Always keeping things cheery, the yellow smiley face is one of the world's best-known symbols. The earliest smiley face was seen on movie posters in the 1950s. Then in 1963, an insurance company in Massachusetts wanted to create a cheerier atmosphere, so they hired Harvey Ball to make a button design for its employees to wear. Ball came up with a simple grin with two eyes on a yellow background. The popularity of the smiley face took off in the 1970s with Bernard and Murray Spain. The brothers added the slogan, "Have a nice day," to their design of the smiley face. Still a symbol of friendliness and joy, the smiley face has smiled its place into history.
這個總是讓每件事物都歡欣不已的黃色笑臉圖案是全世界最知名的標誌之一。最早的笑臉圖案出現在1950年代的許多電影海報上。後來在1963年,由於一家麻州的保險公司想在辦公室裡製造更歡樂的氛圍,因此他們雇用哈維?鮑爾來替給員工們佩戴用的胸章設計一個圖案。鮑爾於是想出一個以黃色為底、再加上咧嘴微笑和兩顆眼睛的圖樣。後來這個笑臉更因伯納德和莫瑞?史班兄弟倆在1970年代開始大受歡迎。這兩兄弟為他們所設計的笑臉再加上了一句標語:「Have a nice day」。這個笑臉如今仍是友善和歡樂的象徵,並且還在歷史中「笑」佔一席之地呢。 

文章出處:<a href="">自由時報電子報中英對照新聞


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