英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning
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- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:59
Would you like to sit down ?
- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:56
Please don't bother.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning
- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:52
Let me show you around.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning
- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:49
Have a nice trip.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning
- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:41
Thanks anyway.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:38
The pleasure is all mine.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:36
Thanks so much for everything.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:33
I had a great time.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:26
We really enjoyed your company.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 13:23
I hope you get well soon.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
到醫院探病是一個很大的學問,到底你應該帶些甚麼去?鮮花、水果?還是營養食品?還有到了那裡應該說些甚麼話呢?如果使用英文,你只要簡單地說:"I hope you get well soon." 也就是中文說的「祝你早日康復。」
A:Hi there. How are you feeling?Any better?
B:A bit better, thank you.
A:I hope you get well soon.
B:Thank you. I´m sure I will. The doctor said I´ll completely recover by next month at the latest.
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 13:20
Make yourself at home.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
中國人熱情如火的待客之道相信是國際知名的,但有時候過度的熱情,反而會適得其反:想方設法把所有家品全都拿出來款待客人,可能更令客人拘束不安。其實要客人賓至如歸,我們可以簡單的說一句“Make yourself at home.”「就把這裡當作自己的家吧!」
A:I´m so glad you could come.Please,make yourself at home.
B:Thank you.
A:Did you have any trouble finding our house?
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 13:18
Fancy meeting you here !
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 13:15
We seem to be running into each other a lot lately.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 11:32
See you around.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 11:29
I'm afraid I must be going.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
有些朋友真的非常可惡,每次約了出來玩,到某人家裡開Party,雖然Party還沒結束,他居然失蹤了,怎樣找也找不到他,真是太沒禮貌了。其實如果真的要提早離開,可以很客氣的跟主人說: "I´m afraid I must be going."「我恐怕要先走了。」相信不會有人會勉強留你下來吧!
當你跟主人說: "I´m afraid I must be going." 「我恐怕要先走了。」
主人或許會挽留你,他會說: "Can´t you stay a little longer?" 「你不能多留一會兒嗎?」而你則可以很堅決地說: 「不能,我真的不能再留啦!」"No, I must go now." 或 "I gotta go."
A: Oh, it´s getting rather late. I´m afraid I must be going.
甲: 噢, 已經很晚了,我恐怕要先走 了。
B: Can´t you stay a little longer?
乙: 你不能多留一會兒嗎?
A: No, I really think I should be leaving.
甲: 不,我想我真的要走了。
B: OK. Let me drive you home then.
乙: 好吧, 那麼我駕車送你回家。
I´m afraid I must be going.的 ”afraid” 有「抱歉」的含義,不可當作真的「害怕」,例如I am afraid your application has not been successful. 即「閣下申請未能成功,抱歉」。這個I am afraid可改為I am sorry(對不起),但向人道歉可以只說I am sorry三字,I am afraid卻必須帶出I must be going之類子句(clause)。
留意must是「一定要」或「必須」,切勿解作「一定會」。He must work hard.是「他必須努力」,不是「他一定會努力」。I must be going. 有「我不能不告別」的惋惜含義,假如改為I am going.(我走啦 !),就顯得十分無禮。
除了說I am afraid I must be going. (要中途離去),還可用”excuse”一字。
Excuse一般是指「原諒」,例如:Excuse me for arriving late.(我來遲了,請原諒。)中途離場或離席則可以這樣說:
(1) Please excuse me. I must go.(請原諒,我得走了。)
(2) Well, it´s getting late. You´ll have to excuse me. / I´ll have to excuse myself.(已經很晚了,我得告辭了,請原諒。)
- Aug 13 Wed 2014 17:30
This book is selling like hot cakes.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
「哈利波特」這部小說風靡全球,很多書迷在小說出版當日一早到書店排隊購買,像這樣非常暢銷的書籍,英文可以形容為:This book is selling like hot cakes. (這本書像熱蛋糕一樣好賣),受歡迎的熱蛋糕一出爐便賣光,所以,selling like hot cakes比喻為非常熱賣、非常暢銷的意思,其他說法有:It’s selling fast / moving fast.(賣得很快)、It’s very popular.(它十分受歡迎)、It’s a best-seller.(它是最好賣的)。
Rita:How´s my new cookbook doing?
Katherine:Great! People are snapping it up. This book is selling like hot cakes.
Rita:Oh no, don´t say that.
- Aug 13 Wed 2014 17:28
It's time to close the chapter on this one.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
小說分很多個章節,每個章節叫做Chapter。如果說:It´s time to close the chapter on this one.(是時候結束這個章節),就是比喻是時候重新開始新的一頁,或者說:Start afresh.(重新開始)/ Move on and do something new.(往前移動並做些新的東西),在生命中揭開新一頁,英文可以說:A new chapter in my life。
Katherine:How´s the new job going?
