[[台北市長 郝龍斌]]
[[北市捷運工程局東工處長 陳耀維]]
新園區佔地五公頃,耗資20億, 預計會有13項大型遊樂設施。新樂園中包括摩天輪以及碰碰車等六項,都是現在圓山兒童樂園裡, 大受歡迎的設施,到時也會在新樂園中重新登場。
Taipei mayor oversees test of new Ferris wheel (2013/06/10)
Construction on Taipei Children’s Amusement Park has reached the halfway point. Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin visited the site Monday and witnessed a test run of 52-meter Ferris wheel.
This is the location of the Taipei Children’s Amusement Park, which is scheduled to be fully operational in fall of next year.
Hau Lung-bin
Taipei Mayor
Next year the Taipei Children’s Amusement Park will be open and there will be shuttle busses providing connections to the Taipei Astronomical Museum, National Taiwan Science Education Museum and Mei-lun Park, making it easy to come here.