Brazil launched a program Monday to lure thousands of foreign doctors to fill vacancies in its public health system, a move criticized by many domestic health care professionals.
Improving public health services was one of the key demands made by hundreds of thousands of Brazilians who staged three weeks of nationwide street protests last month.
President Dilma Rousseff said the initiative, which will be implemented by presidential decree, will involve 10,000 posts and an investment of around $1.27 billion.
The government said the three-year posts, with a monthly pay of $4,500, would be filled mainly by Brazilian doctors, but foreign counterparts would also be used to fill the gap.
Those selected will begin working in mid-September, mainly in the country’s hinterland and poor suburbs of major cities.
Foreign applicants must come from countries where there are more than 1.8 doctors per 1,000 inhabitants, such as Spain, Portugal, Argentina or Cuba.
The health ministry said there was a shortage of 54,000 doctors across the country.
But Brazilian doctors’ associations last month slammed the plan to lure foreign doctors, insisting that the problem was not a shortage of doctors but rather poor management and a lack of resources in the public health sector. (AFP)
lure:動詞,引誘、誘惑;以誘餌吸引。例句:The girl was lured into a car but managed to escape.(女孩被誘引進入車內,但設法逃脫了。)
counterpart:名詞,相對應的人或物。例句:Brazilian finance minister held talks with his French counterpart. (巴西財政部長和法國財政部長舉行會談。)
hinterland:內地;內陸較偏遠的地區。例句:There’s lots of cheap land in the hinterlands.(內陸有很多便宜的土地。)
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