英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
目前分類:翻譯新聞 、舊聞、趣聞 (2796)
- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:33
I had a great time.
- Aug 29 Fri 2014 14:26
We really enjoyed your company.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 13:23
I hope you get well soon.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
到醫院探病是一個很大的學問,到底你應該帶些甚麼去?鮮花、水果?還是營養食品?還有到了那裡應該說些甚麼話呢?如果使用英文,你只要簡單地說:"I hope you get well soon." 也就是中文說的「祝你早日康復。」
A:Hi there. How are you feeling?Any better?
B:A bit better, thank you.
A:I hope you get well soon.
B:Thank you. I´m sure I will. The doctor said I´ll completely recover by next month at the latest.
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 13:20
Make yourself at home.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
中國人熱情如火的待客之道相信是國際知名的,但有時候過度的熱情,反而會適得其反:想方設法把所有家品全都拿出來款待客人,可能更令客人拘束不安。其實要客人賓至如歸,我們可以簡單的說一句“Make yourself at home.”「就把這裡當作自己的家吧!」
A:I´m so glad you could come.Please,make yourself at home.
B:Thank you.
A:Did you have any trouble finding our house?
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 13:18
Fancy meeting you here !
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 13:15
We seem to be running into each other a lot lately.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 11:32
See you around.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 15 Fri 2014 11:29
I'm afraid I must be going.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
有些朋友真的非常可惡,每次約了出來玩,到某人家裡開Party,雖然Party還沒結束,他居然失蹤了,怎樣找也找不到他,真是太沒禮貌了。其實如果真的要提早離開,可以很客氣的跟主人說: "I´m afraid I must be going."「我恐怕要先走了。」相信不會有人會勉強留你下來吧!
當你跟主人說: "I´m afraid I must be going." 「我恐怕要先走了。」
主人或許會挽留你,他會說: "Can´t you stay a little longer?" 「你不能多留一會兒嗎?」而你則可以很堅決地說: 「不能,我真的不能再留啦!」"No, I must go now." 或 "I gotta go."
A: Oh, it´s getting rather late. I´m afraid I must be going.
甲: 噢, 已經很晚了,我恐怕要先走 了。
B: Can´t you stay a little longer?
乙: 你不能多留一會兒嗎?
A: No, I really think I should be leaving.
甲: 不,我想我真的要走了。
B: OK. Let me drive you home then.
乙: 好吧, 那麼我駕車送你回家。
I´m afraid I must be going.的 ”afraid” 有「抱歉」的含義,不可當作真的「害怕」,例如I am afraid your application has not been successful. 即「閣下申請未能成功,抱歉」。這個I am afraid可改為I am sorry(對不起),但向人道歉可以只說I am sorry三字,I am afraid卻必須帶出I must be going之類子句(clause)。
留意must是「一定要」或「必須」,切勿解作「一定會」。He must work hard.是「他必須努力」,不是「他一定會努力」。I must be going. 有「我不能不告別」的惋惜含義,假如改為I am going.(我走啦 !),就顯得十分無禮。
除了說I am afraid I must be going. (要中途離去),還可用”excuse”一字。
Excuse一般是指「原諒」,例如:Excuse me for arriving late.(我來遲了,請原諒。)中途離場或離席則可以這樣說:
(1) Please excuse me. I must go.(請原諒,我得走了。)
(2) Well, it´s getting late. You´ll have to excuse me. / I´ll have to excuse myself.(已經很晚了,我得告辭了,請原諒。)
- Aug 13 Wed 2014 17:30
This book is selling like hot cakes.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
「哈利波特」這部小說風靡全球,很多書迷在小說出版當日一早到書店排隊購買,像這樣非常暢銷的書籍,英文可以形容為:This book is selling like hot cakes. (這本書像熱蛋糕一樣好賣),受歡迎的熱蛋糕一出爐便賣光,所以,selling like hot cakes比喻為非常熱賣、非常暢銷的意思,其他說法有:It’s selling fast / moving fast.(賣得很快)、It’s very popular.(它十分受歡迎)、It’s a best-seller.(它是最好賣的)。
Rita:How´s my new cookbook doing?
Katherine:Great! People are snapping it up. This book is selling like hot cakes.
