


[[農委會防檢局局長 張淑賢]]
昨天在17件裡面 有5件鼬獾,確診這個狂犬病。


[[台大小兒感染科主任 黃立民]]
“一個人被病毒感染以後 還是會產生抗體 他會產生免疫反應 慢慢去把病毒清除掉 可是這個病毒感染的過程當中 已經把腦細胞全部破壞掉了 那這個人即使後來病毒清除 可是腦細胞破壞掉就變成植物人 最後等於免不了要死亡”



Government prepares for widespread inoculations as rabies threat grows (2013/07/28)

As the number of animals found infected with rabies continues to grow, the government says it will step up vaccinations. Pets in mountainous areas and people on the front lines of fighting the disease are among those targeted. 

Chang Su-san
Bureau of Quarantine
Among 17 specimens we looked at yesterday, five ferret-badgers were confirmed as having rabies, says Bureau of Quarantine director, Susan Chang.

The new cases were found in Taichung’s Xinshe, Tainan’s Nanhua and Kaohsiung’s Tianliao. The total number of ferret-badgers found infected with rabies stood at 11. Huang Li-min, a pediatrician at National Taiwan University, says that rabies is passed to humans when an infected animal’s saliva enters a wound. If the disease is allowed to progress, most people die. The few that survive typically lose all cognitive function. 

Huang Li-min
NTU Pediatrician
People infected by the virus produce antibodies, says Huang Li-min, a pediatrician at National Taiwan University. Their immune response gradually clears away the virus, but by this time, the damage is already done. The virus destroys brain cells, so even if people rid themselves of the virus, they become vegetables. Death is unavoidable.

The Bureau of Quarantine will import 300,000 doses of vaccine for animals by the end of next month. At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control plans to import 17,000 doses of vaccine and immunoglobulin for humans.

文章出處 :民視英語新聞

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