Noel:I´ve had enough of it. It´s time to close the chapter on this one.
Katherine:I thought you´d love working in a bookshop. You get to read for free.
Noel:Well, I would if any of these books were in English. But this is a Chinese bookstore.
凱思蓮問諾爾喜不喜歡他的工作,諾爾說不喜歡:It´s time to close the chapter on this one,並以「現在應結束這一章」比喻要辭職,凱思蓮當然不會不明白。不過,英文習慣說的是close the books。
複數形式的books,可解作「帳簿」;close the books即「停止記帳」或「結帳」,例如:We closed the books when we were sold out(貨物賣光之後,我們就結帳)。引申「結帳」的意思,to close the books on something / somebody就是「終止某事 / 終止和某人有關的事」,例如:(1) It´s pointless to pursue this matter any further. Let´s close the books on it(這件事再研究也沒有意思,我們就此算了吧)。(2) Following Mr. Chen´s dismissal, the company closed the books on him(陳先生被辭退之後,他的事公司就算告一段落)。
和「帳簿」相關的常用成語,還有to be in somebody´s bad / black books。有些公司見顧客欠債不還,會把他們的名字寫在專記壞帳(bad debts)的簿上;所以,to be in somebody´s bad books即「為某人所不喜歡」,例如:He was often late for work, and was in the boss´s bad books(他上班經常遲到,老闆對他沒有好印象)。把這成語反過來說,就是to be in somebody´s good books,例如:He is an apple-polisher. Of course he is in the teacher´s good books!(他常常討好老師,當然得到老師喜歡啦!) 從前,美國小孩子會把蘋果擦得清潔光亮請老師吃,討老師歡心,所以,俚語叫「奉承者」做apple-polisher(擦蘋果的人)。
- Aug 13 Wed 2014 17:13
He's such a bookworm.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 11 Mon 2014 18:38
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/P4909O
說謊當然不好,但你常費心解讀客戶、同事、下屬、上司的謊話嗎?談判專家理論可幫助你揭露誰在說謊。 看到這些中文字,你想得到它們的英文怎麼說嗎: (答案在文章裡)
(A) 慣謊者(騙子) (B) 省略(避重就輕) (C) 平均
Asked why the topic of deception is important to business research, negotiation expert Deepak Malhotra responds, “As (1)it turns out, some people will lie and cheat in business!” “Evidence for thePinocchio Effect” fills a key gap in the field of deception research, says the study’s lead author. “Just like Pinocchio’s nose, the number of words grew along with the lie!”
「欺騙」為什麼是商業研究裡重要的話題?談判專家Deepak Malhotra說:「商場上總有人說謊或欺騙!」「還記得說謊鼻子會變長的小木偶嗎?在研究別人是不是說真話,恰好可派上用場,」這項研究的主要作者說,「就像小木偶皮諾丘的鼻子,說謊時用的字也是是越說越長!」
To garner a sample of truth tellers, liars, and deceivers by omission, the researchers recruited 104 participants to play the ultimatum game, a popular tool among experimental economists.
- Aug 11 Mon 2014 18:32
A Cup of Coffee Goes a Long Way 一杯咖啡延伸到世界每個角落
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/P4909O
生活中小小的享受,當然不可缺少一杯美味的咖啡。咖啡從提神飲料,變成是國際化的商品,如今更轉變成愛心與同情心的象徵。來一杯咖啡,也變成幫助別人的機會。 進入本文前,請先想想怎麼表達以下單字:
a) 無所不在
b) 和..相似;類似
c) 不重要的人或事物
Coffee culture is a) omnipresent. A city without cafes is b) analogous to a dictionary without verbs. Coffee has become a universal language, and the speakers are from every single corner of the world. Once upon the time, coffee started out as an economical and everyday beverage in the West. But when the pocket is empty, even buying a cup of coffee is 1) beyond one’s means.Nevertheless, in many cities around the world, even someone without cash can enjoy a cup of heartwarming beverage.
咖啡文化無所不在。一個沒有咖啡文化的城市就好比一本沒有動詞的字典。 咖啡已成 為一種通用語言,在世界每一個角落傳誦。很久以前,咖啡是從西方起源的,一款經濟實惠和日常性的飲料。但當口袋空空時,買一杯咖啡都超出一般人的能力。然而,在世界各地許多城市,即使沒有現金,也可以享受一杯溫暖的飲料。
The concept of paying for an extra cup of coffee in advance, so the next person in need can enjoy it for free is called suspended coffee (caffè sospeso). The charitable act began as an organic, grassroots movement in the working-class cafes of Naples many years ago, and has become a tradition in many nations.