
雲林縣為了要促銷盛產的高麗菜,從17日起一連三天只要憑農業博覽會參觀的票根,就可以免費兌換一顆高麗菜,17 日限量一千顆,18,19兩天加碼每天三千顆。


[[雲林縣長 蘇治芬]]


[[煎餃業者 蔡榮泉]]


Visitors to the Yunlin Agriculture Expo this weekend will have the chance to walk away with free cabbage. The giveaway is meant to support local cabbage farmers. 

Handing out free cabbage to visitors at the Yunlin Agriculture Expo is County Commissioner Su Chih-fen.

Su Chih-fen 
Yunlin County Commissioner
We’re distributing cabbage for three days in a row on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It’s harvest season, but prices are low and farmers are having trouble recouping their costs. Four companies gathered to support them by buying cabbage for distribution.

This promotional activity is helping not only to attract interest in the expo but also support cabbage prices.

Tsai Rong-chuan 
Dumpling Company Manager
We have always had annual contracts to procure our cabbage from Yunlin County. This time, the county government hosted this promotional activity to help Yunlin farmers.

Expo visitors were happy to accept this gift. Large families received several heads which they planned to give to friends and family or use in dumplings and kimchi. They said they will make sure that the cabbage doesn’t go to waste.


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