

Forty years ago a movement launched voluntary blood donations in Taiwan. Tomorrow the Taiwan Blood Services Foundation will mark this anniversary. 

Taiwan now has the highest blood donation rate in the world. Its achievements have earned the praise of international health organizations.


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[[聲源: 受害消費者]]

亞洲航空給旅客的通知裡,為台北 - 卡里波航線暫時取消道歉,承諾"可改搭其他航班、或半年內折抵訂票,不然也可以選擇退款,但旅客飯店、簽證的損失卻隻字不提。

[[民航局空運組副組長 韓振華]]


Consumers should beware of low cost airlines offering packages that are too good to be true. Last month Air Asia offered roundtrip tickets to Boracay for as little as NT$3,000. Unfortunately, the airline later cancelled the route with no warning and left travelers having to cover the cost of hotel reservations and visa fees. 

Boracay in the Philippines is one of the most popular tourist destinations for locals. Last month, the budget airline Air Asia launched an ultra-low roundtrip fare for just NT$3,000, including tax. People who snapped up the tickets never thought a flight scheduling problem would lead the airline to cancel the route.

Voice of Irate Consumer
We heard the route was cancelled from a backpacker hostel. We were nervous and called and wrote a letter, but their service staff said they had no information. From Friday we made inquiries. It was not until Tuesday evening that we received a letter. We will never consider flying Air Asia again.

Air Asia sent a notice to passengers that the Taipei-Kalibo route would be suspended. It apologized and promised that tickets could be re-routed or applied as credit for future booking to be used within six months. Travelers could also elect to get a full refund. But it would not offer compensation for losses associated with hotel or visa fees.

Han Chen-hua
CAA Air Transport Division 
As long as travelers can prove that the airlines caused these losses, the airlines should be held responsible. Passengers must show proof of damage, and the request for compensation must be reasonable.

The Civil Aeronautics Administration warned the airlines to properly manage the situation. Otherwise, it could cancel its application for local air routes.

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[[中研院研究員 瞿海源]]
他那樣出來還嘻皮笑臉,還在笑,所以我在喊口號,他們不聽我喊了啦,他們就叫他下台 下台 下台,我這個總指揮只好消音了啦。



[[中研院研究員 瞿海源]]


The leader of yesterday’s protest at the Academia Sinica is urging President Ma Ying-jeou to restore balance of power between the legislative and executive branches. Sinica member Chiu Hei-yuan accuses Ma of abusing his role as KMT party chairman to control the party’s legislative caucus and influence its decision making. 

Chiu Hei-yuan
Academia Sinica 
The way he smiled and chuckled caused the demonstrators to shout resign, resign, resign. As commander I was yelling out, but I was still silenced by the other demonstrators.

Chiu was referring to an expression and a gesture President Ma made yesterday when facing protesters. Chiu’s motivation for gathering more than 100 protesters yesterday, including many Academia Sinica members, was the perceived failure of the president to address concerns of students who protested the services trade pact Taiwan signed with China.

Chiu urged Ma to give up his role as chairman of the KMT in order to return power back to the Legislature.

Chiu Hei-yuan
Academia Sinica 
The legislative and executive branches balance each other out. Various branches of government must be separated. So how can there be one person who controls both the Legislature and the Cabinet? This damages constitutional government. I hope he rewrites party regulations so the president doesn’t automatically serve as chairman of the party.

This was the first time in Taiwan such a large contingent of Academia Sinica members and staff joined together in protest against a sitting president. They are urging Ma to follow popular will.

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[[行政院長 江宜樺]]



[[立委(民) 陳亭妃]]
“我們現在公投法 ,所設定的雙門檻,根本就是騙人的,而且就是國民黨


Premier Jiang Yi-huah criticized draft legislation that would allow a simple majority of voters to decide whether work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant should end. The proposal put forward by the DPP would bypass the high turnout required under current referendum law. 

This is what the premier said about the DPP’s proposed special statute for the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant referendum.

Jiang Yi-huah
They want to lower the threshold for the referendum pertaining to the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. For an issue they want passed, they want the threshold eliminated so a simple majority is enough. This is incredibly careless and irresponsible. It’s as if they’re treating our referendum system like a game.

Under current law, it is highly difficult to pass a referendum. The proposed DPP statute eliminates one threshold – on requiring that at least half of all eligible voters participate for the vote to be valid – as was the case for a 2009 referendum held in Penghu County on gambling.

After the premier’s comments, the DPP continued this tit-for-tat.

Chen Ting-fei
DPP Legislator
The two thresholds established by our Referendum Act are a scam. They act like a “birdcage” that the KMT has built to restrict referendums and protect itself.

The DPP hopes to send its bill to the Procedure Committee next week, but with KMT lawmakers holding a majority, the party may have trouble getting it through.

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[[國民黨榮譽主席 連戰]]


[[北市長候選人丁守中兒子 丁世傑]]


KMT members will go to the polls tomorrow to cast their votes for the party’s nominee in the Taipei mayoral race. Today leading contenders Sean Lien and Ting Shou-chung made a last push to gain the support of city residents. 

Among family members stumping today was KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan, father of candidate Sean Lien.

Lien Chan
KMT Honorary Chairman
In order to provide a boost to our democracy, everyone should be polite and friendly for this intra-party election. Everyone should come together in harmony to help Sean (Lien) win this primary to run for Taipei mayor. 

Another candidate, Ting Shou-chung, was supported by his son and wife.

Ting Shi-jie
Ting Shou-chung’s Son
We want to help take some of the burden off Dad. We all support Dad and are filled with confidence.

The two-part primary consists of an already concluded telephone poll that accounts for 70 percent of final weighting. Tomorrow’s intraparty vote accounts for the remaining 30 percent. Results are expected to be announced tomorrow.

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