2021/06/28 05:30
A gigantic dinosaur discovered in Australia’s outback has been identified as a new species and recognised as one of the largest to ever roam the Earth, according to palaeontologists.據古生物學家表示,在澳洲內陸發現的一種巨型恐龍已被認定為新物種,是曾在地球上出沒的體型最大恐龍之一。

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2021/06/24 05:30


Cuba has approved a long called-for decree on animal welfare in what some rights activists are hailing as an unusual triumph of civil society in the Communist-run country where animal sacrifice and cock and dog fighting remain commonplace.


For decades though, animal rights activists have called for legislation on animal welfare, largely through official channels in the one-party state.


In recent years, frustrated with the slow pace of change, a younger generation has opted to exert pressure on authorities with marches, protests in public spaces and social media campaigns.


"This has set an example for all communities that want their voice to be heard," said Beatriz Batista, 23, who has become one of the leaders of the movement. "You have to pressure, pressure."(Reuters)



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Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative, a utility company based in the southern Arizona city of Willcox, was notified Monday morning that a bear was tangled in power pole wires on the outskirts of town.


Werner Neubauer, a company lineman, said they immediately disabled the power so the animal would not get electrocuted. Neubauer then went up in a bucket lift and used an 2-meter fiberglass stick to try to nudge the bear to go down. He even tried talking to it.


’’I told him I was gonna help him get down the pole,’’ Neubauer said. ’’I know he couldn’t understand me. But it did get his attention.’’


After grabbing and biting the stick at times, the bear eventually climbed down and ran off into the desert.(AP)




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The producer of a movie about the Christchurch terror attacks in New Zealand has pulled out of the project after mounting criticism over the film.一部關於紐西蘭基督城恐怖攻擊的電影的製片人,在電影受到的批評不斷增加後,退出了這個計畫。
The movie, They Are Us, is supposed to focus on Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s role during the 2019 shooting at two Christchurch mosques.

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2021/06/21 05:30
Anyone who thought the world had four oceans will now have to think again, after the National Geographic Society announced it would recognize a new Southern Ocean in Antarctica, bringing the global total to five.

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