一的英文字 英文最怕的就是表裡不一的字。 在英文中有一大群看似「主動」,實為「被動」的字。「賣得好」用sell;「由……組成」用comprise;「退讓」用yield to;「委任」用 fall to;「中計」用 fall for……。

在這些中、英文字裡,你看不到一個「被」字,也沒有出現被動(be動詞+過去分詞)用法,但全隱含著被動的意義。 以下,我們就用一些例子來搞定這些表裡不一的英文字。

 1. sell 賣,出售 His debut novel was sold well and continued to top the bestseller list. →His debut novel sold well and continued to top the bestseller list. 他的小說處女作賣得很好,持續穩坐暢銷書冠軍。 

2. comprise 由…組成 The committee is comprised of representatives from the public sectors. →The committee comprises representatives from the public sectors. 委員會由政府部門代表組成。

3. yield to 被迫接受,退讓 In business negotiation, we shouldn’t be forced to accept all the demands from our clients. →In business negotiation, we can’t just yield to all the demands from our clients. 在商務談判中,我們不應該一昧接受客戶的要求。 

4. fall to 被指派,委任 Everyone else on the overworked staff was relieved when the task of handling the new project was assigned to Cindy. →Everyone else on the overworked staff was relieved when the task of handling the new project fell to Cindy. 得知新專案指派給Cindy後,負擔沈重的成員們都鬆了一口氣。 

5. fall for 被欺騙,落入陷阱 We were all deceived by the con artist’s scheme and lost $10,000. →We all fell for the con artist’s scheme and lost $10,000. 我們都中了那騙子的詭計,損失了一萬元美金。 

6. forfeit 被沒收,喪失權利 If you breach the contract, you will be deprived of your deposit. →If you breach the contract, you will forfeit your deposit. 若違約,訂金概不退還。 認清楚這些字後,是不是覺得中英文都跟著好了一點?常把英文和自己的母語比對思考,你也會有一些新奇的小發現!

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Festivals of Ice and Snow 冰與雪的雙重饗宴
The Quebec Winter Carnival and the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival are great ways to experience winter at its fullest

  Canada is famous for its winter lifestyle, considering the season lasts half the year there. A great example of this is the Quebec Winter Carnival1. The annual festival runs from January 27 to February 12 this year. Quebec is an old city with beautiful historic buildings, and many agree that winter is the best time to visit. The city comes alive in the snow, especially during the winter festival. Visitors to the chilly city can find tons of things to do that will make winter seem like paradise.

  The Carnival boasts a magical ice palace2 made with 9,000 tons of snow in brick3 form, a legendary canoe4 race on the St. Lawrence River, and two night parades which are complete with colorfully entertaining clowns and floats. Other interesting features include a 122-meter ice slide5, snow rafting6, and a giant, life-sized foosball7 game. There is also a dogsled8 race, a thrilling winter event that runs through six kilometers of the city's streets. With more than 20 teams competing, the dogsled race is noisy, fun, and full of great cheer. Even better, artists from around the world come to compete in the snow sculpture competition. It is amazing how these artists can bring snow to life. The Quebec Winter Carnival has everything for the whole family and more. It is without a doubt a great way to experience winter at its fullest.




  1. historic a. 有重大歷史意義的,歷史性的

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  1. 尾端為一個母音字母 (a, e, i, o, u) 再加一個子音字母的字,在加上以母音字母作開頭的字尾 (suffix) 之前,其最後一個子音字母通常要重複,如 stop 變成 stopped, stopping, stopper 和 unstoppable。因此,snip 變成 snipper,但 snipe 變成 sniper。
  2. 大多數尾端為兩個子音字母的字,在加上以母音字母作開頭的字尾之前,其最後一個子音字母通常不重複,如 print 變成 printed, printing 和 printer。
  3. 若字尾是以子音字母 (而非母音字母) 作開頭,那麼基本字 (base word - 又叫做字根 root word) 維持不變,如 ship 變成 shipment,clap 變成 claptrap。
  4. 雙音節和更多音節的字,若其重音是在最後一個音節,那麼該字在加上以母音字母作開頭的字尾之前,其最後一個子音字母通常要重複,如 infer 變成 inferred 和 inferring。
  5. 但重音在最後一個音節的雙音節字,若其所加的字尾是以子音字母作開頭,那麼其最後一個子音字母不重複,如 regret 變成 regretting,但變成 regretful。
  6. 重音在最後一個音節但尾端是兩個子音字母或一個母音字母的雙音節字,其最後一個子音字母不重複,如 predict 變成 predicting 和 predicted;reduce 變成 reducer 和 reduced。
  7. 最後一個字母為 -c 的字,在加上以母音字母作開頭的字尾之前,通常要先加一個 k,如 panic 變成 panicking;picnic 變成 picnicked;traffic 變成 trafficked, trafficking;bivouac 變成 bivouacking, bivouacked。
  8. 一個音節以上的字,若其最後一個字母為子音字母,尤其是 -l,英式英語通常 (並非總是) 重複此字母,但美式英語通常不重複。例如:



canceled, cancelled


crueler, cruelest

crueller, cruellest





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國人喜歡喝酒,不僅自己喝,也勸別人喝 (勸酒);勸酒就是強迫別人喝酒,英文叫做 force others to drink。不過,說也奇怪,既然喜歡杯中物,為何划酒拳時,是輸的人喝酒而不是贏的人喝呢? 而且必須 Bottoms up! (乾杯,杯底不要養金魚)。好朋友一起喝酒,往往還未動筷吃菜就先乾三杯,"Cheers" 之聲不絕於耳。英文中稱酒喝很多的人是 heavy drinkers (就像菸抽很多的癮君子叫做 heavy smokers),而形容一個人喝很多酒、很會喝酒是 drink like a fish,即牛飲、海量。

有些人散盡家財於觥籌交錯中,弄得家庭失和、妻離子散;有些人則因喝酒,把健康的身體搞壞了,不是男性雄風不再,就是肝臟功能全毀,抑或兩者都有。因此,有人發誓從此「滴酒不沾」了,"I don’t want to drink anything with alcohol.",千萬別只說 "I don’t want to drink anything.",否則別人可能誤以為你連水、咖啡、果汁都不喝了。

有些人妻管嚴,凡事都在妻子嚴格的掌控中,弄得「起毛不揚」,心情經常處於鬱卒狀態,只好借酒澆愁。此時,你可以說 "My wife drives me to drink.",這句話的意思不是「我太太載我去喝酒」( 天下沒有這麼好的事情),而是「我太太逼得我借酒消愁」。

曾經看過一本有關國際禮儀的書,提到喝酒的國際禮儀是 "After toasting the first drink, you drink yours, and I drink mine.",意思是說「敬完第一杯酒後接下來都是你喝你的,我喝我的」。

西方人士將酒大致分成三類:1. liquor 烈酒,包括 brandy 白蘭地、whiskey 威士忌、vodka 伏特加和 tequila 龍舌蘭等;2. beer 啤酒;3. wine 葡萄酒和水果酒。另外,我們也要瞭解 cocktail 是雞尾酒、mixed drink 是調酒、liqueur 是利口酒 (具甜味而芳香的烈酒) — 值得注意的是,liquor 和 liqueur 的拼字和發音都相近,前者重音在第一音節,後者在第二音節,有興趣的人可到韋氏線上辭典 Merriam-Webster Online 查查它們的發音。若要瞭解所有酒類及相關用語的英文,可參閱網路翻譯家專業詞彙彙整單元的「烈酒和葡萄酒 (Liquor and Wine)」。相信下一次上高級餐廳時,你就能完全看懂 wine list (酒類一覽表)了。

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Q:我看到 I wouldn't like you to think that I was being unfair. 這樣的句子,請問 I was unfair 和 I was being unfair 意義上有何不同?

A:英文中有所謂的 "stative verbs" (狀態動詞) 和 "dynamic verbs" (動態動詞),stative verbs 不可有進行式,反之,dynamic verbs 則可。be 動詞雖屬於 stative verbs,但當形容詞是在描述動作或行為 (actions or behaviors) 時,我們通常使用 「be + being + 形容詞」的句型。這種用法頗為常見。請看下面的例句:

  • You’re being silly / foolish / childish when you do such silly / foolish / childish things. (當你在做這種愚蠢/幼稚的事情時,你的行為真是愚蠢/幼稚)
  • I was walking on tiptoe and being very careful not to wake the baby. (我踮著腳走路,小心翼翼地不要讓我的動作吵醒嬰兒)

如果形容詞是在描述或表達「情感」(feelings)、「心理狀態」(mental states) 或「情緒反應」(emotional reactions),我們通常使用「be + 形容詞」的句型。請看下面的例句:

  • I was upset / worried when I heard that they would have to operate on John’s knee. (當我聽到他們必須為約翰的膝蓋開刀時,我憂心忡忡)
  • I am delighted to hear that you have passed all your exams. (我很高興聽到你已通過所有考試)

問題中的句子 I wouldn’t like you to think that I was being unfair. (我不希望你認為我處事不公) 所講的是行為、動作、措施或作法,不是情感、心理狀態或情緒反應。

