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1. Linsanity - The Taiwanese-American dream
林書豪炫風 - 台裔美籍男子的夢想成真  

As the first ripples of "Linsanity" hit Asia, ethnic Chinese-American Jeremy Lin's fairytale rise has marketing men rubbing their hands with glee as they contemplate a potential candidate to fill the very large shoes left by last year's retirement of Yao Ming.
英倫翻譯轉自 http://www.studentpost.com.tw/

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Horseshoe Crab


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5 - Taiwan to the World 4 綻放真台灣

mammal n. 哺乳類
reptile n. 爬蟲類
Formosan landlocked salmon n. 櫻花鉤吻鮭 
landlocked a. 內陸的
salmon n. 鮭魚
Mikado pheasant n. 帝雉
horseshoe crab n. 鱟(又名馬蹄蟹)
tracker n. 追蹤者,追捕者
stargazer n. 觀星者;星象學家

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4 - Taiwan to the World 4 綻放真台灣


consist of...  由……組成

This film consists of five touching stories that are all tied together by a red violin.


attempt to + 原形動詞  試圖∕嘗試(做)……

Ian attempted to cheer up his wife by telling jokes.


work on + 動名詞∕名詞  致力於……

The marketing department has been working on this project for a long time.

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3 - Taiwan to the World 4 綻放真台灣


spectacular a. 精彩的,奪目的

Many people visit Yellowstone National Park for its spectacular scenery.


roughly adv. 粗略地,大致上

Jason and I have roughly the same opinions even though we come from different backgrounds.


unexpected a. 想不到的,意外的

Susan's resignation was quite unexpected because we thought she loved her job.

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2 - Taiwan to the World 4 綻放真台灣





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1 - Taiwan to the World 4 綻放真台灣

Experts are working to unlock the secrets and the potential of creatures found on this beautiful Island


Known as the Beautiful Island, Taiwan is filled with spectacular landscapes, unique wildlife, and also amazing people. There are roughly 70 species of mammals1, 90 species of reptiles2, 400 species of butterflies, 500 species of birds, and more. Some of these incredible creatures can only be found in Taiwan. These consist of the Formosan black bear, the Formosan landlocked salmon3, and the Mikado pheasant4. However, it is the unexpected creatures that are presenting some unexpected benefits to the world.

  National Geographic Channel's "Taiwan to the World 4: Taiwan's Amazing Creatures" changes our view of the world. It shows experts working to unlock the secrets and the potential of creatures commonly found in Taiwan like cockroaches and horseshoe crabs5.

  Not only is Taiwan's wildlife amazing, but so are its people. In the episode "Star Trackers6", NGC's cameras follow two stargazers7 chasing their dreams in the night sky. One is attempting to discover a new comet, while the other is working on building the world's most powerful radio telescope. Produced by Taiwanese filmmakers, NGC's "Taiwan to the World 4" will open your hearts and minds to all that is Taiwan.

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6- Entertainment
Although the fruit fly brain is much simpler than that of humans, they have many similar genes and proteins that are used in everyday activities such as learning, memorizing, sleeping and exploring. Therefore, the study of fruit flies can be helpful in the study of human brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's. 雖然果蠅的大腦構造比人類簡單許多,但在諸如學習、記憶、睡眠和探索等日常活動方面,兩者間卻會用上許多相似的基因和蛋白質。因此,研究果蠅或許對阿茲海默症、帕金森氏症和亨丁頓舞蹈症等人類腦部病變的研究有所助益。  
The team, whose findings were published in the Feb. 10 edition of Science magazine in the U.S., is also hoping to confirm whether the human brain also stores long-term memories in only a few cells.
英倫翻譯轉自: 美國《科學》期刊


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5- Entertainment
"This discovery could help us understand how proteins and neurons form memory, and could be conducive to developing ways of curing human brain diseases and enhancing human memory," explained the team leader, National Tsing Hua University Professor Ann-shyn Chiang. "It may even be applied to the development of intelligent computers." 研究團隊領導人,國立清華大學 教授江安世解釋:「這項發現可以幫助人類了解蛋白質和神經元如何形成記憶,而且可能有助於研發治療腦部病變與提升人類記憶力的方法。它甚至可以應用於研發智慧型電腦。」
英倫翻譯轉自: 美國《科學》期刊

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4-      Entertainment

Spotlight on TaiwanGo team!

