





[[泰山站收費員 林淑霞]]
其實我們是早有心理準備,只是面對的時候,心裡還是很不捨 因為這邊我們真的是(在這裡)生活十幾年了。

[[泰山站收費員 翁慈憶]]


Taiwan is just minutes away from launching the world’s first fully electronic toll collection system. Starting from midnight tonight toll charges will be based on distance traveled, and there will be a three-day free buffer period for drivers to become accustomed to the change. But those who face the biggest shock are the toll workers who will now need to find employment elsewhere. 

Demolition of this toll booth has already begun. Freeway tolls will soon be entirely based on distance traveled, though some drivers still aren’t clear about the formula to be used.

To help, Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection printed half a million copies of a special table. 

The table calculates charges to within NT$4. Another option is to go online.

A link on the National Freeway Bureau website lets you enter a starting and ending point to determine the toll. It also shows the 10 percent discount available to eTag users. 

The switch to the fully-electronic toll collection system eliminates the need for toll booth workers. Today was their last day of work. Some were upset, while others were resigned to the loss.

Lin Shu-hsia
Toll Booth Worker
We were already prepared for this, says this toll booth worker. But still, it’s difficult to let go. After all, we have worked here for more than a decade.

Weng Tsi-yi
Toll Booth Worker
I have mixed emotions, but there’s nothing I can do, says this toll booth worker. This is government policy, and we just have to accept it.

Some freeway users offered red envelopes and cards to the workers. These tokens of support were especially appreciated by those who couldn’t be transferred into another position and will soon face unemployment.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

    創作者 英倫翻譯社 的頭像

    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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