
穿上最美麗的白紗禮服 , 是多數女孩夢寐以求的, 但您可能不知道 台灣的婚紗產業, 現在其實已經是世界第一, 全球一年有五 六十萬件婚紗禮服, 都來自一位台灣人所創立的婚紗公司, 在台灣 中國 越南和斯里蘭卡, 都有他的工廠, 員工從二十多年前創立之初的三個人, 到現在員工多達了四 五千人, 接下來的單元就要帶您一塊兒來看, 這個為無數新人帶來幸福的, 台灣婚紗王國是如何建立的。 

一件件華麗 的白紗,散發璀璨無瑕的光芒,每件都有可能是一位新嫁娘完成一生夢想不可或缺的要件,這裡是全世界婚紗產值最高的婚紗王國 -台灣。

國際上有許多知名品牌連鎖婚紗店,像美國大衛的新娘、西班牙知名婚紗品牌 Pronovia等都是他的客人,一年營業額高達近十億台幣。

因為替世界各大婚紗品牌代工,老闆黃文仁夫婦就想,.既然每季都替國外廠商. 打樣上千件的婚紗和禮服,那何不送回來台灣,開個門市銷售,打著低價 精美又獨一無二的口號,吸引顧客上門。

這裡的白紗,因為是打樣衣的關係, 全世界只有一件, 而老闆娘將價格壓到 一件三千到一兩萬之間, 也是想藉此提供準新人在不景氣的年代, 另一個新的選擇。

[[顧客 Mary Lin]]
”這件主要它是量身訂做費時又費工,加上這些亮珠,都是花很久的時間,去一顆一顆的訂製,有兩 三萬顆左右所以就是全世界獨一無二,不可能跟人家一樣”


[[婚紗業者 黃文仁]]
”進入新娘禮服是一個意外, 因為當時只是想脫離那個環境,什麼地方有錢賺 就去賺,所以在成立新娘禮服公司之前,我有十一個不同的公司失敗過, 有一天, 我們的一個業務,把新娘禮服的相片寄到國外去,寄到美國去,當時的客人都打電話過來說,Andy我要這款衣服25件,什麼時候可以出貨,我想好像方向對了”

1998年, 黃文仁從三個員工開始到現在工廠遍布兩岸三地, 斯里蘭卡和越南,他打造了一個別人望塵莫及的 婚紗王國, 每年全世界有將近六十萬件婚紗,都是出自他的旗下工廠。

[[婚紗業者 黃文仁]]
”我們工司有一個設計組 專門設計各種不同的小樣 ,先畫圖, 經過我們大概看過之後,可以了我們就去給他一個方向, 用刺繡的, 出來是這個樣子, 刺繡加縫珠, 碰到不同的 ,用不同的刺繡方式, 就很立體 ,這個東西就別的地方沒有”

從成衣代工出發的黃文仁 ,為了讓自己的生存權 掌握在自己手上, 他認為「設計 研發」, 是他一定要努力的方向。

[[婚紗業者 黃文仁]]
”我們是外行, 只是有這個理想,有前途的行業而已, 所以當時的設計, 都是仰賴外面請的設計師, 自己請的設計師 ,他打(樣)什麼我們就去賣什麼 ,有一年設計師打出來之後,我們全軍覆沒 ,沒有客人喜歡, 那我才知道設計這麼重要”

不惜成本讓旗下的設計師 ,不斷研發新的花樣 產品。而且這位大老闆對待自己的事業,不管是從前到現在,都是一樣的認真, 這或許就是一個產業王國 ,可以屹立不搖二十多年的祕法之一。

從零開始的創業, 當然免不了資金周轉兒 ,甚至大環境景氣的打擊 ,但看著牆上的標語, 和周遭跟隨他 一二十年的老員工就知道, 在這個王國內,領導的人 一直不斷地給予自己, 和協助他的員工們信心。

[[婚紗業者 黃文仁]]
"波折是滿大的, 早期的時候,當然是有理想, 市場,最後困難的就是設計,所以設計克服之後,就是資金的問題,有時候客人說要付錢,可是錢沒有進來"