Rita:Oh no, don´t say that.
- Aug 13 Wed 2014 17:28
It's time to close the chapter on this one.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
小說分很多個章節,每個章節叫做Chapter。如果說:It´s time to close the chapter on this one.(是時候結束這個章節),就是比喻是時候重新開始新的一頁,或者說:Start afresh.(重新開始)/ Move on and do something new.(往前移動並做些新的東西),在生命中揭開新一頁,英文可以說:A new chapter in my life。
Katherine:How´s the new job going?
Noel:I´ve had enough of it. It´s time to close the chapter on this one.
Katherine:I thought you´d love working in a bookshop. You get to read for free.
Noel:Well, I would if any of these books were in English. But this is a Chinese bookstore.
凱思蓮問諾爾喜不喜歡他的工作,諾爾說不喜歡:It´s time to close the chapter on this one,並以「現在應結束這一章」比喻要辭職,凱思蓮當然不會不明白。不過,英文習慣說的是close the books。
複數形式的books,可解作「帳簿」;close the books即「停止記帳」或「結帳」,例如:We closed the books when we were sold out(貨物賣光之後,我們就結帳)。引申「結帳」的意思,to close the books on something / somebody就是「終止某事 / 終止和某人有關的事」,例如:(1) It´s pointless to pursue this matter any further. Let´s close the books on it(這件事再研究也沒有意思,我們就此算了吧)。(2) Following Mr. Chen´s dismissal, the company closed the books on him(陳先生被辭退之後,他的事公司就算告一段落)。
和「帳簿」相關的常用成語,還有to be in somebody´s bad / black books。有些公司見顧客欠債不還,會把他們的名字寫在專記壞帳(bad debts)的簿上;所以,to be in somebody´s bad books即「為某人所不喜歡」,例如:He was often late for work, and was in the boss´s bad books(他上班經常遲到,老闆對他沒有好印象)。把這成語反過來說,就是to be in somebody´s good books,例如:He is an apple-polisher. Of course he is in the teacher´s good books!(他常常討好老師,當然得到老師喜歡啦!) 從前,美國小孩子會把蘋果擦得清潔光亮請老師吃,討老師歡心,所以,俚語叫「奉承者」做apple-polisher(擦蘋果的人)。
- Aug 13 Wed 2014 17:13
He's such a bookworm.
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.appledaily.com.tw/index/englishlearning/
- Aug 11 Mon 2014 18:38
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/P4909O
說謊當然不好,但你常費心解讀客戶、同事、下屬、上司的謊話嗎?談判專家理論可幫助你揭露誰在說謊。 看到這些中文字,你想得到它們的英文怎麼說嗎: (答案在文章裡)
(A) 慣謊者(騙子) (B) 省略(避重就輕) (C) 平均
Asked why the topic of deception is important to business research, negotiation expert Deepak Malhotra responds, “As (1)it turns out, some people will lie and cheat in business!” “Evidence for thePinocchio Effect” fills a key gap in the field of deception research, says the study’s lead author. “Just like Pinocchio’s nose, the number of words grew along with the lie!”
「欺騙」為什麼是商業研究裡重要的話題?談判專家Deepak Malhotra說:「商場上總有人說謊或欺騙!」「還記得說謊鼻子會變長的小木偶嗎?在研究別人是不是說真話,恰好可派上用場,」這項研究的主要作者說,「就像小木偶皮諾丘的鼻子,說謊時用的字也是是越說越長!」
To garner a sample of truth tellers, liars, and deceivers by omission, the researchers recruited 104 participants to play the ultimatum game, a popular tool among experimental economists.
- Aug 11 Mon 2014 18:32
A Cup of Coffee Goes a Long Way 一杯咖啡延伸到世界每個角落
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/P4909O
生活中小小的享受,當然不可缺少一杯美味的咖啡。咖啡從提神飲料,變成是國際化的商品,如今更轉變成愛心與同情心的象徵。來一杯咖啡,也變成幫助別人的機會。 進入本文前,請先想想怎麼表達以下單字:
a) 無所不在
b) 和..相似;類似
c) 不重要的人或事物
Coffee culture is a) omnipresent. A city without cafes is b) analogous to a dictionary without verbs. Coffee has become a universal language, and the speakers are from every single corner of the world. Once upon the time, coffee started out as an economical and everyday beverage in the West. But when the pocket is empty, even buying a cup of coffee is 1) beyond one’s means.Nevertheless, in many cities around the world, even someone without cash can enjoy a cup of heartwarming beverage.
