



[[中華統一促進黨總裁 張安樂(白狼)]]


[[中華統一促進黨總裁 張安樂(白狼)]]


Tension was high today at the Legislative Yuan when a former leader of the Bamboo Union gang and pro-China activist confronted student protesters. Chang An-lo compared the students to kidnappers and demanded that they leave the lawmaking body. 

Dozens of bodyguards decked in black shirts escorted Chang An-lo, also known as the White Wolf, outside the Legislative Yuan. 

After stopping he immediately shouted the word “bandits,” accusing the students of illegally occupying the Legislative Yuan. 

Chang An-lo
China Unification Promotion Party
The Legislature belongs to the public. It is not theirs. This is equal to someone blackmailing your family, or bandits kidnapping your grandson and then saying that he’s one of their bargaining chips. Your grandson is in their hands and how much do you want to pay? By making the Legislative Yuan their home, they are acting in the same way. 

Chang also took his turn at police, accusing them of doing nothing and failing to take responsibility.

Chang An-lo
China Unification Promotion Party
Today our police suffer dereliction of duty, with the students and the police acting illegally. If you don’t evict them, there will be social costs which could lead to greater social unrest. And who is to blame? The police.

Chang’s group encountered those opposing the trade-in-services pact at the corner of Zhongxiao East Road and Zhenjiang Street this afternoon with police in the middle, separating both sides. A few clashes erupted, though both sides eventually backed down. Chang vowed to return if the students don’t leave.

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    英倫翻譯社/ Trsmaster

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