A Taiwanese research team has recently identified the brain cells responsible for the formation of long-term memory in fruit flies, which could pave the way for curing human brain diseases and enhancing memory. After seven years of research, they found that the formation of long-term memories requires the synthesis of new proteins in only a few cells in the brains of fruit flies.   台灣焦點




英倫翻譯轉自: 美國《科學》期刊

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3-      Entertainment


Cryptic, you say? Not if you take into consideration Lin's wide scope of musical influences, which range from Hong Kong's Eason Chan to British alternative rock group Radiohead. A similar mix of wide-ranging talents and performances is scheduled to take place at the jazz concert scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 26. Lin's eclectic performance style will be enhanced by an ensemble of top instrumentalists trained overseas in Europe and the U.S. — violins, keyboards, saxophones, oh my!



英倫翻譯轉自: 美國《科學》期刊

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2-      Entertainment

By partnering with the Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders (TFRD), Lin is trading his usual rocker uniform for a gentleman's outfit, all in the name of charity. Aptly christened "A jazzy night with Yoga Lin," the benefit concert will be hosted by the National Taiwan University of Science & Technology's EDBA/EMBA program. If you haven't figured out the business connection between the local university and one of our favorite artists, the hint lies within The Student Post's maxim: "The Best of Both Worlds." 台科大 EDBA/EMBA 研究所與財團法人罕見疾病基金會合作,特邀林宥嘉共襄盛舉,舉辦一場名為「林宥嘉邂逅爵士慈善音樂會」的義演,而林宥嘉一改平日搖滾風格,換上紳士形象的服裝演唱。倘若你不了解國內大學和受歡迎的歌手之間究竟有什麼商業連結,提示就是《學生郵報》的座右銘——「相輔相成」。 

英倫翻譯轉自: 美國《科學》期刊

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1-      Entertainment

Jazzing it up - Yoga Lin proves to be quite a charitable gentleman

與音樂王子林宥嘉的爵士之夜 - 慈善紳士林宥嘉實至名歸       

Impatient and fidgety for another brilliant album from Yoga Lin? Sorry, you might have to wait some more. The 25-year-old is currently busy rocking out all over Asia, playing one gig after another in a dedicated mission to share his music, and hence his beliefs, with his fans. A craving for more intimacy and face-to-face interaction has driven Lin to participate in a whole slew of rock-'n'-roll concerts, and not always for his own personal gain. Music, in fact, is his way of giving back to society.    迫不及待要聽到華語樂壇小天王林宥嘉的新專輯了嗎?不好意思,您得再等一陣子囉!這名年僅廿五歲的新生代歌手目前正以絕佳的歌聲席捲亞洲,與歌迷分享他的音樂和信念。為了與歌迷有更多面對面的親密交流,林宥嘉舉辦了無數場搖滾演唱會,而這可不只是為了增加個人收入而已;事實上,音樂對他而言是一種回饋社會的方式。   


英倫翻譯轉自: 美國《科學》期刊

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黃安捷發出聲明,說自己受到太陽花學運啟發,才有辭去董事長的勇氣,並且希望推動智邦的世代交替, 對此,員工正面看待。


黃安捷還說,透過這次學運,他反思這一代的人留給年輕人什麼? 他相信年輕人絕對有能力扛起未來責任,但也需要空間發展,因此他要將舞台留給年輕人,接下來將投入公益事業。


A surprise came yesterday when the chairman of a router and Ethernet switch producer cited the student-led Sunflower Movement as a reason for resigning. Accton Chairman Huang An-jie 黃安捷was impressed by the composure of students who occupied the Legislature in protest and said he wanted to create space for a generational transition at his company. 