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Q:He owns a farm, mansion, orchard, and estate. 這句有四個名詞,但只有 farm 的前面有不定冠詞 a,這樣對嗎? 因為 orchard 和 estate 的前面須用 an。

A:He owns a farm, mansion, orchard, and estate. (他有一座農場、一棟豪宅、一座果園和一座莊園) 這句不合英文語法,因為 orchard 和 estate 的前面須用 an。所以,此一系列名詞的前面都要加上適當的冠詞,即 He owns a farm, a mansion, an orchard, and an estate.。

不過,若句中一系列名詞都使用相同的冠詞,那麼就可以僅在第一個名詞的前面加上冠詞,其餘名詞前面的冠詞皆省略,以合乎簡潔的原則,如 He owns a car, yacht, house, and company. (他有一部車、一艘遊艇、一棟房子和一家公司)。


  • In spring, summer, or in winter (誤)
  • In spring, summer, or winter (正)
  • In spring, in summer, or in winter (正)
  • The French, the Italians, Spanish, and Portuguese (誤)
  • The French, Italians, Spanish, and Portuguese (正)
  • The French, the Italians, the Spanish, and the Portuguese (正)


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Q:所有動物都可以用 he 或 she 來指稱嗎?

A:我們可以用 he 或 she 來指吾人所飼養的寵物。事實上,英美人士幾乎都是這樣用。他們不僅用 he 或 she 來指自己的寵物,而且在第一次見到別人的寵物時也都使用 he 或 she。譬如說,某甲在公園見到一隻狗,即使他並不知道那隻狗是公的還是母的,他亦可能這樣問狗主人:"What a lovely dog, how old is he?" (好可愛的狗哦,他多大啦?),因為 "How old is it?" 的說法是很不禮貌的。

至於野生動物,我們通常使用 it 這個代名詞來指稱。譬如說,你跟你太太在公園散步聊天,忽然看見樹上有隻松鼠,你可以指著松鼠對她說:"Can you see that squirrel? It’s in the big tree over there." (你有看到那隻松鼠嗎? 牠就在那邊的大樹上)。

然而,有些人有時可能使用 he 或 she 來指野生動物,如在馬戲團或野生動物表演節目中,表演者或主持人可能用 he 或 she 來指出場表演的動物。再者,在文學作品中,作者可能用 he 或 she 來指作品中的動物,因為各該動物也是作品中的「角色」。

我們之所以使用 he 或 she 來指寵物、野生動物或表演用的動物,主要目的就是將動物擬人化 (personalize)。不過,將寵物擬人化是日常生活慣用的禮貌性作法,而將野生動物擬人化則是文學常用的風格。

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Q:no 接可數名詞時,該名詞要用複數還是單數?

A. 一般而言,no 後面若接可數名詞,該名詞通常使用複數型,因為這比單數型要來得自然多了,不會顯得蹩腳。例如:

  • No road accidents were reported in Pescadores throughout August. (整個八月澎湖皆未傳出道路意外事故)
  • No dogs are allowed in the restaurant. (這家餐廳不允許攜狗入內)

不過,視個人心中所想的數量 (一個或多個) 而定,no 有時可接單數或複數名詞。例如:

  • It was 10 a.m., yet there was no policeman on duty outside the bank. (時間已是早上十點,但銀行外面仍無警察值勤)
  • It was 10 a.m., yet there were no policemen on duty outside the bank.
  • In the baseball game last Sunday, no players hit a home run. (在上週日的棒球比賽中,沒有任何球員擊出全壘打)
  • In the baseball game last Sunday, no player hit a home run.
  • In the baseball game last Sunday, not a single player hit a home run.


  • He must lead a lonely life: He has no wife and no children. (他一定過著孤寂的生活:他無妻無子) - 男人通常只有一個太太,但往往有一個以上的小孩。

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片語動詞只是眾多所謂「多字動詞」(multi-word verbs) 的一部份而已。片語動詞與其他多字動詞都是英語非常重要的一環。多字動詞相當常用,尤其口語英文更是用得頻繁。多字動詞也是動詞,如 "pick up"、"turn on" 或 "get on with" 等等。為方便起見,許多人把所有多字動詞都叫做片語動詞。這些動詞包含一個基本動詞 + 另一個字或兩個字。基本動詞以外的這一個或兩個字可以是介系詞和/或副詞 (當副詞用的介系詞)。構成多字動詞的兩個或三個字就是一般所稱的「片語」(phrase)  此乃這些動詞通常都被稱為「片語動詞」的原因。

