2021/06/21 05:30
Anyone who thought the world had four oceans will now have to think again, after the National Geographic Society announced it would recognize a new Southern Ocean in Antarctica, bringing the global total to five.

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2021/06/17 05:30


After 139 years at 807 Franklin St. in San Francisco, a two-story Victorian house has a new address.


The green home with large windows and a brown front door was loaded onto giant dollies and moved to a location six blocks away. Onlookers lined the sidewalks to snap photos as the structure rolled at a top speed of 1 mph to 635 Fulton St.


Veteran house mover Phil Joy said this move is tricky in part because the first part of the journey involves going downhill. Along the route, parking meters were ripped up, tree limbs were trimmed and traffic signs were relocated.


The owner of the six-bedroom house, San Francisco broker Tim Brown, will pay about $400,000 in fees.(AP)



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2021/06/16 05:30

Vaxxing, not waxing, is the new must-do before a hot date, with dating apps joining the White House on Friday to promote Covid-19 shots.約會軟體週五加入白宮宣導接種新型冠狀病毒疫苗的行動,現在在火辣約會赴約前新的必做事項,是打疫苗,而非除毛。
Tinder, Hinge, Match, OkCupid, BLK, Chispa, Plenty of Fish, Bumble, and Badoo are all adding vaccination status to the more expected details on dating profiles as part of a rollout over the next few weeks.
Tinder、Hinge、Match、OkCupid、BLK、Chispa、Plenty of Fish、Bumble和Badoo,都將在幾週內推出這項行動,在交友個人檔案中加入疫苗接種狀況。
Getting the shot may also do more for lovers than keep them healthy, the White House said in a statement.

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2021/06/14 05:30
Sleeping pills prescribed to millions of people every year do not work in the long term, a study has found.

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2021/06/10 05:30
When it comes to saving sea turtles, Israeli rescuers have discovered that mayonnaise is a miracle.說到拯救海龜時,以色列救援隊發現美乃滋可以帶來奇蹟。
Employees at Israel’s National Sea Turtle Rescue Center are treating endangered green sea turtles affected by a devastating oil spill.
The spill was known to be one of the country’s worst ecological disasters on record, which has coated most of Israel’s 195 kilometers of Mediterranean coastline with sticky tar.

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