During normal working hours, employees shuttle in and out of this building, which houses router and Ethernet switch producer Accton. Markets were surprised when Accton Chairman Huang An-jie suddenly announced his resignation. They were even more surprised to learn that he named the student-led Sunflower Movement as a reason for resigning. 

In a statement, Huang said the Sunflower Movement gave him the courage to leave his post to allow for a generational transition. Staff responded positively.

Accton Employee
I think generational change is generally needed. He’s a good person.

Huang said the student movement led him to reflect on what his generation is leaving to young people. He believes that young adults have the ability to bear great responsibility, but they need room to develop. For these reasons he resigned and will devote his skills to charity. 

Effects of the Sunflower Movement continue to spread. A wide range of groups appreciate the power of this youth movement.

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[[台大哲學系學生 洪崇晏]]



A philosophy student gave a public apology today for inflammatory comments he made last week during a protest outside Taipei’s Zhongzheng First Precinct. Hung Chung-yen 洪崇晏had said that the police chief who ordered the forced expulsion of demonstrators gathered at the entrance of the Legislature would bring about his own assassination. 

Bowing down, National Taiwan University philosophy student Hung Chung-yen apologized three times for his actions last Friday night. Hung was among more than 1,000 protesters who gathered outside Zhongzheng First Precinct, Taipei. They demonstrated against the forced expulsion of demonstrators from the entrance of the Legislature and a threat from the precinct to never grant the Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan another assembly and parade permit.

That night, Hung said of precinct chief Fang Yang-ning, quote: “You will cause the decimation of the Ma government. You will cause your own assassination.”

Hung Chung-yen
NTU Student
I am willing to give my sincerest apology for any harm I caused to him, any damage to his rights or negative impressions felt by society. I also want to say sorry.

Today Chief Fang appeared at Taipei City Council. He was asked whether his expulsion of the alliance protesters was carried out following an order from Taipei City Police Commissioner Huang Sheng-yung. After praising the commissioner, Fang said he himself would shoulder all responsibility.

After hearing that the NTU student, Hung, wants to apologize in person, Fang said he felt the request was sincere but that a meeting was unnecessary.

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[[新北市長 朱立倫]]

[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]
“國民黨是執政黨, 所以國民黨應該有很多人事管道,可以讓我們各階層的人才 有歷練的機會”

但在學運期間,反服貿聲浪高漲時,朱立倫就表態發展經濟未必指望中國; 郝龍斌也支持服貿逐條審查,胡志強更表態,服貿應該嚴格把關。三人態度,和馬政府有差距,讓外界質疑,後馬時代的接班爭奪戰,已悄悄展開。

In the wake of the Sunflower Movement, political parties are placing greater emphasis on generational change. Municipal leaders who could soon take over as leaders of the KMT addressed this issue today. 

The topic of "generational transition" is beginning to gain traction and has even spread to pan-blue politicians. Two who could benefit are KMT municipal leaders Eric Chu and Hau Lung-bin.

Eric Chu
New Taipei City Mayor
Generational change means passing the baton to the next generation. We should cultivate more young people, give them the chance to prepare and provide them with opportunities. Each party should work hard to do this. The DPP is doing this and of the course the KMT will do the same.

Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
The KMT is the ruling party, so it should have a lot of people in the personnel pipeline and people at all levels who have the chance to gain experience. 

At the height of the Sunflower Movement, when opposition to the services trade pact peaked, Chu stated that economic development shouldn’t be solely dependent on China. Hau supported a line-by-line review of the trade pact. And Taichung Mayor Jason Hu reiterated his stance that rigorous review of the pact was needed. The attitude of these three municipal leaders strays from that of President Ma Ying-jeou and could signal that jockeying has begun over who will succeed Ma.