吾人必須記住的一個重點是:多字動詞仍然是個動詞。"get" 是一個動詞,而 "get up" 也是一個動詞。"get" 和 "get up" 是兩個不同的動詞。它們的意思並不相同。所以,我們應該將每個多字動詞視為個別的動詞,以學習「單字動詞」 (single-word verbs) 的方式來學習多字動詞。請看下面的例句,你會發現英語有三種多字動詞:

單字動詞 look You must lookbefore you leap. (你必須三思而後行)
多字動詞 介系詞動詞 look after 照顧 Who is looking afterthe baby? (誰在照顧嬰兒?)
片語動詞 look up (在書中) 查閱 (資料等)
You can look up my number in the telephone directory. (你可以在電話簿查到我的電話號碼)
片語介系詞動詞 look forward to 期待,期望 look forward tohearing from you in the near future. (我期待不久收到你的信)


片語動詞 (Phrasal Verbs)

片語動詞是指由一個動詞加上另一個字所構成的多字動詞。許多人把所有多字動詞都叫做片語動詞。但在本文中,我們將會明確區分上述三種多字動詞。它們分別是「片語動詞」(phrasal verbs) 、「介系詞動詞」(prepositional verbs) 和「片語介系詞動詞」(phrasal-prepositional verbs)。首先讓我們來看片語動詞。

片語動詞是由 動詞 + 副詞 (當副詞用的介系詞) 所構成。

片語動詞可以是及物 (有直接受詞) 或不及物 (沒有直接受詞)。下表為片語動詞的若干例句:

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說明:根據《創世記》(Book of Genesis),Sodom (所多瑪) 是遠古時代的一座城市,位於死海 (Dead Sea) 的東南方,現今已沉沒水底。據說該城為罪惡淵藪,是一座耽溺於男色的淫亂城市。當地生長著一種十分高大的蘋果樹,它們結出的果實十分華麗漂亮,讓人非常喜愛。凡是經過的人都禁不住要採摘一個來品嚐,但每當拿到手裡剝去皮之後,這種蘋果裡面卻是一團像灰土一樣的東西,根本無法食用,令人大失所望。根據傳說,這是上帝對當地人民的一種懲罰。

後來世人便用 apple of Sodom 來表達華而不實的東西、虛有其表之物以及金玉其外,敗絮其中的含意。


  • Nowadays there are a lot of sexy babes who are actually apples of Sodom. (現今許多性感美眉其實是金玉其外,敗絮其中)
  • Don’t completely believe in ads because most of them are simply a lure for people to buy some apples of Sodom. (不要完全相信廣告,因為大部分的廣告都只是想引誘人們購買華而不實的商品)

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Strange Green Machines 環保又實用的另類綠色發明

  Nowadays, scientists are focusing more and more on green inventions. These are devices that promote the idea of using less fossil fuel1 and being less harmful to the environment. Some of these green inventions will probably become very popular. Some may even fail to get off the ground. Others are just strange. Such is the case with meat-eating furniture. A team of British inventors designed a digital2 wall clock that is powered not by a battery or electrical plug, but by dead flies.

  The clock has a strip of flypaper3 that revolves. After a fly lands and gets stuck on the paper, it is scraped off by a metal blade4 and drops into a special fuel cell5. There, the fly's body is transformed into energy. Time may have run out for the fly, but not for the person looking at the clock.

  Of course, living bodies can create electricity as well, thanks to Orange Power Wellies6. These are specially designed rubber boots that will convert the heat from a person's feet into an electrical current7. In turn, the current can be used via a cable at the top of the boot to power a cellphone. It takes 12 hours of walking to charge a phone for one hour of use, but wearers can produce more energy just by making their feet hotter. Just think, you can walk and talk without having to worry about the battery dying on you.




  當然,活生生的人體也能夠產生電力,而這都要感謝Orange Power Wellies這項發明(編按:這個產品是由英國的Orange公司所發明,故得此名)。這是一款經過特殊設計的橡膠長靴,能夠把人們腳底產生的熱能轉換成電流。而這股電流就可以透過靴子頂端的一條線路來為手機供電。想讓手機有一小時通話量的電力要走上十二小時才夠,但是穿上這雙靴子的人只要能使雙腳更熱便可以產生更多能量。想一想,您可以邊走路邊講話,完全不需要擔心手機的電池會沒電。

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有位網友寫e-mail問筆者as (準關係代名詞)和that (關係代名詞)在such之後的意義有何不同。記得這個文法問題已在網路翻譯家的文法問題與解答中談過。不過,既然有人再問此問題,筆者仍願意不厭其煩地再講一次,但建議最好用留言板發問會比較有系統性。言歸正傳! 筆者就以下面兩個例句來做說明:

  1. This is the same pen as I lost.
  2. This is the same pen that I lost.

第1句意為「這支筆跟我所遺失的筆是同一類型」。句中as為準關代,代替前面的名詞(先行詞) pen,且是形容詞子句as I lost中動詞lost的受詞。

第2句意為「這支筆跟我所遺失的筆是同一支筆」。句中that為一般關代,代替前面的名詞pen,而且也是形容詞子句that I lost中動詞lost的受詞。


John was not such a student as would bully his classmates.