咖啡文化無所不在。一個沒有咖啡文化的城市就好比一本沒有動詞的字典。 咖啡已成 為一種通用語言,在世界每一個角落傳誦。很久以前,咖啡是從西方起源的,一款經濟實惠和日常性的飲料。但當口袋空空時,買一杯咖啡都超出一般人的能力。然而,在世界各地許多城市,即使沒有現金,也可以享受一杯溫暖的飲料。
The concept of paying for an extra cup of coffee in advance, so the next person in need can enjoy it for free is called suspended coffee (caffè sospeso). The charitable act began as an organic, grassroots movement in the working-class cafes of Naples many years ago, and has become a tradition in many nations.
- Aug 11 Mon 2014 18:30
Happy Sisyphus 快樂的西西弗斯
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/P4909O
每天重複做一樣的事,你快樂嗎? 西西弗斯是希臘神話中的人物,他觸犯諸神,諸神罰他把一塊巨石推上山頂,巨石太 重,還未推到頂就滾下山,於是他就不斷重複、永無止境。諸神以為這是世上最殘酷 的刑罰。 「但我們一定要想像西西弗斯是快樂的」,存在主義的哲學家卡謬說。想透這一點, 忙忙碌碌的上班族也會看到自己的快樂。進入本文前,請先想想怎麼表達以下單字:
a) 依據經驗的
b) 暫時解救
c) 類似
Millions of people commute from point A to point B in our cities each morning. After a long day of work, the same bodies attempt to find the most efficient ways to get back to where they started. Anyone who ever had to get on a crowded bus going to Neihu Technology Park from Taipei City Hall MRT station at eight in the morning, and had to find his or her way back home, ten or more hours later, has the firsthand, a) empirical experience of how hectic commuting in Taipei can be.
我們的城市中,有上白萬的人每天早晨從 A 地點通勤到 B 地點。工作了一整天,再找 最快速的路線回家。曾經在早上八點從台北捷運市政府站,擠上擁擠的公車去內湖科 技園區,10 小時或更長時間後,還需要折返的人都有這切身的經驗 - 台北通勤是多麼 忙碌的事。
Nevertheless, our working populations are survivors. We purchase fast and economical meals from convenient stores, 1) wolf them down, and hurry back to our desks. The change of weather is always extreme, and we have adapted to moving around fully equipped, ready to face the sun or rain. When the dreary weariness of the day hits, we check out the latest I am Mark comics, and pat ourselves on our own shoulders, for a well-deserved moment of b) reprieve.
然而, 我們這些工作者其實都是生存者; 從便利商店購買快速和經濟實惠的餐點,狼吞 虎咽吃下去,就趕緊回到我們的工作崗位。面對天氣的極端變化,都已經適應,並做 好準備因應來回的奔走,面對日晒雨淋。一天下來沉悶疲憊的襲擊後,我們看看最新 的“我是馬克”漫畫,並拍拍自己的肩膀,感受暫時的解放。
- Aug 08 Fri 2014 11:44
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/P4909O
Global celebrity culture is fuelling our crippling "fear of insignificance"
A generation ago young people aspired to become lawyers and doctors. Now they yearn to be the next Oscar winner or celebrity pop star. But one university psychologist has warned this iswreaking havoc with our self-image and undermining our sense of self-worth. Over recent years people around the world have been suffering from an increasing fear of their own 'insignificance', according to Dr Carlo Strenger of Tel Aviv University.
He began an interdisciplinary project on the phenomenon 10 years ago, after noticing a surge of this fear in his own patients. His findings, presented in a new book, notes hundreds of research projects that have charted an unprecedented increase in levels of anxiety and depression. By using a wide-ranging framework Dr Strenger thinks he has pinpointed the cause. "The impact of the global infotainment network on the individual is to blame," he said.