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[[前行政院長 謝長廷 ]


One day after Tsai Ing-wen emerged as the sole candidate to become the next DPP chairperson, she faced a challenge from a former contender. Former Premier Frank Hsieh urged Tsai to adopt a China policy that at least 60 percent of voters can accept. Otherwise, Hsieh believes the DPP will fail to achieve its goals. 

A race once expected to include Su Tseng-chang, Frank Hsieh and Tsai Ing-wen has been narrowed to just one. Only Tsai says she will run for DPP chairperson, but that hasn’t stopped Hsieh from seeking the limelight.

Hsieh was reluctant to speak about the DPP chairperson race. It seems certain Tsai will win, but for the DPP to win over voters, Hsieh says it will need a China policy better than the one Tsai put forward ahead of the 2012 presidential election, which was written off by critics as being empty.

Frank Hsieh
Former Premier
For cross-strait policy, I hope for a clear, feasible and new position that can win the support of 60 to 70 percent of the people. Only then can we achieve our final goal.

Topics the DPP must face include the cross-strait services trade pact, the year-end elections and party reform. Tsai will have to tackle these directly if the DPP hopes to effectively fulfill its role as the lead opposition party.

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[[服裝設計師 吳日云]]
“我喜歡的設計師是很老的,像Jil Sander,我覺得設計師要經過,很久的洗鍊之後,才有辦法把商品做得這麼純粹”



[[新銳設計師 莊承華]]


Local fashion designers discussed their work today ahead of the 9th Taipei In Style designers, apparel and accessories show. Here is a look at some of the designs that will be on display. 

This deep-cut V-neck satin gown was well received during New York Fashion Week in February.

Austin Wu
Fashion Designer
I like the older designers, like Jil Sander. I think long practice is needed before designers can create such pure products.

Austin Wu was committed to fashion from his early days as a student. Athena Chuang began later but has likewise seen success.

The combination of white and grey gives an appearance of elegance. After graduating with a degree in sociology from National Taiwan University, Chuang began studying design. She became the first designer of Chinese descent to be hired by the fashion house Fendi.

Athena Chuang
Fashion Designer
I think this experience helped me understand how a brand achieves high standards in design and visual arts.

The four-day Taipei In Style event begins tomorrow at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. It opens to the general public over the weekend.

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[[列車副主任 徐榮富]]
“都很順利,到花蓮只不過是一個半小時而已,差很多,時間速度的話,時間就是金錢 , 他們就可以很順利到達台北”


Testing is underway for electrification of the railway line between Hualien and Taitung. When service officially begins in June, travel between Taipei and Taitung will be cut to about three and a half hours. 

After years of waiting, electrification of the rail line between Hualien and Taitung has finally entered the testing stage.

Taiwan Railways
It’s stable. Speeds are maintained and the train is punctual.

Four years were spent electrifying the line between these two eastern Taiwan cities. It is the last line to be electrified in Taiwan, with service slated to officially begin on June 26. Travel time between Taipei and Taitung will be reduced from over four hours to about three and a half. Ticket rates will be similar to those on Taroko and Puyuma trains.

Hsu Rong-fu
Taiwan Railways
Everything is going smoothly. It’s a big change, with travel to Hualien now only taking about an hour and a half. Time is money, and now (the people of Taitung) will be able to easily get to Taipei.

Various tests are underway in order for the new system to begin in June. At that time, more travelers are expected to take advantage of Taiwan Railways’ eastern line service.

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Signs of strength returning to the economy have led to increased hiring at major enterprises. The Wowprime, Hon Hai and Ruentex groups have already announced plans to expand their workforces, and Farglory Group followed suit today. 

Nine units of the Farglory Group will hire a total of 8,000 people. About 3,700 of these will be in its life insurance unit, and 1,500 will be needed to assist with building Taipei Arena.


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