1993年因連續兩年請不到人力, 而考慮將工廠外移, 但黃文仁並不像大多數的台商一樣, 他還是將最重要的總部 ,和多數的設計留在台灣。

[[婚紗業者 黃文仁]]
"我們公司訂了一個標語, 團結 、活力、 快樂, 不管再大困難 ,就是要團結起來, 要有朝氣 有活力 然後要過著快樂的生活,所以我們度過了這樣一個危機 ,在金融海嘯期間 2008年 2009 2010年之間 ,我們公司的成績還是很好"

從門外漢出發 到創立一個屬於自己的產業王國, 毅力 信心和創新, 這或許就是台灣No.1的軟實力。


Taiwanese company grows into a world leader in the bridal gown industry (2013/07/28)

Wearing a beautiful white wedding dress is a dream come true for many women. Each year hundreds of thousands of these dresses are produced in Taiwan, designed and manufactured by a company that has grown from scratch into one of the world’s leading bridal gown manufacturers. 

These gorgeous white wedding dresses appear exquisite and flawless. They are an indispensible part of every bride’s dream wedding. Taiwan is often part of that dream because it has the highest wedding dress output in the world. 

International bridal chain salons such as America’s David's Bridal and Spain’s Pronovia are clients of this company, which has annual revenues of nearly NT$1 billion.

Each quarter it produces thousands of dresses for the world's leading wedding brands. Success making dresses for others led the owners to open their own retail shop in Taiwan, selling dresses with unique designs at low prices.

Because these wedding dresses are samples, they are unique. The company is able to keep prices down, selling them for NT$3,000 to NT$20,000. Affordability gives brides a suitable choice during difficult economic times. 

Mary Lin
This tailor-made dress was very labor and time consuming. A lot of time was spent custom-making each of these bright beads one by one. With 20,000 to 30,000 beads, it is an original dress. There cannot be another like it.

Originally a maritime studies graduate, Andy Huang joined an airline company and then started his own trading firm. Even after 11 businesses ended in failure, he persevered.

Andy Huang
Bridal Dress Retailer
I accidentally got into the bridal gown industry. I was seeking a new business environment and was willing to go into anything that would make a profit. Before I started this bridal company, 11 different businesses failed. One day one of our staff mailed a photo of a wedding dress overseas and I got a phone call from a client who said, Andy, I want 25 of these dresses. When can you ship them? So I thought this business is going in the right direction. 

In 1998, Huang began with just three employees, and now he has facilities in Taiwan and China, as well as Sri Lanka and Vietnam. He has created something of a bridal empire, with his factories producing nearly 600,000 bridal dresses each year.

Andy Huang
Bridal Dress Retailer
We have a design team that creates a variety of different embroidery samples. We first start with a drawing. After it’s approved, we go in a certain direction with the embroidery, and then it comes to beading. There are many ways to do embroidery. It’s three-dimensional, which makes it one of a kind. 

Starting from the garment OEM business, Huang felt that in order to ensure his business’ future survival, he would have to work hard in fields such as design and development.

Andy Huang
Bridal Dress Retailer
We were outsiders in this business, but we had our own ideas and felt it was a promising industry. We invited outside designers to create samples that we sold. But there was one year when we were completely beaten. No customers liked our designs. This taught me that design is really important. 

This lesson led Huang to retain designers at all costs who could constantly develop new products. This boss takes his business seriously, paying attention to every detail and using his special skill and experience to keep his bridal clothing empire successful for over two decades.

Starting this business from scratch, he inevitably encountered times of financial difficulty, particularly in challenging economic times. But looking around at the slogans that hang from the wall, it is clear to the employees who have been with him for decades that Huang is able to instill confidence in himself and the people he leads.

Andy Huang
Bridal Dress Retailer
There are many challenges. Of course there are ideals, the market and design. Then there were financial problems and clients who didn’t pay.

For two consecutive years beginning in 1993, Huang had difficulty finding workers. He considered moving overseas, but unlike other Taiwanese businesspeople, he wanted to maintain his headquarters with top designers in Taiwan.

Andy Huang
Bridal Dress Retailer
Our company has a slogan: unity, vitality, happiness. Regardless of difficulties, we must come together, rise up and be active in order to live a happy life. So when we went through difficult times, such as the global financial crisis from 2008 to 2010, our company's performance was still very good.

Huang parachuted in from outside the wedding industry to create this bridal empire, relying on perseverance, confidence and innovation. These soft powers are Taiwan’s strengths.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

    創作者 英倫翻譯社 的頭像

    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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