A cafe on the French Riviera has gained international notoriety after reminding customers to mind their manners.
What started as a local joke generated an internet buzz after a diner tweeted the sign outside the Petite Syrah in Nice on the Cote d’Azur.
In an attempt to turn the tables on customers who complain that serving staff are rude, the manager warned he would hit impolite customers where it hurts, in the pocket.
A sign outside the establishment states: "Un cafe - EUR7 "Un cafe s’il vous plait - EUR4.25 "Bonjour, un cafe, s’il vous plait - EUR1.40."
這家店外的招牌寫著:「一杯咖啡─7 歐元。麻煩您,一杯咖啡─4.25歐元。日安,一杯咖啡,麻煩您─1.40歐元。」
The appeal for some old-fashioned savoir-vivre clearly touched a nerve around the world. Within hours, the story went viral on Twitter.
The manager, Fabrice Pepino, said he had not yet had to enforce the politeness policy, and admitted the sign was more of a gentle reminder than a serious threat.
"It started as a joke because at lunchtime people would come in very stressed and were sometimes rude to us when they ordered a coffee," said Pepino. "It’s our way of saying: ’Keep calm and carry on.’"
He added: "Most of my customers are regulars and they just see the funny side and exaggerate their politeness." "But people are more relaxed now, and they’re smiling more. That’s the most important thing."
mind one’s manners:指行為舉止彬彬有禮,如Didn’t your mother teach you to mind your manners?(你母親難道沒有教你要注意禮貌嗎?)
hit somebody where it hurts:片語,指故意做某事好盡可能地讓某人生氣,踩某人痛腳,如If you want to hit her where it really hurts, tell her she’s putting on weight again.(假如你真的想讓她氣到跳腳,就跟她說她又變胖了。)
文章出處:<a href="">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