A psychic pig is set to take over where Paul the Octopus left off at the 2010 World Cup by predicting the results of matches at the European championships in Ukraine and Poland.
Kiev’s city government said it would wheel out the porky tipster to give daily forecasts once the tournament kicks off.
"A unique oracle hog, a real Ukrainian pig and a psychic which knows the mysteries of football," a statement said. "Every day at 16:00 it will predict the result of the upcoming match."
Paul, who has since passed away, shot to fame at the 2010 World Cup after his feeding behavior was used to correctly predict the winner of each of the Germany’s seven matches.
’Psychic’ creatures have become the rage since Paul blazed his tentacled trail.
A rare two-headed tortoise called Magdalena embarked on a new career as a tipster at last year’s ice hockey world championships in Slovakia.
Germany discovered a cross-eyed opossum called Heidi, who made an appearance on American television earlier last year to predict the Oscar winners. She died last September.(Reuters)
set︰形容詞,準備好的。例句︰They are set for an early morning start.(他們準備清晨出發。)
shoot to fame︰片語,聲名大噪。例句︰She shot to fame on the TV talent show.(她在電視選秀節目上一炮而紅。)
blaze a trail︰片語,披荊斬棘、闖出新路。例句︰The hospital has blazed a trail in developing new techniques for treating infertility.(這家醫院在發展治療不孕症的新技術上開創新猷。)