


馬總統憑什麼代表政府給承諾,內政部長陳威仁,被問的啞口無言,雖然有法律方面的辯論, 不過核四爭議的僵局仍未解。

When President Ma Ying-jeou left a card for Lin Yi-hsiung on Wednesday, he hoped to extend an olive branch to the former DPP chairman by pledging a referendum on the nuclear power issue. Instead, Lin responded on Thursday with an open letter that said Ma did not have the power to make such a promise on constitutional grounds.

On Wednesday, President Ma left a card for Lin Yi-hsiung pledging that a referendum on the fourth nuclear power plant’s future would be held after safety tests had been completed. Lin, trained as a lawyer, answered Ma on Thursday.

Aside from thanking Ma for his wishes, he wrote that a president’s responsibilities are limited to foreign affairs and the military and do not cover nuclear power. Thus, a president does not have the power to interfere with the issue or make any promises. He also accused Ma of lacking constitutional wisdom and knowledge of the law.

When asked by a legislator why President Ma could make a promise on behalf of the government, Interior Minister Chen Wei-zen had trouble answering. Amid the legal semantics, however, the stalemate was no closer to being solved.

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The DPP mobilized 3,000 people this evening in a show of support for former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung. Lin is on a hunger strike to pressure the government into stopping work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Participants held hands, starting from Gikong Church located on Xinyi Road Section 3 and stretching all the way to Ketagalan Boulevard. 

At 8:14 this evening, participants simultaneously flashed their cell phone lights, sending a signal to the Presidential Office that they request a halt to the nuclear power plant project. 

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Taiwan Souvenir Exhibition
A four-day Taiwan souvenir exhibition will continue through the weekend at Taipei World Trade Center. While several vendors have individual displays, others are cooperating with local governments. A special Yunlin display features local coffee, carrot juice and other products. The exhibition offers an excellent chance to try a variety of local Taiwanese specialties in one location.

Wedding Exhibition
Also taking place at the Taipei World Trade Center is a wedding exhibition. Besides lavish wedding dresses and apparel, banquet merchants have made typical wedding fare more opulent through gold leaf infusions. The wedding exhibition lasts through Monday.

International Travel Fair
At the World Trade Center Taichung an international travel fair is taking place through Monday. Over 300 travel agents, hotels and other merchants are present, many offering steep discounts on domestic and international trips.

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The Army has grounded its fleet of Apache helicopters after one crashed into a building during a training exercise today. 

The accident, which occurred in Taoyuan, is suspected to have been caused by a mechanical failure. Fortunately, the pilot and co-pilot on board were rescued and suffered only minor abrasions.

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[[爸爸非核陣線執行長 池國平]]
那在這裡也呼籲所有民眾理性 和平,但也要呼籲馬政府,要預防民眾衝突最好的方式是,你悔悟 立即停建核四。



[[導演 柯一正]]


Anti-nuclear groups and a pan-green alliance have a slate of anti-nuclear activities planned for Saturday. They will hold a protest run and occupy an area in front of the Presidential Office as a way of expressing opposition to the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. 

Box after box of anti-nuclear T-shirts and hats are being readied for Saturday’s anti-nuclear road race. 

In addition to numbers for the runners and manuals instructing people about what to do in case of a nuclear disaster, other items such as towels, purses, and piggy banks are being offered by the anti-nuclear NGO Papa No Nuke. Organizers are calling on everyone to turn out for a nuclear-free homeland

Chi Kuo-ping
Papa No Nuke
We ask everyone to act rationally and peacefully. We also warn the Ma administration that the best way to prevent civil strife is to show regret and immediately halt the project.

The road race will include a nuclear monster that will chase runners from behind. 

Film director Ko Yi-cheng said that concerns for the health of former DPP Chairman Lin Yi-hsiung, who is continuing his hunger fast, may enrage participants.

Ko Yi–cheng
Lin Yi-hsiung is like a spiritual leader to us. If proper treatment is not given Saturday or Sunday, this old man will keep getting weaker and weaker. I think the situation is something that (President Ma) can neither control nor repair.

Later in the day, a pan-green alliance will take over activities. It has planned an occupation of Ketagalan Boulevard that will begin at 3 pm and continue until the following morning.

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