2023/10/31 05:30




Bobi, who was this year ordained the oldest dog in the world by Guinness World Records, has died at the ripe old age of 31, his owner said.


Bobi lived on a farm in the village of Conqueiros in Portugal with Leonel Costa and four cats. He was born on May 11, 1992, when his owner was just 8 years old.


In an interview earlier this year, Costa told the Associated Press that Bobi’s secret to a long life was good food, fresh air and lots of love. “Bobi eats what we eat,” said Costa. What’s more, Bobi had never been put on a leash.


Bobi claimed the Guinness World Record from Bluey, an Australian cattle dog, who died in 1939 aged 29 and had held the record for almost a century.

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2023/10/30 05:30

U.S. regulators on Tuesday authorized another option for fall COVID-19 vaccination, updated shots made by Novavax.


Updated vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna began rolling out last month, intended for adults and children as young as age 6 months. Now the Food and Drug Administration has added another choice – reformulated Novavax shots open to anyone age 12 and older.


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2023/10/26 05:30

On Feb. 14, 1904, someone curious about the emerging possibilities of a key force of nature checked out James Clerk Maxwell’s "An Elementary Treatise on Electricity" from the New Bedford Free Public Library.


It would take 119 years and the sharp eyes of a librarian in West Virginia before the scientific text finally found its way back to the library.


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2023/10/25 05:30
Ottawa on Friday spelled out how a new law requiring digital giants to pay publishers for news content will work in practice, including how much it could cost Meta and Google.


The government estimated it could cost the two companies a combined Can$230 million by requiring them to make fair commercial deals with Canadian outlets for the news and information that is shared on their platforms, or face binding arbitration.


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2023/10/24 05:30
Vikings had windows, meaning Norsemen dignitaries sat in rooms lit up by apertures with glass, Danish researchers said Thursday. The glass panes can be dated from long before the churches and castles of the Middle Ages, they said.


“This is yet another shift away from the image of unsophisticated barbaric Vikings swinging their swords around,” said Mads Dengsø Jessen, a senior researcher with the National Museum in Copenhagen.


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