Bombed by Yarn
新塗鴉藝術 毛線大轟炸
英倫翻譯 圖文摘自
Hobbies have become more than just something to do. They have inspired whole movements and even changed the world. For example, people now farm in the city and crowds suddenly start dancing in the middle of public spaces. Now, knitting is taking center stage. All around the world, public benches, trees, and statues are being yarn bombed. One day they look normal. The next day, they are covered in specially designed yarn suits.
The movement is thought to have been started by Magda Sayeg from Texas. One slow day in 2005, Sayeg knitted a cozy for her shop's door handle. People adored it, and some even jumped out of their cars to get a closer look. Later, she covered a stop sign post down the road.