Gwendolyn Boyd, the new president of Alabama State University, signed a contract with the school’s trustees that forbids her from allowing a lover to ’’cohabitate’’ with her in the presidential home being provided to her by the historically black university in Montgomery.
Lawyer Raymond Cotton, an expert on contracts, said he has never seen such a proviso written into a contract for a university president.
"I don’t know of any state that has the right to invade someone’s residence even if the state owns that residence", he said.
Boyd was born and raised in Montgomery and earned a bachelor’s degree from Alabama State.
She then went to Yale University where she earned a master’s in mechanical engineering and worked for years at Johns Hopkins University.
cohabitate:動詞,同居、姘居。例句:People who cohabitate first may tend to get divorced easier.(先同居的人或許比較容易離婚。)
proviso:名詞,條件、但書。例句:You can borrow this book, with the proviso that you return it to me in 2 days.(你可以借這本書,條件是你要在2天內還我。)
invade:動詞,侵犯、侵略。例句:The general’s decision to invade was a costly mistake.(將軍決定入侵是個慘痛的錯誤。)
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