

[[總統 馬英九]]


[[前行政院長 張俊雄]]
“我們竟然留下這個毒(核廢料) ,給土地跟我們的子子孫孫,有幾萬年的毒品,為了貪圖我們幾十年發電的方便,我們這樣做對嗎,我心裡好痛”

[[前行政院長 謝長廷]]


Former DPP chairman Lin Yi-hsiung is in the second day of a hunger strike to oppose work on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant. Lin has vowed not to receive visitors but several stopped by to express sympathy, including the president. 

As President Ma Ying-jeou’s motorcade approached Gikong Church, a group of people began to shout out in protest. Ma was unable to visit Lin, but he left behind a card expressing his sentiments.

President Ma Ying-jeou
I am willing to represent the government in pledging after strict security reviews are performed by domestic and foreign experts, the fate of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant will be put to a referendum.

A former DPP premier argues that even if operations at the plant are safe, it will impact Taiwan for generations.

Chang Chun-hsiung 
Former Premier 
We will leave the poison of (nuclear waste) in the earth for our children and grandchildren for tens of thousands of years simply for the convenience of generating power for a few dozen years. Is this the right? I am saddened by this.

Frank Hsieh 
Former Premier 
Around the world there are nuclear power plants that have passed safety inspections yet experienced disaster. Therefore, I don’t think we can’t rely on these safety checks.

Other visitors who stopped by and expressed sympathy for Lin included Taipei Mayor Hau Lung-bin, independent candidate for Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je and former President Chen Shui-bian’s son, Chen Chih-chung.

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Climbing Yushan, Taiwan’s tallest mountain, is a challenge for even those who are fully fit. But when 20-year-old Kuo Wei-chi scaled the peak on Wednesday, it was a truly remarkable feat because she’s missing parts of all four of her limbs. 

Wearing prosthetics on both of her legs made climbing the uneven rocky path difficult. As she moved into higher altitudes, fatigue and pain accompanied every step.

Eventually, one of Kuo Wei-chi’s prosthetics had problems and the adhesive strip helping hold it in place peeled off. After removing the artificial limb, the source of Kuo’s pain became clear, her leg red and swollen from friction.

When Kuo was 7 years old, she developed septicemia after catching a cold and had to have parts of all four limbs amputated. 

After finally making it to the 3,952-meter-high peak, the teary-eyed Kuo gripped a funeral portrait of her grandfather in her mouth, the climb having been made with him at her side. 

In all, Kuo needed 15 hours to scale East Asia’s highest mountain, about twice the norm. But her hard work brought tears of joy, her decision to challenge the impossible finally rewarded.

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[[台北市議員(民) 簡余晏]]


Taipei City councilors drew attention to Taipei’s traffic, which can be categorized by bottlenecks and long delays during rush hour. City councilors even measured average auto speeds during rush hour, identifying the top 10 areas with traffic congestion as they called upon municipal authorities to address the problem. 

One section of Guangfu South Road frequently experiences motorcycle and scooter accidents while at the other end, a group seeking protection for local trees has blocked the road in protest. During rush hour, average speeds traveling north on Guangfu South Road are just 17.1 kilometers per hour. This section of road has the infamous honor of being the slowest road in Taipei.

To find out how slow is 17.1 km an hour we watch this small truck stuck in traffic as it slowly makes it way, and to the right, we see YouBike starting to overtake it. 

Chien Yu-yen 
DPP Taipei City Councilor 
(Adjusting) traffic lights so they are coordinated and people don’t need to wait at one red light after another. The present situation is really like a turtle race.

Taipei said it was willing to adjust traffic lights to increase the speed of traffic flows. However, it did add that some adjustments may not be possible such as allowing left turns on some roads as vehicle and pedestrian safety cannot be sacrificed.

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[[德明財經科大副教授 花敬群]]


Raising the tax for apartments that are not occupied by the owner from 1.2 to 3.6 percent may not be a big enough increase for some experts. They say that for some luxury apartments this increase wouldn’t be more than a month of maintenance fees. 

Hua Ching-chung
Takming University of Science and Technology
The stated results would be much larger than the actual effect, as this tax adjustment will be relatively weak. To be more effective we will have to undergo comprehensive tax reform which is more reasonable.

Responding to the criticism of these scholars, Finance Minister Chang Sheng-ford says that raising the tax is just one possible remedy as they may also research other tax measures to control property prices

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[[台大急診部主任 鄭銘泰]]




Debate over the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant continues. Today legislators raised questions about emergency medical care in case of a nuclear accident as they toured National Taiwan University Hospital to learn about protocols and preparedness. They were surprised to find the hospital only had one room dedicated to those requiring treatment after serious radiation exposure.

A technician maneuvers a Geiger counter around this patient’s body, scanning it from top to bottom. Those suffering major injuries associated with a nuclear disaster are to be sent directly to National Taiwan University Hospital. Both patients and doctors need to be carefully screened for radiation exposure. 

Cheng Ming-tai 
NTU Emergency Department Director 
These two (items) are used to detect radiation. The one that looks bigger can check a larger area.

However, there are only 17 such hospital rooms able to perform this decontamination in northern Taiwan, with NTU having only one such room. 

Although NTU believes the number of patients could dramatically increase in case of an accident, it believes patients can be transferred to Tri-Service General Hospital or Taipei Veterans General Hospital, with only the most serious cases not being able to be transferred. 

Today’s visit only added to legislators’ concerns that hospitals such as NTU are poorly prepared in case of a nuclear disaster. 

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