"A new species is born: homo globalis - global man - and we are defined by our intimate connection to the global infotainment network, which has turned ranking and rating people on scales of wealth and celebrity into an obsession." As humans we naturally measure ourselves to those around us, but now we live in a "global village" we are comparing ourselves with the most "significant" people in the world - and finding ourselves wanting.
"一個新物種-世界人-誕生了。作為這一新物種,我們的身份貴賤取決於我們與全球資訊娛樂網路的關係親疏。在網路的影響下,按財富和知名度給人們劃分等級,讓我們耽溺於其中。" 史春格博士說,人類很自然而然地會和身邊的人做比較。但住在"地球村",我們比較的對象是全世界最受關注的人,對比之下就發現了自己的不足。
Today, even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in the media "This creates highly unstable self-esteem and an unstable society," Dr Strenger said. Instead, Dr Strenger says people should stop measuring their achievement through cultural fantasies of riches and celebrity, which cannot lead to fulfillment.
如今,即使是那些成就卓越的人也會經常覺得自己跟媒體描述的成功人士比起來顯得渺小,史春格博士說,“這種渺小的感覺導致了極度脆弱的自尊和不穩定的社會。” 史春格博士認為,人們不應該用那些富豪和名人的文化傳奇作基準來衡量自己的成就,這種比較並不會帶來成就感。
The remedy is a process that he calls "active self-acceptance" through a sustained quest for self-knowledge through life. The fear of insignificance can only be overcome through strong individual and cultural identity over and above measurable achievement. He believes that people need to invest as much time in developing their worldviews as their careers.
"Stable meaning cannot be found in cheap paperbacks. People should invest time and thought to their worldviews and self-understanding in the same way they invest in medical studies and law school," Dr Strenger advises.
- Aug 07 Thu 2014 11:22
Time to Reconsider Whales 搶救鯨魚!
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/tuqGbC http://goo.gl/P4909O
a) 鯨類動物
b) 豐富礦藏、意外的幸運
c) 浮游生物
As a country with a distinctive “whale-eating” culture, Japan was ordered by the International Court of Justice on March 31st, 2014 to halt its Antarctic whaling program, which allowed an annual catch of 1,000 whales. However, except for the Antarctica expedition, Japan has been debating whether to conduct two other whaling programs, in which Japan kills minke whales 1) to the tune of 300 a year.
擁有獨特「鯨魚」飲食文化的日本,於2014 年 3 月 31 日被國際法院判決停止南極捕鲸活動,此項活動每年約捕捉 1000 頭鯨魚。然而,除了遠征南極,日本國內還在持續討論是否繼續執行其他兩項捕鲸活動,一年總計捕殺高達 300 頭小鬚鯨。
Japan’s whaling history 2) dates back to the 12th century. Since when, whales have long been an important source of food for Japanese people. During the 19th and 20th century, Japan was highly involved in commercial whaling and many other countries also participated in the industry. Large whales were heavily hunted. It’s estimated that around 66-90% of the whales were removed from the ocean during that period.
日本的捕鲸行為可回溯到 12 世紀。自此之後,鯨魚一直都是日本人重要的食物來源。在19和20世紀,日本積極參與商業捕鲸活動,許多國家也紛紛加入,鯨魚與此時被大量獵殺。據估計,約有66%-90%的鯨魚從海洋中消失。
- Aug 06 Wed 2014 10:08
學力非學歷,為何 Google不愛高材生?
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/P4909O
a) 認知
b) 零散
c) 有意的
Great scores and degrees are almost equal to success and ability, but Google, as has been said to be “the company people aspire to” does not seem to think in that way.
In an interview earlier this year, Laszlo Bock, the senior vice president of people operations for Google, said that “Successful, bright people rarely experience failure, and so they don’t learn how to learn from that failure.” To Google, learning ability is way more important than learning achievements. Laszlo Bock said that “For every job, though, the No. 1 thing we look for is generala) cognitive ability, and it’s not IQ. It’s learning ability. It’s the ability to process 1) on the flyand to pull together b) disparate bits of information.”
Google人力資源部高級副總裁Laszlo Bock在上半年的訪談中表示,高材生在人生競賽中無往不利,往往導致他們無法從失敗中學習。他們認為,「學力」比所謂的「學歷」重要的多。Laszlo Bock說:「無論是什麼職位,我們都優先考量認知能力,不是智商,而是學習力-能快速處理和整合零散的資訊。」
- Aug 05 Tue 2014 10:41
Spotify:唱出音樂產業的Love Story還是Swan Song?