這句意為「約翰不是那種會欺負同學的學生」。句中as代替前面的名詞student,且是形容詞子句as would bully his classmates 的主詞。

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1.slippers (圖1)

2.sandals (圖2)


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Q:"quite" 在會話中的意思很難瞭解,它到底是「完全,十分,非常」(totally, perfectly, completely) 還是「有幾分,頗為,相當」(partially, somewhat, fairly, rather) 呢?

A:答案是:quite 兼具這兩種意思。如果我們說 "I am quite happy.",這可能意為「我頗為高興但不是十分高興」(I’m partially, fairly, somewhat happy but not completely happy),但也可能意為「我十分/非常高興」(I’m totally, entirely, completely, 100% happy)。

所以接下來您可能會問:我們要如何辨別它們的意思呢? 當有人說 I am quite happy. 時,要怎麼知道他們是表示「我有些高興」還是「我十分高興」呢? 如果光看這個句子,確實無法知道它表示那個意思。不過,別氣餒,有一些線索可以幫助我們解決這問題。

首先,英語中有些形容詞被稱為極限形容詞 (limit adjectives) 或不可分等級的形容詞 (non-gradable adjectives),這些形容詞本身的含意已包括極度的意思,因此通常沒有比較級和最高級形式,如 perfect, unique, enormous, worthless, impossible 以及現在分詞和過去分詞形容詞,如 disgusting, exhausted, tired, amazed, terrified, delighted 等等。這些形容詞雖沒有比較級和最高級形式,但卻可以用 absolutely, completely, perfectly, quite, simply, totally, utterly 和 wholly 等副詞來修飾以表示最高程度 (亦即已達極限),或者用 almost, nearly, practically, virtually 來修飾以表示接近最高程度 — 但請注意,現在分詞和過去分詞形容詞不能用 almost, nearly, practically, virtually 來修飾 。所以,如果我說 I am quite exhausted. 時,這一定意為「我極度/十分/非常疲倦」,因為它不可能表示「我有些極度/十分/非常疲倦」,這講不通。

其次,從上下文來判斷。我們往往可從說話者所說的話清楚地知道他或她所要表達的 quite 的意思。假設 John 最近生了一場病:

  • Mike: Are you feeling better now?
  • John: Yes, I’m feeling quite healthy, thank you. In fact, I feel great!

從上面的對話可知,由於 John 說 I feel great! (我覺得身體狀況棒極了),所以他可能表示他已完全康復,因此 quite healthy 應是意為「十分/非常健康」。


  • Mike: Are you feeling better now?
  • John: Well, I’m feeling quite healthy, but I still have a terrible headache.

在這裡,由於 John 說 I still have a terrible headache. (我的頭還是痛得很厲害),所以 quite healthy 應是意為「有些、部分健康但不是百分之百復原、十分健康」。

再者,如果這些句子是用講的,那麼我們通常可以從說話者的語氣和語調獲得線索。如果他或她說話的語氣肯定且句末的語調下降,那麼 quite 通常意為「完全,十分,非常」;然而,如果他或她說話的語氣比較不確定且句末的語調上揚,那麼 quite 通常意為「有幾分,頗為,相當」。

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(名詞) 殭屍債務人或借方:每月僅能支付債務或借款利息的消費者。

It is feared that 3.5m people will turn to payday lenders in the next six months but research shows that nearly two-thirds will regret the decision.

Many will be unable to pay off the loan and risk becoming "zombie debtors", only able to pay off the interest on what they owe.
—Nick Sommerlad, "Church of England ban on payday investments,"Daily Mirror, December 19, 2011

Steve Inch, chair of the Scotcash board, said the collaboration — which sees a loan advisor based full time in the offices of North Glasgow Housing Association, also helped avoid the phenomenon of "zombie" loan accounts.

"There’s a new term being coined for payday borrowers who are able only to pay the interest on their loans — zombie debtors — so that the principal debt just rolls on, and while there’s talk of those institutions having a code of conduct introduced, that’s only in the pipeline at present and we want people to know that there is an alternative in the shape of Scotcash," he said.
—Joan McFadden, "Loan service launches attack on the zombies,"Herald Scotland, December 30, 2011

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