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://www.eisland.com.tw/Main.php?stat=a_wIu5jZD
Spotify是瑞典原生的數位音樂平台。美國商業模式諮詢機構Board of Innovation 2011年評選10大震撼創業模式,Spotify是其中之一,當年排名第一的是Kickstarter,群眾募資平台;帶動團購風潮的Groupon排名第三,民宿旅遊專門店Airbnb第五,Spotify第六。那真是網路風起雲湧的一年。
很快地經營出成功的營運模式的Spotify,用戶超過2400萬,付費的超過一千萬;營收在歐洲超過蘋果的iTune;正準備IPO,市值預估有80億美元。從創立以來,Spotify就備受爭議,有說它扼殺音樂產業的,也有說它掀起音樂革命。我們來看兩個版本的故事。Spotify唱的是音樂市場剛剛甦醒的love story,還是掐在音樂產業脖子上的swan song...
Spotify提供便利又廉價的音樂服務,消費者喜愛,但音樂人卻不見得愛。Spotify付給音樂創作者的版稅大約很少,美國獨立樂團 Vulfpeck想到了一個既可籌經費,又可抗議Spotify的方法,他們錄製一張叫做Sleepify的專輯,歌曲是:
1. z 0:31
2. zz 0:32
3. zzz 0:32
4. zzzz 0:32
- Aug 01 Fri 2014 10:41
Are You Struggling With Your Weight? 你在和你的體重抗戰嗎?
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/P4909O
隨著夏天即將到來,大家也都在為身上多出來的肥肉奮戰著。想知道如何吃才會瘦嗎? 請看本篇的介紹! 進入本文前,請先想想以下英文詞彙:
a) 過胖
b) 動脈
c) 食慾
When you want to lose weight, the most important thing is to watch what you eat. A lot of people may skip breakfast and eat a big portion of brunch instead. Researchers have shown that people can get irritable, tired and have trouble focusing if they don’t eat breakfast. Remember, you’ve already gone 8 to 10 hours without food from the night before. Eating breakfast helps reduce a) obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Moreover, choose cereal as your breakfast at least three times a week because it contains more fiber and calcium than other breakfast foods.
當你想要減肥的時候, 最重要的就是看你吃了甚麼。很多人多半不吃早餐, 稍後卻吃下很大份量的早午餐。研究顯示,在不吃早餐的狀況之下,人會變得易怒、疲倦、及無法集中注意力。要記住,你從昨夜到吃早餐之前已經有8-10小時未進食了。 吃早餐可以減少肥胖、降低血壓、以及減少心臟病的產生。此外, 選擇早餐時,一個禮拜至少吃三次麥片, 因為它比其它類的早餐富含更多的纖維及鈣質。
- Aug 01 Fri 2014 10:39
老外最容易犯的 5 個文法錯誤
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自 http://goo.gl/P4909O
不要以為美國人、英國人講英文就不會錯,很多老外基本上是 its 和 it’s 不分;their 和 they’re 也糊在一起。老外會犯的文法錯誤和我們真的很不一樣。很多人發現原來母語人士 也一樣會犯英語錯,心上一塊石頭馬上掉了下來,踏實多了,所以讀這篇文章有舒緩效 果。進入本文前,請先想想以下英文詞彙:
a) 同音異意
b) 令人討厭的
c) 所有格的撇號
For some people, all it takes is a single text, instant message or comment on Facebook to reveal their poor grasp of the English language. a) Homophones — words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings — can be particularly b) pesky. 1) Regardless,you should never choose incorrectly any of the following five homophones:
對某些人而言, 單單只是一個簡訊, 即時訊息或是在臉書上發表評論, 即透露出所掌握的 英語用語貧乏。同音詞 – 發音相同,但拼寫和意義不同 – 特別麻煩。 無論如何,下列 5 種同音字, 永遠不要選擇錯誤:
1. "Your" vs. "You're"
"Your" is a possessive pronoun, while "you're" is a contraction of "you are." Example 1: I think your suggestion works. Example 2: You're pretty.